David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Kirk »

Hey Chris,You got good eyes. It could be is my best guess. I actually would expect him to there at that moment in time spinning people or witnesses. I can almost hear him saying things like....I heard shots coming from that building over there....ChristophMessner wrote:Actually, the youtube video account of RBittikofer (see the link in my previous post) was closed. I remember highly interesting declassifying things there. Was Wim responsible for that closure? Is this David Atlee Phillips (red shirt, left middle) together with an Oswald impersonator there in the parking lot? http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy25 ... hesgif.gif
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Actually, the youtube video account of RBittikofer (see the link in my previous post) was closed. I remember highly interesting declassifying things there. Was Wim responsible for that closure? Is this David Atlee Phillips (red shirt, left middle) together with an Oswald impersonator there in the parking lot? http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy25 ... if.gifThat could be Phillips Chris. It's hard to say for sure, but there is definitely a resemblance. Nice find. Yes, RBittikofer was showing The Grassy Knoll on You Tube without Wim's permission, and that is why it was pulled. However, RBittikofer has some excellent stuff in his collection.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Mark68 »

Whenever I read threads like this scrutinizing tiny details similair to these I'm always reminded of Stone's Mr X "...it doesn't matter who shot from where, Oswald, Cubans, Mafia like some parlor game". The who/what/when/where is scenery for audience. Again, I'm reminded of Stone w/ his assertion that europeans laugh at the naivete' of americans because they know it would be impossible for the possible variables to fall into place at the right place at the right time for a single, untrained civilian to have pulled off what LHO is beleived to have done.An analysis of equal intensity of the bigger picture would IMO be of even more practicality. Its obvious an element(s) of the CIA masterminded an operation of this magnitude, its obvious LHO couldn't have shot the left front temple shot (besides obviously not shooting a junk rifle from the school book dep.), and its obvious Ruby was cleanly killed before his appeal since he had (0) cancer related health probs before entering prison.
Phil Dragoo
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Big picture, little pixels

Post by Phil Dragoo »

An analysis of equal intensity of the bigger picture would IMO be of even more practicality. Its obvious an element(s) of the CIA masterminded an operation of this magnitudeMark, John Newman, OSWALD AND THE CIA, shows Angleton to have had Oswald in his files long before Dealey Plaza. Ditto Lisa Pease:http://www.ctka.net/pr700-ang.htmlhttp: ... .htmlDavid Atlee Phillips met with Oswald in 1963 in the presence of Veciana per Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Witness. Phillips made a near-death confession to his brother that he was in Dealey Plaza—as did Hunt to his son.Carlos Hathcock told Craig Roberts (Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza) exactly what you said: no way Mr. Maggie's Drawers with the toy gun through the live oak shot Kennedy from the front.What is your organization chart for this op at this time.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Barney »

There is a picture of a group meeting with the Homicide Chief, Will Fritz, working under Chief Curry,, shortly after or before Oswald is captured at the Texas Theater. Chief Fritz did most of the interrogatons of persons arrested and brought into the homicide office incld. LHO.Some claim that, the man in the right center of this photo is one, Dep. Sher. Roger Craig. I tend to disagree, I think it is David Aatlee Phillipsinstead. It seems rather impossible that this picture taken 15-20 minutes after the shooting, would include a picture of Oswald or Craig, sincethe Plaza was still being secured, as was the railroad yard, and boxcars. Craig was rounding up witnesses, and suspects and routing them via other DPD officers, where they were taken to the DPD or Sher. Dept. for identification and questioning about the murder of Pres. Kennedy first and then the murder of DPD Officer J D Tippit.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Bruce mentioned this, so why not get more opinions. Is it DAP, or not?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Bob Fox:Bob - Excellent job on this Headline, Posts, and supporting information, and documentation allthrough this discussion by you, and many of the contributors herein.David Atlee Phillips had strong associations with James Earl Sutton - Files, Lee Harvey Oswald,and other significant individuals before, during, and after The JFK Event of 11.22.1963.In my opinion he is perhaps the most central, and important person to analyze, investigate,read about, research, and study with an eye toward connecting "the dots."In addition, in my opinions, LBJ, and Jack Ruby should both be more strongly acknowledged intheir level of importance to The JFK Event.This Headline of yours is of monumental, significant importance to many related subject matters.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.