It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Bob »

I made a bet with a prominent researcher- Dan (Cyril Wecht?)Now go cry to Wim as you have done in the past you sniveling little pusillanimous sycophant!- DanNow that's funny. You just described Dumbya Bu$h, but he would have no idea what you were talking about. I'm still trying to come back from my injuries from my car accident (the vehicle flipped 6 or 7 times), but one day I will be close to what I once was. The rehab is hard when you try to come back from a coma, a fractured skull, a fused vertebrae in the neck, a broken clavicle and other assorted injuries. Luckily in the past, I played a lot of sports, including football, and at one period of my life I was a bouncer at a couple of clubs. The doctor told me that my physical condition at the time of my accident probably helped save my life. Bottom line, your description of me was not accurate, but it probably describes a lot of Republican friends of yours, as well as the President.Take your Bu$h money...and go fill up your SUV, or whatever you drive. My Ford Explorer now needs over $80 to fill up. That's what happens when you put a failed and corrupt oil boy in the White House. But you can mock Ted after what the Bu$hes have done to this country. You call yourself a PROUD veteran, yet you back the Bu$h family. Speaking of veterans, how many deaths in the U.S. military have happened because of the Bu$h family? Samuel Bu$h sold arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was in the war. How many men from the U.S. died because of this "Merchant of Death"? Prescott Bu$h invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine in WWII. He was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. How many died from the U.S. because of his arrangement with Nazi Germany? Dumbya Bu$h has sent over 4,000 troops to their deaths in Iraq, on a war based on lies. No WMDs. No mushroom cloud threat. No ties to 9/11 or al qaeda. Just total bullshit, for the war profiteers and the Big oil boys. Some estimates have the Iraqi dead at over 1,000,000. Now Scott McClellan is even throwing Dumbya under the bus. Finally, this site is based on JFK. Today is his birthday, as it is mine. Conspirators such as Poppy Bu$h were responsible for his death. Wim has laid out a lot of STRONG, compelling evidence about that fact. But all Dan cares about is Ted Kennedy. Dan embraces the Bu$h family. Dan embraces a treasonous family. What does that say?
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob,Methinks that Dan envisions Ted Kennedy as a threat to him and his .....