Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:My point is exactly what I said and what others have commented since. The fact is this --- Obama is multi-racial. His mother was white and his father was Kenyan. His father gave him the middle name "Hussein," which means he/they were ethnically Arabic, not African. In other words, Obama is likely a descendant of wealthy Arab slave traders, instead of a descendant of African slaves.Now, whether I'm right or wrong, or you believe it or not ... IT DOESN'T MATTER. He is not the first black president ... he is simply the 44th president of the United States. Though racism was fairly common in my house and in my town growing up, I haven't a racist bone in my body (by God's grace). It irks me to hear the phrase, be it as president or anything else. It really irritates me when I hear people say they voted for him because he is black. Simply put, that is racism just the same as anything else is. Just like the Rev.'s benediciton yesterday, "that black isn't at the back ... and white will embrace what is right." Are you kidding me? Had Rick Warren prayed for black people to embrace what is right there would have been a riot in the mall. The 40,000+ security forces would not have been enough!Back to the point, Obama is an American (unless its proven false) ... not black or white or even Arabic ... just American! We will continue to pray for him, their family, and his guidance of this great country. However, politics are an entirely different subject!PS. Bob - considering your feeling towards the presidents and their corruption ... are you saying it doesn't bother you or concern you that Obama spent 20+ years near and dear to the more-than-extreme Rev. Wright and his church ... or started his political career near and dear, and in the home of self-admitted and convicted terrorist Bill Ayers? Furthermore, he has distanced himself from neither of those men.You might as well ask why McCain rubs elbows with guys like G.Gordon Liddy and why Bush is friendly with terrorists too.I AM glad that you weren't going to say something about Obama's know, the ARAB thing.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by saracarter766 »

i am so proud of barack obama and i am very proud to be an american we have have witnessed something spectacular in american history this is the one moment that i will never forget damn i love this country just wished my mother could've been alive to witness this great and wonderful moment in american history. just like the saying we shall over come and we truly have. God Bless America
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:i am so proud of barack obama and i am very proud to be an american we have have witnessed something spectacular in american history this is the one moment that i will never forget damn i love this country just wished my mother could've been alive to witness this great and wonderful moment in american history. just like the saying we shall over come and we truly have. God Bless AmericaI'll toast to that. Now where did I put my toast. My coffee is here...Hmmmm....I like the new policy Obama said yesterday about the freedom of information act (basically saying that the previous administration was not releasing a lot of information and that that privilege to keep a lot of inforation secret was being OVER-USED) and the limits and restrictions on lobbyists in the administration. That's just his FIRST DAY as president! Stay tuned!!!!! I'm lovin' it! Isn't he supposed to issue an order today that Guantanamo prison is to be closed within a year at the latest if not sooner? Stay tuned. He's just gettin' warmed up!
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Jsnow915 »

the thing that scares me is if he wakes up the old powers that be(or used to be)...if he gets too radical we may have another conspiracy on our hands...I certainly hope not.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:saracarter766 wrote:i am so proud of barack obama and i am very proud to be an american we have have witnessed something spectacular in american history this is the one moment that i will never forget damn i love this country just wished my mother could've been alive to witness this great and wonderful moment in american history. just like the saying we shall over come and we truly have. God Bless AmericaI'll toast to that. Now where did I put my toast. My coffee is here...Hmmmm....I like the order Obama signed yesterday about the freedom of information act (basically saying that the previous administration was not releasing a lot of information and that that privilege to keep a lot of inforation secret was being OVER-USED) and the limits and restrictions on lobbyists in the administration. That's just his FIRST DAY as president! Stay tuned!!!!! I'm lovin' it! Isn't he supposed to issue an order today that Guantanamo prison is to be closed within a year at the latest if not sooner? Stay tuned. He's just gettin' warmed up!Yes...I was VERY pleased about his first day on the job with the things that you mentioned. As I have said in some other posts, I also have some doubts about some of his "selections" in his administration, but the bottom line is that it is HIS administration. JFK also had some dubious people working for him. Plus, Abraham Lincoln had some of his most bitter rivals in his cabinet. Sometimes it's good to have your friends close, but your enemies closer. But as John says, he has to be careful about his actions. We know what happened to both Lincoln and JFK.
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by tom jeffers »

What tickles me is the short memory of our voters. I was interested in what Obama had to say about the war in Iraq. That was one of his policies that I really wanted to come to pass. Remember the democratic debates between him and Hilary? They both said they were pulling out as soon as possible. They both lied to us. But that is what politicians do. They knew how Americans felt and took the popular position. Slowly, they start to become silent on the issue and then gradually they take the other side. If you blind people cannot see that in Obama then you are blind with altheimers. That is exactly what he did. He was very vocal about it in the early campaign, then got silent, then started dropping seeds the other way. He has no intentions of pulling out period.Now on the one hand, I am astonished that America would elect a black man, we are farther along that I thought. On the other hand if Obama was white, he never would have made it past the Iowa caucus. He doesn't have the credentials to lead this country. He does have wonderful oratory skills and his pitch and tone are easy to listen to and he represented himself to be anti bush so the voters were mesmerized.It bothers me that the whole birth certificate issue was swept under the rug. The certificate of live birth was issued years later and although the organization said it was genuine, Obama has close ties to that chicago organization. The first copies posted in higher resolution when viewed close up, showed the font was incorrect on some printing and you could see part of Obamas sisters name had been wiped out meaning it was her certificate that had been altered to his name and birthdate. A certificate of live birth is not the same as a birth certificate. Why doesn't he have a copy of that? Berg has Obamas grandmother on tape saying that she was there in Kenya when he was born. I know its just a technicality but the constitution is what we swear an oath to defend. What happened to the 3 yong gay men who were murdered in the last 3 years? Each had ties to Obama and his alleged homosexual activities. What about Larry Sinclairs testimony about snorting coke with Obama in the back of a Limo in 2001 and performing oral sex on him?Why is all of Obamas school records and thesises being closed to the public. Who paid for his expensive college education. What country did he list as his native country on his applications to said universities. If he got student loans to pay his tuition, how did he pay those off working as a community organizer making peanuts? How was he able to afford a 1.5 million dollar home so soon after getting out of college. It took me 12 years to pay my student loans and I never went to Harvard. Right after he was elected senator, why did his wife michelle get her salary tripled by the hospital that received millions of dollars of government grants signed by Senator Obama while he was in office. Wasn't her promotion to a VP fundraising position? How could anyone surrounded by Chicago politics not be a little dirty? 4 out of the last 6 governors spent time in prison.We have a right to know more about this man. Everyone used to say that John Gotti was the Teflon Don because nothing would stick. This guy is the Teflon President. The media never questioned anything because they did not want to be accused by others that it is really a race issue. So this guy just gets a pass.
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by tom jeffers »

Jsnow915 wrote:the thing that scares me is if he wakes up the old powers that be(or used to be)...if he gets too radical we may have another conspiracy on our hands...I certainly hope not.obama is rockafella's hand picked boy, don't you get it? he is now one of the puppets.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:the thing that scares me is if he wakes up the old powers that be(or used to be)...if he gets too radical we may have another conspiracy on our hands...I certainly hope not.I have to go with you on that one. Based on his new tax plan alone (you penalties for companies that outsource jobs to other countries and basically NOT giving the very wealthy the tax breaks they've had under bush) I think he's already in danger. He also wants to take us out of Iraq. A LOT of companies are going to lose money if that decision is made. I think he's already in a LOT of danger, unless he's really a puppet as Tom Jeffers suspects...then he's safe and sound.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

I disagree with some of what Tom says, but he does bring up a good point about Rockefeller and the REAL people in charge. Politicians are puppets for the power elite that really control the world. The New World Order and groups like the Bilderbergers. Dumbya Bu$h was the poster child for being a puppet. Some puppets won't play along like others do. See JFK. That is why Obama has to be careful about what actions he takes, if he indeed wants to fight the people that supposedly pull the strings. But the fact that Obama met with Hillary at a Bilderberger meeting and the fact that he is also is a CFR member is troubling. Still, I will give Barack a chance. Again...he HAS to be better than the delusional dolt that just left the White House.
Brian White
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Brian White »

I hate to rain on your parade,here, Bob, but do you think that thepeople who took control of the office of the presidency on 11/22/63(call them the New World Order,Power Control Group, whatever)aregoing to allow Obama to do anything that doesn't dovetail withtheir agenda? If he isn't already on board,he will be soon. I don't believe he's any less of a puppet/frontman than Bush. As far asrace,etc.,I don't care if he's pink & purple polks-dots. We're in big trouble. Brian.