Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Barney »

Yes, the American Indians, were made drunk, treated like bad children, cheated with trinkets, beads, mirrors, blankets, made to be foolish in their manners, trapping out entire states to buy these things with the white mans traps, guns, knives, and grew hungry and poor in the process of being, uh civilized persons, fit to be around whites. In this process of being humanized-civilized, they grew weak, died from hunger and diseases, and their wives, mothers, and children, the old people, starved on the lands of their ancestors and where their kindred were buried.Where once they were rulers of the forestlands, the great plains, the river bottoms about this land, the Lords of the Plains such as the Cheyenne, Comanche, Sioux, Cherokee, these once brave, powerful tribes became wards of this country on govt. welfare.How is that the Great Plains, the vast lands of the Buffalo grasses, the vast uncut Woodland, there was not enough for the people who were here first, that is my question? After so many generations the color of the Native Americans is bred out of us, my grandmother being the lastto have the classic high cheekbones, jet black hair in braids is the last tho she was white in skin color, almost6 ft. tall and strong as most grown men and stronger than some. Her passion was cooking, canning, and needlework.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Barney »

Pas; why are we Americans so gullible, that we do not consider all suspects as suspects, and run others thru a special seive, that allowsJews and their minions, to fall out the bottom untouched, unmolested, unharmed time and time again in history as if history does not repeat itself in due course. ???
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Barney wrote:Pas; why are we Americans so gullible, that we do not consider all suspects as suspects, and run others thru a special seive, that allowsJews and their minions, to fall out the bottom untouched, unmolested, unharmed time and time again in history as if history does not repeat itself in due course. ??? Barney,In my opinion, Americans are not gullible. We are just being lied to by a corporate controlled media that we think is actually just telling the news like it is. Lying is just a part of a bigger set called DECEPTION. The media, and people in general who are liars, usually deceive by OMISSION first. For example, the media doesn't mention World Trade Center Building 7 and the way it collapsed hours later (in 6.5 seconds) even though it wasn't hit by a plane. In fact, most people out there in the general public don't even know about building 7. It's because the media doesn't talk about it. So, basically, the mainstream media is presenting only part of the picture of 9/11 to the public. Therefore, in my opinion, it is unfair to say that the American public is gullible. The controllers of the mainstream media, the corporate controlled media, aren't worth the steam off a dog's poop in the morning air. They are basically traitors to me. Add to this media deception the fact that people like Bush (W. Bush) allowed wiretapping and such without the necessity of a warrant (aka warrantless wiretapping. Lots of people are also scared to speak out. We here on this forum who speak the truth are brave. We need to keep it up and also STEP IT UP too! Let's just keep on keeping on here and elsewhere.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Barney »

Pas: I read and viewed a YouTube video yesterday, which described two 2000 model white vans in the Brooklyn area, thatwere seen doing suspicious things before and after the WTC bombings. Someone, called 911 a few minutes afterthis event, stating that a group of Palestinian looking males, 4-5 were appearing near the van, as if celebrating andtaking photos of themselves with the distant burning bldgs behind them in the photos. They were desc. as Palestiniansby the way they dressed accd. to the police dept. dispatcher getting the 911 calls. Fortunately the 911 alertedall squad cars, and all tunnels and bridge approaches were blocked, ie the Geo. Washington Bridge and theHolland Tunnel leading to downtown. Police officials feel this was a false lead to get their men away from the true intended targets, theGW Bridge and the Holland tunnel. One of the vehicles was found abandoned in traffric with almost a ton ofhigh explosives about to cross over the GW bridge, but stopped empty on the bridge approach by police barricades and officers. The the other van apparently was going to be used as an escape routevehicle, but was abandoned. Several suspicious looking persons in the area, were detained for questioning, butdue to their Jew lawyers and interferences from the Jewish Embassy, they were released. We should have shippedthese bastards off to Gitmo in Cuba, for some real interrrogation with a 120 Ger. Shephard gnawing on theirfaces.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Barney wrote:Pas: I read and viewed a YouTube video yesterday, which described two 2000 model white vans in the Brooklyn area, thatwere seen doing suspicious things before and after the WTC bombings. Someone, called 911 a few minutes afterthis event, stating that a group of Palestinian looking males, 4-5 were appearing near the van, as if celebrating andtaking photos of themselves with the distant burning bldgs behind them in the photos. They were desc. as Palestiniansby the way they dressed accd. to the police dept. dispatcher getting the 911 calls. Fortunately the 911 alertedall squad cars, and all tunnels and bridge approaches were blocked, ie the Geo. Washington Bridge and theHolland Tunnel leading to downtown. Police officials feel this was a false lead to get their men away from the true intended targets, theGW Bridge and the Holland tunnel. One of the vehicles was found abandoned in traffric with almost a ton ofhigh explosives about to cross over the GW bridge, but stopped empty on the bridge approach by police barricades and officers. The the other van apparently was going to be used as an escape routevehicle, but was abandoned. Several suspicious looking persons in the area, were detained for questioning, butdue to their Jew lawyers and interferences from the Jewish Embassy, they were released. We should have shippedthese bastards off to Gitmo in Cuba, for some real interrrogation with a 120 Ger. Shephard gnawing on theirfaces. There were eight white vans driven by Arabs reportedly stopped on 9/11. Most were in New Jersey; none was in Brooklyn. For more information see ... ans.htmThe most entertaining was a rented truck painted with a mural of remote controlled planes crashing into the WTC, stopped on King Street, a few blocks from WTC. The driver and passenger, who could not speak English, attempted to run but were captured. Gimme a break. This was obviously a prank. Why would someone paint a mural on a rented truck? What does a remote controlled plane look like? (Hint: all Boeing 757 & 767 can be remotely controlled through a little known S-band data link. It's all software, not hardware.) Your description combines the "five dancing Israelis" arrested at 4PM in Rutherford with a truck full of paper stopped near the GW Bridge at 11:30PM. The second truck was en route from a print shop in NJ to the Wall Street Journal, thereby implicating the financial community in the WTC attack. (sarcasm)We all remember well known CNN commentator Barbara Olsen desperately calling her husband, US Solicitor General, for advice on stopping the hijackers. She said pilots and passengers were huddled in the back of the plane. He wasn't sure whether she used an Airphone or her cell phone. Some unanswered questions:Flight Data from the FDR showed the cabin door never opened during the flight. How did pilots get to the back? How did hijackers fly the plane?(Hint: correct answers are they didn't.)There were no Airphones on the plane. Phone company records show one unsuccessful attempted call from her cell phone to her husband's office. Who called (if anyone)?FBI knows. Why didn't they tell us?Many cell phone calls were reportedly made from the plane that crashed in PA, while flying at 30K feet near Cleveland. Cell phones don't work above 5K feet unless the plane has a femtocell, which didn't exist in 2001.FBI knows where those calls came from. Why didn't they tell us?
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Barney »

Robert; thanks for your post, its hard for me to recall the exact details after watching a YouTube video such asthe one I viewed. The point was as you stated, how did the Jews know beforehand of this bombing event, whywere most Jews working in the WTC buildings, not on scene that day, much like most of the govt. workers wereabsent from work at the Oka. City Murray Fed. Bldg. bombing where Tim McVay was the " patsy."
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Barney wrote:Robert; thanks for your post, its hard for me to recall the exact details after watching a YouTube video such asthe one I viewed. The point was as you stated, how did the Jews know beforehand of this bombing event, whywere most Jews working in the WTC buildings, not on scene that day, much like most of the govt. workers wereabsent from work at the Oka. City Murray Fed. Bldg. bombing where Tim McVay was the " patsy." "Hello, David Rosenberg? This is the Mossad. Listen, don't go to work on Tuesday. Yeah, another terrorist attack on the U.S. Call in sick. And remember, not a word to any of your gentile relatives, friends, or co-workers." fact, an estimated 500 out of 3,000 = 17% of people killed were Jewish. The population of New York is 12% Jewish.
bob franklin
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by bob franklin »

I read the link you posted. it I furnishes (if verifiable) a maximum of 136 Israeli/Jewish casualties. Doesn't make all that big a dent in the 4000 figure. overall, the article didn't impress me. And for the record, I'm honestly more disposed to believe Pravda or a pro Palestinian news service than our own corrupted and mockingbird-full MSM. I found nothing of consequence in the snopes article. Sorry, just calling it as I see it. It couldn't even touch those five Israelis who were arrested for their "puzzling" behavior. It didn't debunk anything, in fact. It just read like a propaganda piece. Is the whole site like this?
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Bob »

Please see this story... note this part of that particular article..."In a startling accusation, nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu has alleged thatJerusalem was behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, who was exerting pressure on the then Israeli head of state to shed light on the Dimona nuclear plant. In defiance of a ban on talking to the media and meeting with foreigners, Vanunu is said to have made the accusation in an interview to London-based Al-Hayat newspaper. As per the interview published in newspaper's Arabic supplement Al-Wassat yesterday, Vanunu said according to "near-certain indications", Kennedy was assassinated due to "pressure he exerted on then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor". Again...remember Operation Zipper. Please see this... ... ipper.html
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

bob franklin wrote:I read the link you posted. it I furnishes (if verifiable) a maximum of 136 Israeli/Jewish casualties. Doesn't make all that big a dent in the 4000 figure. overall, the article didn't impress me. And for the record, I'm honestly more disposed to believe Pravda or a pro Palestinian news service than our own corrupted and mockingbird-full MSM. I found nothing of consequence in the snopes article. Sorry, just calling it as I see it. It couldn't even touch those five Israelis who were arrested for their "puzzling" behavior. It didn't debunk anything, in fact. It just read like a propaganda piece. Is the whole site like this?The idea that 4,000 Jews knew the attack was coming and didn't tell non-Jewish colleagues is obviously racist propaganda. People who believe it are more gullible than MSM consumers. The 130 figure was about Israeli nationals, not American Jews. The correct figure for Israeli nationals turned out to be 1. The 500 figure I gave was an estimate based on surnames. There is no way to determine an exact count. See: ... d=331277It adds, " The figure would have been even higher had it not been for the fact that many Orthodox Jews went to work an hour later because of the Selichot prayers recited in the days before the Jewish New Year."Five dancing Israelis and one IM to Odigo show Mossad knew the attack was coming, not that it was involved. I'd be disappointed if it didn't, because knowing about such things is its job. Our CIA and FBI were criticized, and heads rolled, for not knowing. Snopes is a well-known, respected, independent debunker of urban myths, not a tool of MSM or political correctness. In this case, it didn't provide as much substantiation as usual because the story is transparently false. They said so in, "The pieces quoted above scarcely merit the dignity of a rebuttal."Do you have any evidence of Jewish involvement?