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Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:37 am
by Bob
Just keep an open mind Ricky. Always keep looking for new evidence, and really look at OLD evidence (like that on this site). I have seen you change your mind before on this forum. You are at the age right now where I really became entrenched in the research of both the JFK and RFK assassinations. Never say never.

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:26 pm
by tom jeffers
either way you look at it, a lot of people have lied. if you take a step back and look at understanding motives for lying you see the following.1. there are those that fabricate evidence to make it fit their scenerio.2. there are those that hope to profit from their lies.3. there are those who have lied because they were involved and do not want to incriminate theirselves.4. there are those that truly believe their theories and choose to look at and present their evidence to support it.5. there are those who have remained silent out of fear for self and family and either have or have not come forward.the motivators for those who have lied are fame and profit, for if there was no conspiracy, they have nothing to worry about because there is no boogy man that will come after them. the motivation for the others who were afraid to come forward and truly fear telling their information is to clear a conscience even in spite of fear. most have not profited in fact most have lost jobs, relationships and lifes.I admit there have been a lot of the people jump on this bandwagon for a variety of reasons, but I just cannot understand why there were so many with so much to lose that came forward with their stories without any profit motive and have lost so much. WHY? for truthit is alot like religeon. either you get it or you don't. there are billions of people on this planet that think that their religeon is the only true religeon and if you do not believe their way, then you are damned. everyone can't be right. in fact there is a highr probability that everyone is wrong.I f there is only a single gunman, why did so many lose so much when telling a different story?Namaste'

Interesting and Informative Videos....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:30 pm
by Pennyworth

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:04 pm
by Chad Duncan
I just dont see how anyone can believe Oswald, or the fellow that Jack Ruby ended up shooting, had any part in holding a weapon or having a chance to take a shot from the roof or wherever when several of his co workers saw him anywhere but near the 6 floor or the roof. And the carcano they found was an absolute piece of garbage that DID NOT shoot each and ever bullet test fired after the fact. The guy was on the 2nd floor eating at 12:25 , and at 12:32 seen by one of the cops who ran in the building still on the 2nd floor drinking a Coke. What I do think is possible is Lee's assigned twin or impersonator that is the other guy in so many of the photos supposedly of oswald could have been upstairs at the same time as Mac Wallace and acting like he was shooting to help set Lee up. Where I get twisted is when one Oswald left in the Station Wagon and another took a bus how do those keep not crossing paths in a write up. Even the recording of Johnson and Hoover on 11/29 discussing how Oswalds connection with Mexico giving Hoover trouble on how he could be in one place yet was in New Orleans at the same time, oh it just is so twisted!!!!I understand Ricky, its just so gosh darn convoluted!

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:44 pm
by Bob
It is very convoluted. Just think about the TSBD. It was owned by D.H. Byrd, who founded the LCAP with members such as Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers and Barry Seal. One key witness said that he saw two men on the 6th floor just before the assassination, and by his description, most experts feel that he was referring to David Morales and Richard Cain. But then we also have Mac Wallace's finger print found near the sniper's nest. Lets also look back at D.H Byrd again. Besides founding the LCAP and owning the TSBD, Byrd was also very good friends with LBJ and was a BIG time oil guy. Byrd was a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. Other members of the DPC included George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. Bu$h. How many coincidences do you need Ricky? Oswald did not act ALONE, if at all. He was PURE intelligence, who worked for the CIA and also the FBI. Oswald was a perfect patsy because of his intelligence work. And that's what he was.

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:49 am
by dankbaar
Ricky, is this you? Ricky ClowCanada, Prince Edward Island (North River)Nickname: JFK_Dallas1963Male , Age: 16Born on: 05 January 1992Hobbies: JFK Assassination

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:42 am
by Chad Duncan
Poor Roger Craig. i just watched some of his story and its terrible that they had to stalk him that way for being honest. geez. Ricky, if that is you, then i can understand why some of your statements are the way they are. if your that young, you will need a few more years before it all will absorb in- the truth aspect anyway.. took me 20 years myself and im from a family with a witness just feet away from kennedy when the shooting started to hit him.

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:35 pm
by MikeNarrett
Let me be the first to say that I am glad that you guys do not attack Ricky based on his beliefs. I believe that everyone should be able to state their opinion without having other people cut them down or belittle them.

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:15 pm
by Bob
MikeNarrett wrote:Let me be the first to say that I am glad that you guys do not attack Ricky based on his beliefs. I believe that everyone should be able to state their opinion without having other people cut them down or belittle them.Besides, Ricky is from Prince Edward Island in Canada, the home of the Conn Smythe award winner Brad Richards. If you get Ricky mad he might high stick you. Seriously, all opinions are welcome, but like all forums, there will be debate.

Re: Clint Hill!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:58 am
by tom jeffers
new book and interview. notice remark about shot above ear: ... ation.html