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Re: Answers

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:06 pm
by Pennyworth
Dan wrote:where were you ?pray tell I'm in DC but soon moving back to TEXAS!hey dan if you are really bored go check out new world order's latest posts.... plenty of videos on the subject Your efforts in this area are appreciated, but I'm just not into new world order nonsense - I just saw National Treasure part II why do I need to see more of the same here?

The prodigal son is back! What business do you have in DC or Texas for that matter may I ask? Have you visited El Paso or taken a trip across the border?


Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:14 am
by Dan
I made it as far south as San Antonio and Bay City (Matagorda County). We haven't made it across the border yet, but one personal goal is to be fluent in Spanish by the end of '08. I work for my Uncle Sam!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:49 pm
by Brian White
I've got to be honest, Bruce lost me after
I read his posts trashing JFK. Completely
unnecessary, it was obvious he was just
trying to piss people off.

Hope he's OK, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:02 pm
by tom jeffers
I was as big a fan of jfk as you can get before I did serious research. As americans we always look at his loss in terms of what our government would be like if he had lived, how many of our fathers and brothers would be alive today that lost their lives from the vietnam buildup, and other changes regarding cia power etc, however as a man of integrity (I do consider myself such) my word is my honor, and my bond. Now I refuse to believe that all those backroom agreements with the mafia that papa Joe made to get Jfk elected, were not common knowledge with jack and bobby. They had to know the deal. Then to just shit on marcello, giancana, and hoffa like they did was just asking for something to happen to them.

I am not so naive that I believe the mafia was behind the actual planning. I think it was much higher than them, but they were the pawns (maybe even a few rooks and bishops thrown in there) anf if the Kennedy's would have kept their word, there wouldn't have been the muscle to carry out the plot.

I think what bruce was trying to say is that everyone thinks "poor jfk" for getting shot, and they try and paint him into being a saint when in reality, he was a priviledged rich kid pampered all the way to the whitehouse, stepped on anyones toes to get where he was going, was a womanizer, that in all liklihood impregnated marilyn monroe, and above all else he did not honor his word.

now i am not endorsing his assasination however he thought he was untouchable after being president and evidently did not care about honoring his word.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:02 pm
by Bob
I agree with Tom. I will let Bruce speak for himself when the time is right, but I believe his biggest issue with JFK was his "character", and not his leadership. As we all know now, JFK had some "flaws" with his affairs and also his handling of the mob situation. I, like Tom, think that JFK and RFK, had to know of Joe Kennedy's deal with the mob in 1960. They both also had to know of J. Edgar Hoover's love of the mob as well. To Hoover, there was no mafia. RFK went after the mob with zeal, like his extradition of Carlos Marcello. RFK knew that his dealings with the mob had to piss off Hoover, so maybe there was a hidden agenda, because both JFK and RFK hated Hoover and vice versa. Plus, prior to the 1960 election, JFK had to make a deal with LBJ to make him VP, to help carry the Southern vote, especially Texas. JFK hated that arrangement as well, as JFK and RFK BOTH immensely disliked LBJ. Once again, like his good buddy Hoover, LBJ also hated the Kennedys. So when everything started to shake loose, LBJ, Hoover, the Bu$hes, Nixon, the Mob, some high profile CIA types and others helped plan the murder on 11/22/1963. Not only was JFK disrespecting the Mob, Hoover and LBJ, but he was not going to invade Cuba, get out of Vietnam, make drastic changes in the Federal Reserve and tax BIG Oil. That's what led to the day in Dallas. Families like the Bu$hes could not envision life like JFK planned, with their investments in BIG Banking, BIG Oil, and war profiteering. I have debated Bruce about JFK's legacy as a leader. I truly think he was a GREAT President, even with his flaws. I debated Bruce with this...

JFK's AccomplishmentsIn response to Bruce's question about the accomplishments of JFK, I would give him the following... The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Avoided nuclear war with the Soviets (WWIII) - Millions of lives saved - The earth environment was spared the effects of a nuclear exchange - Showed strong resolve (Soviets blinked first) Created the Peace Corp - Utilized American volunteers for aid in underdeveloped countries - Helped to aid the economies and health status of those nations Signed nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets - Reduced testing of nuclear weapons Created the civil rights legislation that was passed under LBJ - Was working on passage at the time of his assassination Escalated space program - Funded NASA to overtake the Soviets in space race - Set a goal of having man on the moon by the end of the decade Was against escalation of war in Vietnam -58,000+ lives later, the U.S. got out of Nam -30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated -500,000 troops in Vietnam by 1965 due to escalation by LBJ

Just think about where this world would be right now, had JFK lived. Who is screwing the world right now? War profiteers, BIG Oil and BIG Banking. JFK wanted to make the world more peaceful and also make the U.S. a TRUE democracy, where everyone has a chance. We now live in a world with war, high oil prices, recession, foreclosures, treason and lying leadership. The world became the way it is because of the events of 11/22/1963. The MSM covered up the JFK assassination, just like they do with so many things. They are in bed with their masters. That is why the Internet is SO important. Poppy Bu$h never dreamed of an internet when he was scheming to help kill JFK. He thought that TV and the newspapers would be all he and his type needed to control. That's why I will always continue this fight. Bruce and I may disagree a little on JFK, but I know we TOTALLY agree on the state of our world and who has control. It's the same powers that helped kill JFK. The names might have changed a little since 1963, but there was a coup in Dallas, and the world has never been the same.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:40 pm
by tom jeffers
For those of you who really do not understand the significance of JFK wanting to change the oil depletion allowance from 27.5 center per gallon to 15 cents per gallon, here is my explanation as a CPA. The oil depletion allowance allows oil companies to get an automatic deduction of a certain amount for every barrel of oil that they pump. It is a "give me " deduction. The oil companies get it without spending any money. So if you are an oil company and the president wants to reduce the depletion allowance (or automatic tax deduction) by 12.5 cents per gallon and if you are pumping 500 million barrels of oil per year then you will lose (500 million X 12.5 cents) $62,500,000.00 per year in deductions. In 1963 the top income tax rates for the wealthiest taxpayers was 91%. If you were in the 91 percent income tax bracket then a 62 million, five hundred thousand dollar deduction would mean saving 56 million, 875 thousand tax dollars per year. PER YEAR! Do you think that might help make a few decisions?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:38 pm
by Dan
when in reality, he was a priviledged rich kid pampered all the way to the whitehouse, stepped on anyones toes to get where he was going, was a womanizer, that in all liklihood impregnated marilyn monroe, and above all else he did not honor his word.

Wow! You just described Bill Clinton!

One big difference is that Billy never took a long slow ride down Elm Street in an open convertible!

So who murdered poor Marilyn?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:13 pm
by tom jeffers
I personally do not know who the murderer was however I think it could be chuck nicoletti but i am pretty sure it was someone from the chicago outfit. i think she was killed with a drug enema because she was going to blow the lid off of her relationship with the kennedys. bobby was in her home that night.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:31 pm
by Bob
I agree with Tom that it was someone from the Chicago outfit. Also, remember JFK was having an affair with Giancana's girl as well. Call me naive, but I think Monroe was perhaps not killed with an order from the Kennedys. Monroe's house and Lawford's house were bugged. This was also about the time RFK was REALLY hurting the mob. I think the mob did the hit to try and force the Kennedys into playing ball with them and not going back on Joe Kennedy's promise in 1960. The mob also knew RFK was at the house that day. By murdering Monroe, the mob could really put both Kennedys in quite a bind.

The Ledger

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:46 am
by Dan
I think the Chicago Outfit snuffed Heath Ledger. He just wouldn't endorse Hitlery Clinton - so the message was sent to Hollywood and other demonrats - back her or else!

Notice the slimy PA governor Ed Rendell quickly jumped on the Hitlery bandwagon less than 24 hours after Heath Ledger was bumped off his mortal coil.