Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Bob »

Robert, please see this... ... tion.htmlI think the CIA/Mossad/ISI were involved in a joint venture pertaining to the events of 9/11.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:Robert, please see this... ... tion.htmlI think the CIA/Mossad/ISI were involved in a joint venture pertaining to the events of 9/11.This page, titled "9/11 Facts," contains only one fact linking Israel to 9/11 -- the message to Odigo. Its section III Israeli Mossad Involved in 9/11 is empty. Do you have anything better?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:Robert, please see this... ... tion.htmlI think the CIA/Mossad/ISI were involved in a joint venture pertaining to the events of 9/11.This page, titled "9/11 Facts," contains only one fact linking Israel to 9/11 -- the message to Odigo. Its section III Israeli Mossad Involved in 9/11 is empty. Do you have anything better?Robert Wagner,Please look at the first couple of pages of this topic. There's a LOT more evidence linking Israeli entities to 9/11. For the rest of you, just look at even just the fist page of this topic.Pasquale
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I'm going to call this posting, "Just like they do in Israel." It's about pushing or advocating a police state "just like they do in Israel." One of the stars of this is a Jewish woman, or a woman who was "raised Jewish," named Carie Lemack who is basically trying to sell to the public the idea that increased security is a GOOD thing. You know, if you create a big enough boogieman, they will be able to justify ANYTHING...such as wiretapping without a warrant...oh, wait, they've done that already. Maybe they'll justify body cavity searches next, eh? Maybe they'll ban Americans from owning guns. LOL The MSNBC clip is from a show called "The Last Word" where they interviewed the woman named Carie Lemack whose mother was supposedly on one of the planes involved on 9/11. She basically promotes the use of body scanners and body searches because, as she appears to say, we have a right to live and should blame the terrorists for the new extreme security measures. She goes from there to advocate the extreme security measures. Interestingly, when asked about alternative security measures, she said something to the effect that security companies need to start focusing on "dangerous" people "just like they do in Israel." Now she's pushing for the use of security people who can just LOOK at you and decide if you're dangerous or not. She then says that "amazing work" is being done in behavior detection, or something like that, "just like they do in Israel." Are you seeing a pattern? This woman is pushing, basically, for a police state, "just like they do in Israel." LOL interestingly, it seems that Carie Lemack who said "I was raised Jewish" in the article below called "International victims' relatives group aims to curb terrorism," is a part of Global Survivors Network that appears to have been born out of the United Nations or a United Nations event. ... -launchThe organization she is with, Global Survivors Network, grew out of a United Nations event that was supposedly "the first ever United nations Symposium." "The Network grew out of the first ever United Nations Symposium on Supporting Victims of Terrorism on 9 September 2008. The UN Secretary-General gave a platform and an opportunity to 18 victims of terror and ten experts to share their stories and insights, in the hope of influencing delegates from 192 nations to pass resolutions and policies aimed at preventing future acts of terror." ... pageid=3On this page is where you can find that she is a member of this "Global Survivors Group." ... cidentally, according to the news anchor in the MSNBC clip, the lobbying groups who support the two larges body scanner companies employed Michael Chertoff. Chertoff is supposedly to be one of the co-authors of the "Patriot Act." "Chertoff has been an advocate of full body scanners at airports. In 2010 it emerged that Rapiscan Systems, a manufacturer of this technology, was a client of his security consulting firm, the Chertoff Group. He has come under a lot of pressure from fellow republicans for alleged corruption in that he was profiting from the sale of security equipment, which he advocated for, while Secretary of Homeland Security during the Bush presidency. [21]"
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:Robert, please see this... ... tion.htmlI think the CIA/Mossad/ISI were involved in a joint venture pertaining to the events of 9/11.This page, titled "9/11 Facts," contains only one fact linking Israel to 9/11 -- the message to Odigo. Its section III Israeli Mossad Involved in 9/11 is empty. Do you have anything better?Robert Wagner,Please look at the first couple of pages of this topic. There's a LOT more evidence linking Israeli entities to 9/11. For the rest of you, just look at even just the fist page of this topic.PasqualeI found it! Entering Israeli in the search box took me to a page containing this:"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11 nailed 'em. We know there's evidence because an anonymous US official said so, and we know government isn't allowed to lie. That's all the proof I need. Following the link on that quotation took me to a page titled "The Israeli Spy Ring." ... ng.phpHold on, that doesn't prove Israelis planned 9/11; it proves, as best, they had foreknowledge. The article caught my attention because it gets into areas where I have personal knowledge."What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA."I worked for Amdocs at its primary US operations site. I didn't know they were subsidized, so I looked at their annual report (20-F). No sign of subsidy there. ... a5e7f6aHow could they provide billing for 90% of phone companies when they don't have Verizon, largest phone company in the US before AT&T acquired Bell South? Verizon uses Convergys and a bunch of home grown crap. They once had 50 different billing systems. I read it's down to 5 now. Amdocs has 18,000 employees; Convergys has 65,000. "Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. "That's funny, I worked on the main billing computer for Sprint, in Champaign IL. I also worked on the main billing computers for AT&T. They're out in the LECs -- the former SW Bell in Dallas, Ameritech in St Louis, Bell South in Atlanta, etc. Besides, what difference does it make where the computers are? Traffic analysis means statistics on message volume, not Usage Data for one customer. Yes, they do track calls to and from selected phones. Authorization comes from US phone companies, presumably backed up by warrants, not from Amdocs. I've worked with the tracking tables. There aren't any secret ones, known only to Amdocs. Sure, anyone with access can do an ad hoc query, I've done them, but queries are logged, and logs are examined by phone company auditors. Moreover, access to production data is tightly controlled. Amdocs doesn't have unlimited access, especially to Usage Data. "Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America." Nonsense. The "automatic tapping equipmnt" required by CALEA is software written by the central office switch manufacturer. About half of US switches are 5ESS, whose software comes from Lucent. The number two company is Nortel and number three is Comverse. More on Carl Cameron's "classified information":In two separate reports (A Fox News report and an article in Le Monde) concerns were raised in 2002 that wiretapping equipment provided by Comverse Infosys to the U.S. government for electronic eavesdropping may have been vulnerable, as these systems allegedly had a back door through which the wiretaps could be intercepted by unauthorized parties. In its article, Le Monde claims to have taken note of the whole script in this investigation. Based upon it, le monde concludes: Comverse is suspected of having introduced into its systems of the "catch gates" in order to "intercept, record and store" these wire-taps. This hardware would render the "listener" himself "listened to".. However, this suspicion has never led to a conviction. When asked "Are there reasons to believe the Israeli government is implicated?", FOX-reporter Carl Cameron admitted, "No, none, but a classified top-secret investigation is underway".In the eight years since the unverified Fox report of a "classified top-secret investigation" in 2002, there have been no legal or commercial actions of any type taken against Comverse by the FBI or any other branch of the US Government related to data access and security issues. While no real evidence has been presented against Comverse/Verint, the 2002 allegations have become a favorite topic of conspiracy theorists. ... uthorities
Robert Wagner
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Look at the patsy

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:I think the CIA/Mossad/ISI were involved in a joint venture pertaining to the events of 9/11.Choice of patsy gives more information about organizers than choice of victim. The patsy usually represents the organizers' enemy, occasionally a nobody like James Earl Ray. Knowing he never makes the organizer look bad allows us to eliminate suspects. Cuba and Russia wanted JFK dead, but LHO's communism eliminates them as likely culprits. In the same way, Arab patsies on 9/11 means organizers hate Arabs. That narrows it down to Israel, Pakistan, India, US government and non-suspects such as Kurds, Berbers, Turks and Persians. The question is whether intelligence services of Israel and Pakistan would BOTH trust the other side. I don't think so; spooks are too paranoiac.A dead giveaway of conspiracy is leaving evidence of the patsy's id, in a way a real criminal would never do. For instance, LHO's wallet dropped next to Tippit's body, 9/11 hijackers' passports dropped on the sidewalk, McVeigh's self-incriminating tee shirt and car decoration. A less known instance is a box containing James Earl Ray's rifle, ammo (not matching bullets in MLK) and identifying radio left on the doorstep of a nearby merchant named Canipe. Conversely, the absence of a stereotyped patsy and planted evidence suggests it wasn't a conspiracy. RFK comes to mind. Sirhan wasn't a patsy, he was the real killer, at least one of two. I believe his hypnotism was an act. He tried to turn the tables by framing the CIA.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Bob »

Conversely, the absence of a stereotyped patsy and planted evidence suggests it wasn't a conspiracy. RFK comes to mind. Sirhan wasn't a patsy, he was the real killer, at least one of two. I believe his hypnotism was an act. He tried to turn the tables by framing the CIA.- Robert WagnerRobert...see the Remembering RFK thread. Are you saying the CIA wasn't involved in RFK's murder???
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:Robert...see the Remembering RFK thread. Are you saying the CIA wasn't involved in RFK's murder??? I don't think the CIA planned it. I think they found out Sirhan's intentions and were on hand to watch. According to the thread and You Tube videos, the only evidence of CIA involvement is the presence of three CIA operatives, notably hit man David Morales, in the audience. Morales said he "was there" when RFK was shot, not that he was responsible. I was there too, but I don't take credit for it. I was working on the twelfth floor of an office building next to the Ambassador (yes, at midnight). A man who worked for me was in the ballroom audience. He didn't get out for twelve hours. I learned from him that LAPD immediately put the hotel on lockdown, then LAPD and FBI did an in depth interview of every person in the building, complete with pocket emptying and patdown. The three CIA men were interviewed and searched. I find it hard to believe the woman in polka dot dress got out before they sealed the place. Getting out entailed walking or driving almost a block to Wilshire Boulevard. IN 1968, LAPD was one of if not the best in the country, and Noguchi was a first class coroner. They did not botch the investigation like the bubbas in Dallas. I believe the CIA team was planning to do it, and would have if Sirhan had failed. As for a second shooter, see for examples of how witness' recollections changed over the years. Multiple analyses of the Pruszynski tape reached diverse conclusions on the number of shots, ranging from 8 to 13. I think the extras, especially the ones within 100 milliseconds, were ricochets. Van Praag eliminated ricochets by timing, not acoustic signature. He calculated it would take 20 ms for a bullet moving 1,000 fps to reach a wall 20 feet away. Greater intervals were counted as additional shots. He ignored the possibility of a second ricochet. Nearly all witnesses (who offered a number) said there had been 8. A good video on the topic is ... osearchYou said in the thread, "the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night." The above cite says they did test it. You also said, "Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting." Knowing LAPD patted everyone else down, I find it impossible to believe they didn't search Cesar.Again, the RFK assassination didn't have the earmarks of a CIA operation. There was no innocent patsy, Sirhan did not fit the profile of a CIA enemy, and there was no planted evidence.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Barney »

Pas: look up the aerial shootup of the surveillance vessel, the US Liberty, and see how much our Jew friends inNew York and Israel care about the United States, after all that we have done for them since 1947. If you havefriends like these Jews, Zionists mainly, then you do not need any enemies.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Robert Wagner wrote:I found it! Entering Israeli in the search box took me to a page containing this:"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11 nailed 'em. We know there's evidence because an anonymous US official said so, and we know government isn't allowed to lie. That's all the proof I need. Following the link on that quotation took me to a page titled "The Israeli Spy Ring." ... ng.phpHold on, that doesn't prove Israelis planned 9/11; it proves, as best, they had foreknowledge. The article caught my attention because it gets into areas where I have personal knowledge."What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA."I worked for Amdocs at its primary US operations site. I didn't know they were subsidized, so I looked at their annual report (20-F). No sign of subsidy there. ... a5e7f6aHow could they provide billing for 90% of phone companies when they don't have Verizon, largest phone company in the US before AT&T acquired Bell South? Verizon uses Convergys and a bunch of home grown crap. They once had 50 different billing systems. I read it's down to 5 now. Amdocs has 18,000 employees; Convergys has 65,000. "Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. "That's funny, I worked on the main billing computer for Sprint, in Champaign IL. I also worked on the main billing computers for AT&T. They're out in the LECs -- the former SW Bell in Dallas, Ameritech in St Louis, Bell South in Atlanta, etc. Besides, what difference does it make where the computers are? Traffic analysis means statistics on message volume, not Usage Data for one customer. Yes, they do track calls to and from selected phones. Authorization comes from US phone companies, presumably backed up by warrants, not from Amdocs. I've worked with the tracking tables. There aren't any secret ones, known only to Amdocs. Sure, anyone with access can do an ad hoc query, I've done them, but queries are logged, and logs are examined by phone company auditors. Moreover, access to production data is tightly controlled. Amdocs doesn't have unlimited access, especially to Usage Data. "Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America." Nonsense. The "automatic tapping equipmnt" required by CALEA is software written by the central office switch manufacturer. About half of US switches are 5ESS, whose software comes from Lucent. The number two company is Nortel and number three is Comverse. More on Carl Cameron's "classified information":In two separate reports (A Fox News report and an article in Le Monde) concerns were raised in 2002 that wiretapping equipment provided by Comverse Infosys to the U.S. government for electronic eavesdropping may have been vulnerable, as these systems allegedly had a back door through which the wiretaps could be intercepted by unauthorized parties. In its article, Le Monde claims to have taken note of the whole script in this investigation. Based upon it, le monde concludes: Comverse is suspected of having introduced into its systems of the "catch gates" in order to "intercept, record and store" these wire-taps. This hardware would render the "listener" himself "listened to".. However, this suspicion has never led to a conviction. When asked "Are there reasons to believe the Israeli government is implicated?", FOX-reporter Carl Cameron admitted, "No, none, but a classified top-secret investigation is underway".In the eight years since the unverified Fox report of a "classified top-secret investigation" in 2002, there have been no legal or commercial actions of any type taken against Comverse by the FBI or any other branch of the US Government related to data access and security issues. While no real evidence has been presented against Comverse/Verint, the 2002 allegations have become a favorite topic of conspiracy theorists. ... tiesWhat's your point? Can you verify who you claim you worked for? Also, that report about Amdocs, etc., was from a Fox News special that came out years ago, so I'm not seeing the relevance regarding Verizon being one of the largest phone companies. Then you said "I worked for Amdocs at its primary US operations site. I didn't know they were subsidized, so I looked at their annual report (20-F). No sign of subsidy there."Which year is that "annual report" from? Was it during the same year that Fox did that news special report? Oh, and for the record, I'm not a "conspiracy theorist," so you can stop using that term with regard to people like me. It's insulting, and you know it. Are you Jewish, Mr. Wagner? Do you think it's coincidental that the American convert to Islam, Adam Gadahn (sp?) is Adam Pearlman who is Jewish? Do you think it's coincidental that the other convert, the east coast cab driver, is another Jew named Joseph Cohen? Do you think the "dancing Israelis" issue was made up as well? Do you think it's coincidental that organizations like AIPAC heavily influence both the major parties in our country? Do you find it odd that Israel is allowed to have nukes but other countries in the area aren't? Do you think the Lavon affair and the USS Liberty attack were made up?