Hey Guys, give me some help here:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

nephew23 wrote:Its a wonder that we have advanced as far as we have as a society. Sorry your thread fell apart Wim! I'll be happy to check into the Wiki thing.here's another for you....
Chad Duncan
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Chad Duncan »

Gee Paul I didnt know emails could be activated. I thought you copied and pasted them and then sent information with them.I'll just play like this all never happened and go on with my life.Bob, Any new video's your working on?
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Chad Duncan wrote:Gee Paul I didnt know emails could be activated. I thought you copied and pasted them and then sent information with them.I'll just play like this all never happened and go on with my life.Bob, Any new video's your working on? please elaborate ...I am confused with your trite message...
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Bob »

Okay, I have to step in here. Paul, you are an excellent member of this forum. You and I have taken our fair share of abuse from one member that we all know, and some others as well, but we can't categorize everyone in this same genre. Call me naive, but I think the people you have listed in this thread are on the level. Just my humble opinion.
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

I know Dan's M.O........and ways and means ...let's let the posters speak for themselves and deny it ...
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:nephew23 wrote:Its a wonder that we have advanced as far as we have as a society. Sorry your thread fell apart Wim! I'll be happy to check into the Wiki thing.here's another for you.... Check into it? Ha! He did it..and the guy that transcribed for Wim...ditto! IMO
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

A Sample Of Some Of Chad Duncan's Posts:Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:by Chad Duncan on Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:25 pm Hey, why am I being brought up in this? I'm just a normal guy who is using his real name to find out more and my uncle happened to be on the grassy knoll. I am me, and post on no other. If I have posted anything that seems odd, Iapologize, but Im just here to understand. I'll be glad to give you a phone number or email address to verify - I have swapped emails with Wim with my real email address that has my name in it and it is a legitimate work email.Jump to post Re: Fires, Floods, Famine, etc.....While im on board with your information, were all within 6 degrees of making any scenario in this life comparable to anything we want it to appear like. I could easily be a driver for a Mafia boss, and believe I have the mentality to have been like James Files and I even starting writing letters to...by Chad Duncan on Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:44 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Fires, Floods, Famine, etc..... Replies: 64 Views: 3527 Jump to post Re: The Driver TheoryBob,Are you the same bob with the youtube videos and the problem with the one person who gives you
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Billy Boggs? Dan....

Post by Pennyworth »

Strange co-incidence...BB and Dan are obsessed with the same subject....by Billy Boggs on Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:36 pm I read the main argument about the cartridge and its suspected manufacture date. And it seems to be accurate, except for one possibility. I personally am not pro or con James Files. I take all information and gather it up, analyze it, then look for corroboration. James Files stated that just before he shot he could see the Presidents head thrown forward as his bullet hit, throwing the head back. No one saw this in the Zapruder film until it was slowed down, frame by frame. And sure enough, the presidents head was in fact thrown approximately 4 to 6 inches forward, just prior to the bullet impact from the front. I'm no expert in head stampings or anything about cartridges. But saying that, when it comes to anything about the CIA you better be careful. It is said that the Fireball came from the CIA. It is also said it was modified to fire .222 cartridge. How many out there can attest that the CIA does not, or ever has contracted the manufacture of ammunition? And if they did, what would the head stamp look like? The picture I viewed showed a elongated dot, not a dash. http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Headstamp/ Again, only a possibility.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From my research the Kennedy family were in fact a bunch of spoiled brats fed by Joes money dishonestly gaind by insider trading from the Federal Reserve just before the great crash, BUT, they were not traditional Satanists as todays leaders that have far greater crimes under their belt. Some p...by Billy Boggs on Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:14 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Hackers Replies: 37 Views: 6638 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's Boggs and Giovanni agreeing with each other.... by Giovanni on Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:43 am JFK's body must be exhumed and reexamined.Giovanni Posts: 140Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:07 amLocation: Not Telling Private message Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote by Billy Boggs on Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:12 am I agree, and I believe Ron Paul would be in favor of that, and I'm pretty sure he would see that it GOT DONE.Billy Boggs Posts: 177Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:25 pm Private message
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:also add Ricky Clow to the list IMO...Here is a refresher on some posts by Billy Boggs....Edit postReport this postReply with quote by Paul Pennyworth on Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:36 pm Billy Boggs wrote:Follow the money.............For those who know, and those who don't, there is a great conspiracy at work on this planet.Jack Ruby had personal experience with it, and tried to bring it to light. How many of you listened to what he said?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we2eucWXqjgHow many of you listened to President Kennedy when he tried to bring it to light, and was killed over it?http://www.relfe.com/A06/JFK_conspiracy ... speech.mp3Yes, the conspiracy is so great, and so encompassing, and so "In your face", you cant see it. Its not the New World Order,[PP: HOW DO YOU SURMISE YOURCONJECTURE???] its not the Bohemian Grove, its not the Skull & Bones, its not the Jesuits,[WHAT OTHER CONSPIRACIES ARE THERE, PLEASE INFORM US ,BB] Its not the Federal Reserve, its not the Builderburgs, Its not the Government of any one country, Its not Freemasonry,[PP:PLEASE SUBSTANTIATE YOUR STATEMENT] its not the higher learning institutions, Its not aliens from outer space. All of these things were created for your amusement and detraction.[PP:PLEASE ELABORATE AND PUT SOME EVIDENCE BEHIND IT] Do you find this unbelievable?[PP:YES ,yOU ARE ONE AND THE SAME BEHIND SOME NAMES ON THIS BOARD If you look very, very closely at Abraham Zapruder, Jack Ruby, and the Bosch family, oh I'm sorry, Bush family you will find the strings that lead to the truth.[PP: SHOW US WHAT YOU KNOW ]PPPaul Pennyworth Posts: 1902Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:59 amLocation: LA Private messageWebsiteMSNM/WLM Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote by Billy Boggs on Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:34 pm Paul Pennyworth, I am only one name on this board, unlike yourself!!! For being one who follows the money, you should already know who owns the money supply, and what family they represent. I would suspect you are iNTELLIGENT enough to have put it together without the help of the general public. Show us what I know? SHOW US WHAT YOU KNOW!!!!!!!Billy Boggs Posts: 177Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:25 pm Private message Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote by Bob on Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:39 pm This is between Billy and Paul, but I'm guessing that the family's name starts with a R."Follow the money." - Deep Throat BobBob Posts: 892Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:39 pmLocation: Florida Private message Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boggs sure contradicts himself here from the above article..note that he is a prison guard here In my opinion this movie paralles the mechanizations of the secret gov that are the real killers of Kennedy. And the root of the secret gov, are secret societies. You will never get the whole truth of the Kennedy assassination untill this corrupt, illegal, imoral, unconstitutional parasite sec...by Billy Boggs on Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:51 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: V for Vendetta Replies: 16 Views: 3008 Jump to post Hey, what ever about if it had something to do with the Kennedy assassination. The people finally bann together against the gov. Bout TIME!by Billy Boggs on Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:58 am Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: V for Vendetta Replies: 16 Views: 3008 Jump to post Im a armed security guard at a federal court house, I carry a water pistol and wear a pink tu tu for a uniform. Some fiction is just not believable, at least to some of the more intelligent inhabitence of this planet. If your asking how we can help further the believablility of the lone gunman, ...by Billy Boggs on Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:55 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Why is the lone gunman theory so hard to believe?(JOKE) Replies: 11 Views: 1734
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Bob »

A few on this board have brought up Ron Paul in the past few months of this Presidential campaign, and he made a LOT of sense with what he was campaigning about. I liked Dr. Paul as well, although I did have some different opinions on certain subject matters. But Paul was the ONLY Republican candidate that thought the war in Iraq was insane and stupid for instance. Billy is a big Ron Paul backer, just look at his signature. Dan, on the other hand, thought the war in Iraq was justified and well worth the over 4,100 dead, over 30,000 wounded, the over 1,000,000 Iraqi dead and the almost TRILLION dollar cost. And ALL of the lies that made the war a reality made no difference to Dan. Billy has never shown any admiration for the Bu$h family, while Dan certainly has shown a lot. So I don't see many connections between the two of them.