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Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:54 pm
by saracarter766
that article was very interesting to read i guess you learn something new everyday.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:35 pm
by tom jeffers
the whole De Mohrenschildt and the Paine's relationship is complex. I personally believe that De Mohrenschildt was introduced to Lee as a double agent. Lets face it Lee and De Mohrenschildt traveled in widely different circles so their only thing in common would be that both are double agents. De Mohrenschildt had ties to the soviet intelligence community and that is where he met the Paines. I do not think that either of them had any direct involvement in the assassination but may have been privy to information that led them to believe that Lee was there to infiltrate a possible assassination attempt on the President. After the fact, both were smart enough to know what went down and being members of the intelligence community, both knew how to go with the flow. (both knew how the game is played)Namaste'

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:35 pm
by Bob
Here is a LONG and INTERESTING article about the subject... ... r12/18.htm

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:05 am
by John Beckham
thanks Bob, i enjoyed that (and will look into it). i always wonder about the Paines. they are of "interest" for you? another Danny Partridge pic!

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:08 am
by John Beckham
to Jeffers, i agree...a Danny Partidge for you too!

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:57 am
by saracarter766
conspiracybuff your keeping me in stitches lol.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:17 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Chad Duncan wrote:So Tom, how do you think the Dallas police got so involved as far as staging the backyard photos and being such willing partners in the coverup? It just stretches my brain that the dpd would be willing partners in a coup. I know many were kkk, but I guess I needed to be alive then to understand how the world worked.Believe it! The CIA employs lots of people in all sorts of professions according to what they need, especially cops and news reporters. Look at Chauncey Holt's cover over here in California. What was it? A stamp and stationary company that actually existed with the majority of the employees not knowing a thing about what other things they did over there like making fake police badges and fake IDs. For the CIA, having police officers on the payroll is a benefit in almost any situation. If you get somebody to think that they're doing something good for the country, they'll go along with almost anything. They would be PROUD to kill if they thought they were saving lives. Look at what they told that Green Beret, Danial Marvin, when they asked him to kill Bruce Pitzer. The CIA man told him that Pitzer was giving secrets to the enemy. They could have told the Dallas PD anything. It seems that most people, like the media and FBI and Earl Warren, were told that Oswald was some sort of communist or Russian agent and that Russia or Cuba was behind the assassination of JFK and that if the truth got out it would start World War III. That's how they got so many people to just go along with supressing evidence and obstructing justice. I bet Arlen Specter actually thinks or thought he did something good by creating that Magic Bullet Theory. That's how they got guys like Dan Rather to lie on television about what he saw on the Zapruder film. Can you believe the warped brilliance of such a scheme? Getting people to lie for you because they think they're doing the country a favor!!! That's why Oswald's handlers really had Oswald handing out those pro-Castro leaflets. That's why they had Oswald do the fake defection to Russia for no real reason other than to "sheep dip" him (make him look like something he was's an intelligence term) and make him look like a communist. It was a no-brainer to tell the cops and FBI something like "Well, Oswald was obviously a Soviet agent. He defected to Russia and then started handing out pro-Castro leaflets. Russia and Cuba were obviously behind the assassination, and we can't let that out to the public because it will start WWIII." Oswald was only twenty-four years old. He was very intelligent but still young by my standards and impressionable. He was an intelligence agent as well as an FBI informant. He just did what he was told to do by his handlers. He was a good Marine and a hero because he thought he was going to stop what happened to JFK when, in reality, the people handling him were responsible for it and set him up. Even if guys like Arlen Specter finally realized what they were really a part of, they're too scared to come out and speak about it because they don't want to die. Imagine thinking about what happened to all of the dead witnesses. Look at Chauncey Holt. He knew they were going to do something to the motorcade, but he was led to believe that it was only going to be some sort of similulated attack or protest. He didn't know they would actually be SHOOTING at JFK for real because if he DID know, he wouldn't have hung around and waited in that box car for a couple of hours so that the cops would find him. He would have been OUTTA THERE!!!! He even became a little choked up in his interview when he spoke about what they did to Oswald. You can see that he might not have felt bad about being a career criminal, but he did get choked up when he talked about how they framed Oswald.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:15 pm
by tom jeffers

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:34 pm
by Chad Duncan
Sounds consistent with what I've seen on tapes and in books - makes you wonder who's in the loop in the now!I just finished Barr McClellans LBJ book Blood Money and Power reading cover to cover over the last two weeks while recovering from back surg. The only part of that story I don't quite get is how it relates to Jimmy and Nicoletti and the timing of it all in Dealy plaza. With Mac Wallace on the 6th floor and a fingerprint to prove it I reckon it just means a lot of folks were in on it and the rest is up to your imagination. I'd love to see Lbjs psychiatric records after he beared his soul in the months before he died.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:58 pm
by John Beckham guy has some great vids. funny how the Paines had all that pro-Castro info in file cabinets. then Lee goes to New Orleans and plays double agent in the Cuban circles. only to come back and get a job at the TSBD by Ruth (you know, that simple quaker woman! lol!) and Michael shut the f#ck up. not to mention they both had ties to intellegence. that's who they meet George through. the Paines were intelligence, somewhat less compassionate, who did what they were instructed. they were pawns, but smart enough to play dumb.