What does the world think of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by ChristophMessner »

I guess this is, what the world thinks of the U.S.A.: - tiny minority of world population, caring too much about only themselves- having low educated average population electing stupid "leaders" while money rules- still number one in environment exploitation, militarism and decadence- economically and in developement in decline compared to Europe, India and China- Dollar is falling against the Euro, Wall Street does not dictate anything anymore- their cars are no good anymore- Hollywood mainly produces fake with actors who act stereotype- architecture in cities is boring, one block after the other- seperated individualism, no real public gatherings, common sense and lively market places- dangerous, because of their nuclear armament; increasing terror in Near and Middle East- people are very nice privately, but have mostly eating disorders- keep Indians in reservates and cheat them- too many drug users and in jail- 911 was a really strange Bush/Mossad-thing, but thank God it is so far away- there was a conspiracy from high up which killed the Kennedys- rather emigrate to Canada, if at all- they cannot go on like this
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by saracarter766 »

i love the usa and i'm proud to be american but i do not like the fact that the higher ups have killed our own commander and chief my biggest regret is voting for george w. bush twice if i had known then what i know and learned now i would've never voted for that man i really do regret that but this year i voted democrat for the first time and don't regret it thanks to wim and bob giving me things to read about the bush family.
John Beckham
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by John Beckham »

Joseph Kennedy was just a corrupt. you could even say that it was he, and people like him, that sent the world into depression, set the stage for someone like Hitler for his own personal gain. MILLIONS of people died! the way some talk about the Bush family, is alot like the way some talked of the Kennedy's. Truman opposed Jack Kennedy, telling reporters, "I'm not against the Pope, I'm against the Pop." refering to the Kennedy advertising campaign. Eleanor Roosevelt regarded Jack as one of "the new managerial elite that has neither principles nor character." Joseph bought, and scandaled his son into our president. don't get me wrong, i think our government killed our own leader, and i don't believe in a lot of things the Bush family has done, but i also don't believe in camelot. i would say Americas biggest problem? APATHY! not to mention, in the "land of the free" that you get superficial news. Bobby Jr sums it up best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWZMOQcDnyk oh, lol! don't get me started on hollywood!!!
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by saracarter766 »

very nice conspiracybuff very nicely said and i agree with ya.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Great thoughts everyone. I definitely believe that most Americans don't believe in the Bu$h doctrine, whatever the hell that is. Although I am considered to be somewhat liberal, I know a lot of so called conservatives that can't stand Bu$h and what he has done to our country. The biggest problem has definitely been the MSM. They are in bed with those in power, and they don't want to ruffle too many feathers. Plus Congress has a lot of folks on the take, just like Dumbya, and that includes Democrats and Republicans. But I truly believe that overall we have a great country, but those who are in power now, have a "new world order" agenda, just like Poppy Bu$h preached about many years ago. In other words the people are great overall, but our leaders right now are embarrassing. Hopefully, we will be able to take back our country, but it will take courage and a willingness to tell the truth. The REAL truth.I have to say that I agree with you completely and with others who posted here. Before I put my two-cents in, I just wanted tell you what the Bush Doctrine is...what Palin didn't know in that interview with Katie Curik (sp?). I believe it's basically a policy of using military action against countries that the administration believes might become a threat in the future. Basically if they THINK a country might become a threat, the doctrine says they can just invade or bomb them. What a crock!As a political science student twenty years ago (GAWD, I feel old! ) we studied books written by Robert Reich and the patterns became very clear. The facts and history said it all, and whoever didn't see the signs were just stubborn and didn't want to see them. What brought the U.S. out of the depression of the 1930s was WWII. We became a "war economy," and the military industrial complex (defense industry) was already becoming greedy by the time Eisenhower left office. He WARNED the American people about the "military industrial complex" in his farewell speech to the nation. Google it because to many sites come up when I did, and I don't want to pick one to paste here. Regarding the defense industry, he said in part "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." He also said about the defense industry that "Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. " Of course, Nixon ran against JFK and lost, and then JFK was shot and Johnson reversed JFK's policy on Vietnam, and on and on. Speaking of the term "Defense Industry," I also don't like the way language is twisted to imply a different meaning to things. I mean really! DEFENSE industry? Defense or AGGRESSION industry that is masked as "defense" to pave the way for corporations and money-making??? The twisting of language and such also created a great controversy with the yellow ribbons and such. They tried to confuse many people into thinking that if you didn't support the war you didn't support the troops which made many of us who opposed it from the start seem to others like we didn't care about our military. I soon realized as a political science student that there has been a stuggle since at least WWII between the Nixon circuit (that's what I called it) that pushed for military engagement and those that didn't. It seemed very strange to me why, for example, regarding the Vietnam war, the administration didn't listen to special forces advisors about cross-border attacks and such. The pattern seemed to repeat itself in other engagements. It became clear that they didn't want to end the Vietnam war, for example. Why? Money. It's just like Eisenhower warned. He saw it because most-likely these corporate swine in the "defense" industry were probably already pushing for military engagements all over the place, and Eisenhower knew why. They wanted to make money. They used "communism" as the "Bin Laden" boogie man of the time. All they had to do was label a country or leader "communist" and they suddenly had the green light to start messing with them...like they did in central and south America in Guatemala and Chile. They didn't and still don't care who dies as long as they can buy their nice cars and boats and have their houses and such. They're swine, gluttonous pigs, and the worst part of it is that they built their fortures with OUR money, taxpayer money, by LYING to us. That constitues fraud. Fraud is supposed to be a crime, but somehow when government officials lie and get taxpayer money and taxpayer approval by lying, they are not prosecuted unless it's just some banker or savings and loan white-collar criminal. They get pardoned, like Ford pardoned Nixon. FORD! A Warren Commission member! Without us and our taxpayer money, they would be up a creek without a paddle. I'm talking about people who actually believe that they are a superior animal than the rest of us. I will admit though that I've learned far more about history since I began studying the JFK matter twenty years ago in college as a hobby. In fact, I learn more and more about history the more I engage the rest of you in discussion. I LOVE the on-going exchange of information and discussion here. You can't beat it. For example, before studying the JFK thing I didn't know that Prescott Bush, our current president's grandfather, backed Nixon. That just reinforced what I already knew, but I didn't know it was so obvious. As an American born and raised (my parents came from Italy in the 1950s and 60s), I can tell whoever is not an American citizen here that we Americans do not support the bad things our country does. They lie to us and muddle the facts to the point that even if a lot of us know, it's difficult to get the word out. We have trouble even in our own ranks by people who are looking to confuse us and run us in circles. Look at Gary Mack and Posner and Myers. We thought Mack was legitemate. Maybe he was at one point and then someone got to him. That makes him a coward if he is saying things that he doesn't believe in. If he never really was a legitimate researcher, then he was like a mole hidden in our ranks. I'm suspecting that he was more a mole. Wasn't he one of the researchers who pushed the "badgeman" theory. I actually bought it at the time because I trusted that he did the research and went to Dealy Plaza and performed measurements and such. Woops!!! I guess he didn't! Why would such an intelligent man like Gary Mack overlook something like that? Hmmmm.... A little off topic here, I'm also going to come out and say that as a private investigator, I'm suspecting that just as major corporations are merging, the same is going on with organized crime. I firmly suspect that they are also acting as "lobbyists" to enough legislators that they are trying to make it easier for criminals to commit crimes. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime, and they're busy sending cops chasing kids for smoking a joint! I don't even smoke the stuff, but it can't possibly be worse than alcohol! When I see a city banning law-abiding citizens from owning guns, for example, I start to suspect that various legislators are just trying to make themselves look good to their constituents and also making it easier for criminals to commit crimes ON PURPOSE. Cars are stolen and houses are burglarized all the time, every minute in this country, and particularly in cities where law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to own guns. If these criminals are kicking a percentage "upstairs" to organized crime elements, there's a LOT of money to be made. The police in DC supported repealing the gun ban in that city because they KNEW the crime rate would go down. Try car jacking someone in Texas or Arizona! In any event, I believe that these car theives are making way too much money for organized crime who are lobbying legislators too. I don't know it, but I suspect it. Look at how much money banks make with their ATM transaction fees here and there. It adds up, you know? Anyway, that's just my two-cents.
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

Excellent synopsis Pasquale.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Excellent synopsis Pasquale.You are too kind. I thought I was a little long-winded. I started ranting and rambling there for a while. The kind of people we're talking about kinda have that effect on me...hot under the collar sometimes.
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

Long winded and ranting? Just read some of my posts. I am very pleased to see the way this forum has evolved recently. It's always been good, but some of the new members like yourself have brought this forum to a new level. As Stephen Stills once sang when he was with Buffalo Springfield...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJV44YV69z0"There's something happening happening here..."
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale, conspiracybuff, Bob, very well written all your diagnoses, I agree mostly, thank you! I could only add, that the focus on the corrupt "elite" behind the scenes and enjoying being horrifically "fascinated", so that anger leads to accusations and outcrys and perpetual correspondance with same-minds, is not enough to change anything. We have to work on the systematic errors in the constitution on paper and in behavior patterns as well, which allow these corrupt elites over and over again throughout history. In US, Russia, China, Europe the big present error is, that centralization of the executive and the independance of the central banks from politics would make everything better. "Pursuit of happiness growth" by "property-growth", this is the error. Instead: freedom has to be redefined: not borderlessness, but keeping to reasonable borders, limits, self-control-mechanisms, real federalism, which means rise of regional souvereignity. It's the wrong concept of freedom-growth by makability-growth of the rich, which has to be fought. World social market. Limitation of richness and poverty. Christoph
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.01.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.07.2007 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this powerful Headline that developed a healthy discussion about perceptions of America.Fast forward to 12.01.2012. Barack Hussein Obama has been re-elected President. Civil unrest, crime, systemic economic failure, violence, terrorism, turmoil, wars, and on and on and on, increasingly, both in the U.S. and around the world.In America we have an "Ongoing Major Recession." Unless you are out of work. Then it's an "Ongoing Major Depression."What are the thoughts of America today ?But not to worry. Obama is working on his Affordable Care Act, some call ObamaCare. I wonder how that will work out ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.