Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

JFK Assassination
bob franklin
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by bob franklin »

Tom, I'm indeed sorry to learn the extent of your injuries. Forgive my lack of finesse here, but (in your opinion), would the shot that brought up his arms also have affected his respiration at the autonomic level? He seems to fade so quickly just before the headshots. I'm certain his lungs were RAPIDLY filling with blood as well.
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Bob »

Just watch the CLOSE UP views of the Zapruder film. The hands are clinched just as Tom says. I know the shooting happened in a manner of seconds, but after the first shot JFK appeared to be almost paralyzed in terms of his upper body except for the arm movement towards his chest. To me that shows clear neurological damage, especially when one thinks about the issues JFK had been having with his back. JFK was wearing a back brace that day. I see my neurologist once a month and I will ask him about this, but I know how I reacted with just a finger poking me. Imagine a bullet hitting you in the back. Just look and see...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I can deal with Danny Partridge, but Carrot Top is going too far! Anyway, here is the story about the guys who found the shell casing that came from Jimmy's gun... terms of JFK reaching for his throat after the first shot, I really his reaction was from the upper back wound that good ole Gerry Ford tried to move up several inches to make the magic bullet theory seem plausible. JFK was wearing a back brace that day. The brace probably stopped his efforts to get down after the first shot, which I think would be anyone's reaction (especially if you are hit). I have had back issues myself because of my auto accident and when my wife accidentally jabs my back at night while she is sleeping for instance, my immediate reaction is similar to what JFK exhibited after the first shot. It's sort of a natural reaction, especially if the back is already a problem physically like it was for JFK. To me, when JFK raised his arms up after the first shot, he looked more like a football player trying to block as opposed to a person reaching for their throat. Watch the close up views of the Zapruder film.Wim's probably going to shoot me for playing Devil's advocate about this issue! Having said that, I read the article in the above-mentioned link. The same man who found the .222 shell casing (I was mistakenly referring to the Firebal ammo as .221 in previous posts) at the picket fence also found a second shell casing on the opposite side of the structure (called a "pergola?") that is closer to the TSBD. This means that if someone was shooting from there, the windshield wouldn't have been in the way. There IS a problem with what I just said. A shot from that location is relatively easy. I've been to dealy plaze, and I could basically hit a target moving at 11 or 12 miles per hour from that fence with a regular handgun. It's very close, and hitting it with a weapon like a Firebal (which has a longer barrel and scope and all) is relatively easy. Anyway, the problem with what I said about another shooter on the other side of the "pergola" (see the map in the link that Bob posted) is that how could he miss the head and hit the throat from that position? LOL Anyway, I'm playing Devil's advocate here not to discount the throat-wound-being-shrapnel concept. I'm just having trouble digesting it, and I'm bouncing ideas off of everybody...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I have to agree with Tom and he should know. It's funny, when my wife poked me in the back awhile back (no pun intended) while sleeping, I reacted just like JFK did after the first shot. I am very susceptible to touching on my back because of my injuries (two herniated discs) and the spasms that I have had there. At first, my wife's touch jarred me a little, and then I realized that I used the same reaction JFK did. I guess only a JFK assassination buff would think of that in bed at 3:00 in the morning.I see what you mean. Wouldn't JFK have had his hands ON his throat if he was shot in the throat? I see what you mean.Okay....I'm digesting the mercury-bullet-shrapnel-causing-the-throat-wound concept a little better now...not completely...but it's a lot easier to swallow now.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:IF there was proof, we wouldn't be here and you wouldn't want to go to a jfk assassination website. all we have is pieces to a puzzle. since i am a quadraplegic, i am familiar with how someone reacts to a spinal chord injury. there has been a lot of conjecture regarding jfk's movements and the possibility of a first shot to the upper back as seen in the autopsy photos. based upon those facts, i think it is highly likely that there was a first shot to the back and jfk reacted to that, that the injury damaged his spinal chord and that his movements as seen through the zapruder film, would be the movements of someone that had a spinal chord injury. if you want proof, read the warren report and believe that oswald is the lone gunman.Tom,I agree with you, but I can still visualize the throat wound being caused by a frontal shot even if the shot in the back came first. The other evidence found (second shell casing on the opposite side of the pergola, Ed Hoffman's statement, what the doctors at Parkland said about the throat wound, Files statement that he only shot once) indicates another shooter from the front. I'm just sayin'. Pasquale
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Bob wrote:I have to agree with Tom and he should know. It's funny, when my wife poked me in the back awhile back (no pun intended) while sleeping, I reacted just like JFK did after the first shot. I am very susceptible to touching on my back because of my injuries (two herniated discs) and the spasms that I have had there. At first, my wife's touch jarred me a little, and then I realized that I used the same reaction JFK did. I guess only a JFK assassination buff would think of that in bed at 3:00 in the morning.I couldn't resist, Bob, but I think that after seeing those pictures of Carrot Top and Danny, they might be experts being poked in the back and then experiencing sudden spasms, no? LOL LMAOMaybe we should ask them about it!!!! Okay...I'll stop!!!!!! It's a good thing I have taken my medication already this morning. In terms of this discussion, I agree that this SHOULD be talked out. Another question I would ask, has anyone ever been hit in the throat or grabbed near the throat? I have. Between playing football and being a bouncer for awhile, it has happened to me a couple of times. Trust me, your hands will immediately go right to your throat. Not near your throat...but to or on your throat. Yes, I know JFK was wearing a back brace that day, but he was able to use his hands earlier in the car to adjust his hair that was blowing in the wind riding in an open limo. I always thought there was a throat wound as well, but I definitely think there is credence to Jimmy's thinking about what really happened to JFK's throat.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob,What DID Jimmy say about JFK's throat wound? When you say "Jimmy," are you talking about Files?
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Jsnow915 »

I beleive the shot in the back was the first one to hit severed some nerve(not sure) and sent his arms up and clenched his for the throat wound,maybe it was a fragment from one of Connollys bullets...I dont know enough about the whole mercury thing but from the pictures I saw of the windsheild,it was cracked,not a bullet hole and to hit him in the throat,the shooter would have to be straight in front of him.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:I beleive the shot in the back was the first one to hit severed some nerve(not sure) and sent his arms up and clenched his for the throat wound,maybe it was a fragment from one of Connollys bullets...I dont know enough about the whole mercury thing but from the pictures I saw of the windsheild,it was cracked,not a bullet hole and to hit him in the throat,the shooter would have to be straight in front of him.Yeah...I have to admit that I'm having problems figuring out how that shot chould have hit in the throat like that too. I mean, despite evidence that there was a second shooter from the front, it's still difficult to imagine that throat wound being caused that way.
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Bob,What DID Jimmy say about JFK's throat wound? When you say "Jimmy," are you talking about Files?By Jimmy...yes...I mean Files. Jimmy basically said what Wim explained earlier, that the throat wound was caused by the impact of Jimmy's mercury round from his fireball.