Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

JFK Assassination
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Bob »

Chad Duncan wrote:The main item to show the planes are military is to buy or use any video you can slow down or freeze frame. IF you look closely, especially at the one video of the 1st plane hit, you will see both planes have that unusual underbelly shaft with a round opening at the nose. From military photos, you can tell that these planes were once military used. That and flight 93 was reported to have landed in Cleveland like an hour and a half after its supposed crash.The site in Shanksville was already with the large trench and I have seen photos of it from 1991. All they did was shoot a smart bomb and blast a hole in the middle of it.The pentagon was also an obvious missile. Its bad enough we have politicians as leaders, but arent any of them smart enough to use a plane with windows as in the 2nd plane? i just want to know what they did with the people. And why didnt Bush just go after Iraq without such destruction? Why didnt anyone broadcast that the Bush family had ties to the Binladen family before he was allowed to run for any public office? This country has truly become a flipping joke since November 22, 1963. when does it end?Excellent points Chad. Great to hear from you again. The REAL people running the White House and the world will continue to use the "terror" card as often as possible. Next on the horizon...Pakistan and Iran. Somehow both of those countries will be involved in a "terror" act. These people want never ending wars in the regions that they are now in. There is too much money in it, not to mention other resources like oil and drug trafficking.