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Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:53 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.09.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.30.2007 - Mr. Wim Dankbaar Posted this Headline about Tiger In The Rain, a book about Mr. Robert Clayton Buick (RCB). This book discusses the early life, and developmental history of Mr. Robert Clayton Buick, in a very well documented fashion. A discussion then developed here that disclosed some interesting facts, and points of specific information that very few are aware of even today. Many of you will find these noteworthy in your advanced studies of JFK, LHO, the CIA, and the Chicago Outfit, etc.Bob is currently working on his 10th book, and several advanced projects that are eye opening, and equallyprovocative.I own his complete body of works, and much additional material provided to me from RCB. I would strongly recommend an intelligent, close reading of all of his material. His Sequential Time Line Analysis for some Subject Matter's is incredible, especially JFK, LHO, the CIA, The Chicago Outfit, The Mafia, and many inter-related Subject Matter's from that decade.Read and study his material and form your own opinions. At the least, he fills in some very crucial pieces of some puzzles. Opinions will vary, but the objective reader and student will definitely learn new facts and information.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whowho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:32 pm
by Dealey Joe
I found an interesting book called "The Men On The Sixth Floor"it is a simply written story originating right here in South Eastern Oklahome.It is available from Amazon on Kindle.I would be interested in you all's opinion?

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:53 am
by Slav

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:47 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.19.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Robert Clayton Buick's involvement with the CIA began in the 1960's. His career as a legendary Bull Fighter in Mexico and America played well into investigations into LHO in Mexico. RCB's cover was better than anyHollywood script writer could imagine and write.His life, and works are well documented. Some of his contacts were incredible, and revealing. Who, what, when, where, how, and why are meticulously addressed, and connected with mind blowing detail and documentation.The first book about him was written in 1992, long before the JFK Hoopla began. His desire was to disappear into the sunset, and remain invisible. But as with J, others sought him out, and his activities were circulated.RCB, J, and B have been, and remain extremely close, confidential friends through today. Our inter-workings and machinations, along with our assets, and contacts has proven invaluable together over the years. Slowly, and meticulously we have pieced together puzzles that have escaped many.Reading his entire body of works would prove very beneficial to the serious minded JFK Researcher. He connects many dots. Please note that RCB has nine (9) books that are currently available. I have listed them completely in another Post and Headline. He is working on new material as late as today.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:33 am
by Bighunter43
Bruce, it's been along time since I've posted on here, but I follow it alot! I really enjoy hearing about your connections with Jimmy and now Mr. Buick. Based on your connections, what are your thoughts on Buick saying that Wallace fired from the TSBD? I trust your thoughts on that if you would be willing to share them.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 7:16 am
by dankbaar
Bruce, Buick may well have been involved with the CIA, but he contradicts Jimmy's story on several accounts.And there is no way he can prove that Roselli told him essentially the same story that Jimmy did later. Or is there? That would be helpful.Wim

Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
11.17.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.30.2007 - Mr. Willem Dankbaar first Posted this eye catching Headline.Mr. Robert Clayton Buick is one of the very few living people who has hadsubstantial involvement with actions and people before, during, and afterthe JFK Assassination - Coup d'etat. A majority of his activities have beensubstantially validated going back decades to the 1950's and 1960's, andbeyond.People's opinions vary about everybody and everything related to The JFK Event.Do your own work. There are no silver bullets.Read "Riding The Tiger's Back" written in 1992 first, before all of theJFK hoopla began. Then make your own evaluations about going forwardwith reading RCB's other books.I strongly recommend that you read all or RCB's books. His documentation, research, and writing are powerful.You may be able to determine why his latest book and manuscript have beenblocked as nobody wanted to publish it in 2013 before 11.22.2013. But certainlyno shortage of anybody or anything that supports The Lone Nut Theory.Remember that "they" will never change the history books.I have all of RCB's books and manuscripts. And he is a very close personalfriend of J and B.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:11 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.05.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:TIGER IN THE RAIN, by Robert Clayton Buick, 2006, was First Published by Author House, on 02.14.2006. Printed in the United States of America, Bloomington, Indiana.This is the Second of Ten (10) books chronicling the life history, and times of Robert Clayton Buick. His acquaintances, associates, business contacts, Chicago Outfit Contacts, CIA contacts, enemies, FBI contacts, friends, governmental contacts, Mafia Contacts from Califrnia, Florida, Mexico, New Orleans, New York, and elsewhere are unbelievable - except they are true, and documented.Robert Clayton Buick's (RCB's) involvment with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Atlee Phillips, Frank Sturgis, RichardCase Nagell, and others were well documented, and writing about RCB in Mexico in 1963 began in 1988 by Phillip Hemenway's book RIDING THE TIGER'S BACK.The very first book written in 1992 was by Phillip Hemenway dedicated IN MEMORIAM OF RICARD von KLEIST,and lays the beginnings and groundwork for the incredible life of Robert Clayton Buick. RIDING THE TIGER'SBACK is eye-opening, in depth, and revealing about material that may be totally unfamiliar to 90% of the JFKResearch Community.I personally think that this RCB's recounting of LHO is possibly the most important ever written about LHO.Remember that The JFK Removal was Totally Compartmentalized, and On A Need To Know Basis. Opinionsand recollections vary. Stories and tales greatly varied. But the core of the facts remain essentially the samefrom some of these inter-connected people who have spoken honestly with nothing to gain.RCB and B spent hours conversing and reviewing The JFK Removal this week as we often do. RCB's details about LHO, David Atlee Phillips, Frank Sturgiss, Richard Case Nagell, Johnny Rosselli, and many others isoverall very exacting for a man in his 80's. We have remained good friends for years, and I have learned much from him.As always, I stongly recommend that you make sure that you independently read, research, and study to develop your own perspectives, and opinions on all Subject Matter's, especially JFK and Related Subject Matter Material.EXAMPLE: Years ago in the second week of a CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURES GRADUATE SCHOOLCLASS, the Professor, a Former Famed Trial Court Lawyer, Trial Court Judge, and then an Appellate CourtJudge held a surprise experiment.Two (2) male students, one blond haired, and one with brown hair, burst into the class room, and charged the Professor. The blond male was pale skinned, and the brunette male sported a light tan.The blond haired male yelled and screamed. The brunette haired male merely held a CAP GUN, SIX (6) SHOT REVOLVER, and never spoke.The brunette male fired three (3) CAP SHOTS.Both ran out.On the way In a Very Attractive LONG HAIRED, buxom, blond female with No Glasses held the door open, then left. After the three (3) CAP SHOTS THE TWO (2) WHITE MALES RAN OUT, and a very studious looking, librarian type female with SHORT RED HAIR, and Wearing Large Glasses, held the door open, then left.The Professor then distributed a 50 Question Multiple Choice Form Questionnaire, and with 10 Essay Questions.The "Whole Exam" was based upon Police Type Questions for Eye Witnesse Reports for a Shooting Crime Scene,and for use for Grand Jury and Jury Trial Procedures.This was the most seemingly perfect clinical conditions for a HAND GUN SHOOTING SCENARIO WITH TWO (2) PERPETRATOR'S, AND ONE (1) REVOLVER HAND GUN, WITH THREE (3) SHOTS FIRED OUT OF A SIX (6)SHOT CAPACITY.These QUESTIONS WERE answered by 60 Above Average, High Grade Point College Graduate Students. They were in as an ideal of witness conditions in a Graduate School, sitting in a comfortable class room environment, good lighting, good visibility, unobstructed views, etc., etc. And immediately questioned. No discussion wasallowed until the Questionnaire was completed and collected.Simply put there was less than 50% accuracy in all of the Test Results given immediately after the Incident,in Near Perfect Conditions.The Answers and Narratives ran the gamut from being slightly wrong, to appearing as if the "Eye Witnesses" were not even physically present. Wrong hair colors, wrong racial identification, wrong sex identification,wrong weapons, wrong number of weapons, wrong type of weapons, wrong number of shots fired, wrong language, misidentification of both females, and speaking part mis-identifications, etc., etc.This begs the Questions about Reports about The JFK Removal 52+ years later not only from Eye WitnessAccounts, but for All Forms of Forensic, and Interpretive Analysis, days, weeks, months, years and decadeslater.Think about that as you read, research, and study yourself going forward. Read, research, and study critically. In some cases your Analytical Opinion can be as good, or better than those who came beforeyou. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:22 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
You may be able to determine why his latest book and manuscript have beenblocked as nobody wanted to publish it in 2013 before 11.22.2013. But certainlyno shortage of anybody or anything that supports The Lone Nut Theory.Bruce I know that feeling very well...As we searched out publishers for our manuscript "Walking The Razor's Edge" The Dutchman and The Baron seems the moment the JFK assassination was mentioned doors began to close.It's like the minute the subject matter is mentioned the great RED BUTTON is pushed and it's an instant no ,we don't publish on that subject. Over and over again we experienced this .We learned that European and mainly Great Britain publishers are much more willing to take a look and be open minded about publishing this subject.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:26 pm
by Dealey Joe
I tried reading his book a while back.I just do not believe him. I'm sure he has been around and some of his story is real but some is not, which part is the truth?