David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Joe, I think what Thom and Bob Franklin said were correct. I think David Phillips being there was a sign to LHO that he wasn't to blow his cover and that things would be taken care of. Also, who knows what was said while LHO was being interrogated, as the DPD claims that no notes or tapes were made. Yeah right! We know that James Hosty of the FBI was there for part of the interrogation. Maybe Phillips was as well. I think LHO tried to warn the FBI of the assassination, as he was an informant. That may have been the note that Hosty destroyed after LHO was murdered. Plus, the FBI was also warned earlier via teletype, that an assassination attempt was forthcoming. I believe LHO was responsible for that as well. Anyway, from what I understand, LHO was supposed to be killed at the Texas Theater. That was also where David Phillips told him to go. But LHO was NOT killed there. Phillips had to scramble fast. That is why I think he was there at police headquarters, along with Hosty, who also had to feel nervous, especially since LHO tried to warn him and the FBI about the assassination. But Ruby was also there. LHO and Ruby obviously knew each other. Was Ruby casing and stalking LHO after he was given the orders to terminate him? No doubt. Did LHO have any reason to fear Ruby? Perhaps...especially after we know they got into a skirmish 6 weeks before the assassination.
tom jeffers
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by tom jeffers »

oswald's cover was a communist sympathiser. on another thread i posted "oswalds last words" oswald says several different times that his attorney was john abt or that he wanted him as his attorney. i have always felt that this was an important clue because as a communist sympathiser, he would have wanted abt as an attorney. he was a noted attorney and had defended communists back in the mccarthy hearings. in essence he was trying to let his handler know that his cover was intact.if you go back and read his "last words" you will see that he says a few times that he has friends that will help him and marina. what friends is he talking about? lee was a lonermost of you think that ruby and phillips being at his press conference was viewed as a negative by oswald. maybe it was meant to re-inforce his belief that there would be help on the way so he wouldn't say anything. maybe phillips winked or nodded at oswald at the right time sending him a secret message.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by andries »

Could well be Bob,but it,s just one option out off many,but meanwhilewe dont even know for sure if tippit was killed for the purpose to lead the attention to LHOAfter all there were two persons involved killing tippit i do believe, and he was killed by not less than four shots,including a headshot,wasn,t it.So they really wanted him out in the same brutal way as Kennedy
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:Could well be Bob,but it,s just one option out off many,but meanwhilewe dont even know for sure if tippit was killed for the purpose to lead the attention to LHOAfter all there were two persons involved killing tippit i do believe, and he was killed by not less than four shots,including a headshot,wasn,t it.So they really wanted him out in the same brutal way as KennedyAccording to at least one witness, there were two people who were involved in killing Tippit. One was a younger, slender man (Marlow perhaps) and the other was a shorter, heavy set man (Ruby perhaps). Some believe that Tippit was on his way to get LHO (or his double) and drive him to Red Bird airport for his escape.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by andries »

Bob wrote:andries wrote:Could well be Bob,but it,s just one option out off many,but meanwhilewe dont even know for sure if tippit was killed for the purpose to lead the attention to LHOAfter all there were two persons involved killing tippit i do believe, and he was killed by not less than four shots,including a headshot,wasn,t it.So they really wanted him out in the same brutal way as KennedyAccording to at least one witness, there were two people who were involved in killing Tippit. One was a younger, slender man (Marlow perhaps) and the other was a shorter, heavy set man (Ruby perhaps). Some believe that Tippit was on his way to get LHO (or his double) and drive him to Red Bird airport for his escape.There are also a number off people who believe tippit had aliminated Oswald.Tippit was spotted that day acting nervous and different than normal
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by ChristophMessner »

At 8:24 of the video "The Grassy Knoll 11/12" you get a good picture of David Atlee Phillips, too, look: http://www.youtube.com/user/RBittikofer ... 0hZbiW4and here you can hear and see more about and of Phillips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcVUZyq2N8M
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Speaking of David Atlee Phillips, who here has heard of Operation Pluto?http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19610504.pdf
Dealey Joe
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Very interesting BobWhat you gonna come up with nexr? "OPERATION GALLBLADDER"
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Very interesting BobWhat you gonna come up with nexr? "OPERATION GALLBLADDER" No...I'll keep it in the solar system...Operation Uranus.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Actually, the youtube video account of RBittikofer (see the link in my previous post) was closed. I remember highly interesting declassifying things there. Was Wim responsible for that closure? Is this David Atlee Phillips (red shirt, left middle) together with an Oswald impersonator there in the parking lot? http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy25 ... hesgif.gif