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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:24 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Barney wrote:Pas: look up the aerial shootup of the surveillance vessel, the US Liberty, and see how much our Jew friends inNew York and Israel care about the United States, after all that we have done for them since 1947. If you havefriends like these Jews, Zionists mainly, then you do not need any enemies. LOLNo kidding.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:37 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Robert Wagner wrote:I don't think the CIA planned it. I think they found out Sirhan's intentions and were on hand to watch. According to the thread and You Tube videos, the only evidence of CIA involvement is the presence of three CIA operatives, notably hit man David Morales, in the audience. Morales said he "was there" when RFK was shot, not that he was responsible. You're kidding right? Assuming you're correct about the CIA just being "on hand to watch" and that they "found out Sirhan's intentions," don't you think it's strange and criminal for them not to have said something or done something? Then you say:Robert Wagner wrote:I was there too, but I don't take credit for it. I was working on the twelfth floor of an office building next to the Ambassador (yes, at midnight). A man who worked for me was in the ballroom audience. He didn't get out for twelve hours. I learned from him that LAPD immediately put the hotel on lockdown, then LAPD and FBI did an in depth interview of every person in the building, complete with pocket emptying and patdown. The three CIA men were interviewed and searched. I find it hard to believe the woman in polka dot dress got out before they sealed the place. Getting out entailed walking or driving almost a block to Wilshire Boulevard. So, you say you've worked for Amdocs and now you were at the Ambassador Hotel on the night RFK was shot? I'm seeing a pattern here. Also, regarding the woman in the polka dot dress, since when does it take a major amount of time to exit a hotel and walk a block?Robert Wagner wrote:IN 1968, LAPD was one of if not the best in the country, and Noguchi was a first class coroner. They did not botch the investigation like the bubbas in Dallas. I believe the CIA team was planning to do it, and would have if Sirhan had failed. Didn't Noguchi say that RFK was shot at point blank range in the back of the head? Sirhan couldn't have done that. Robert Wagner wrote:As for a second shooter, see for examples of how witness' recollections changed over the years. Multiple analyses of the Pruszynski tape reached diverse conclusions on the number of shots, ranging from 8 to 13. I think the extras, especially the ones within 100 milliseconds, were ricochets. Van Praag eliminated ricochets by timing, not acoustic signature. He calculated it would take 20 ms for a bullet moving 1,000 fps to reach a wall 20 feet away. Greater intervals were counted as additional shots. He ignored the possibility of a second ricochet. Nearly all witnesses (who offered a number) said there had been 8. A good video on the topic is ... ideosearch Ricochets don't sound like gun shots. Are you saying that they do sound the same? Robert Wagner wrote:You said in the thread, "the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night." The above cite says they did test it. You also said, "Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting." Knowing LAPD patted everyone else down, I find it impossible to believe they didn't search Cesar.Again, the RFK assassination didn't have the earmarks of a CIA operation. There was no innocent patsy, Sirhan did not fit the profile of a CIA enemy, and there was no planted evidence.According to you, what are the earmarks of a "CIA operation?"

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:53 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
This is an interesting take on Zionist control of our media. This is especially for Mr. Wagner and Martin Hinrichs. It's DAVID DUKE talking about Zionist control of the media in the U.S. and how they are influencing U.S. foreign policy with their money. Enjoy. This clip is called "Bombs, Body Scans and Israel" clip is called "No war for Israel in Iran - Keep Americans Safe" clip is called "Do Jews Control the Media? - The L.A. Times Says Yes!"

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:46 am
by Robert Wagner
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:What's your point? Can you verify who you claim you worked for? Also, that report about Amdocs, etc., was from a Fox News special that came out years ago, so I'm not seeing the relevance regarding Verizon being one of the largest phone companies. Then you said "I worked for Amdocs at its primary US operations site. I didn't know they were subsidized, so I looked at their annual report (20-F). No sign of subsidy there."Which year is that "annual report" from? Was it during the same year that Fox did that news special report? Oh, and for the record, I'm not a "conspiracy theorist," so you can stop using that term with regard to people like me. It's insulting, and you know it. Are you Jewish, Mr. Wagner? Do you think it's coincidental that the American convert to Islam, Adam Gadahn (sp?) is Adam Pearlman who is Jewish? Do you think it's coincidental that the other convert, the east coast cab driver, is another Jew named Joseph Cohen? Do you think the "dancing Israelis" issue was made up as well? Do you think it's coincidental that organizations like AIPAC heavily influence both the major parties in our country? Do you find it odd that Israel is allowed to have nukes but other countries in the area aren't? Do you think the Lavon affair and the USS Liberty attack were made up? My point is you're an octopus theorist. A conspiracy theorist thinks a scoundrel is behind an assassination; an octopus theorist believes a single scoundrel is behind all assassinations. The key is consistency. It doesn't matter which rascal you blame, so long as you pick the same one every time. Some popular malefactors are:RockefellersCIAJews, bankers, RothschildsCatholics, Knights of Malta, Knights TemplarIlluminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, other secret societyAliens There's nothing wrong with octopus theory as a psychological coping mechanism, to imagine the world is orderly rather than chaotic. The problem is, it's not a useful tool for finding truth. It won't answer the question Who Killed JFK. Deductive logic proceeds from facts to conclusion, not the other way around. People need octopus theory for the same reason they need religion -- their instincts can understand good and evil only in terms of people. They cannot comprehend it coming from systems, institutions or non-human entities such as the laws of science. They must invest it with a personality in order to deal with it. --------------------Amdocs Champaign is across the street from Jimmy John headquarters. All managers in that office are from India, not Israel. The default office language is Hindi. Does that prove I worked there? I could send a resume. As a consultant, I worked for 15 Fortune 100 companies in the last 12 years.The Fox report was in 2002. Morningstar financials don't go back that far. EDGAR does. Here you go: ... 6vk.txtI'm not Jewish. Adam Pearlman has psychological issues with his parents. Daddy didn't hug enough. Poor baby.No, I don't doubt the dancing Israeli's story. It shows foreknowledge. Check the story of Daniel Letwin for an Israeli who tried to stop 9/11.Israel is allowed to have nukes because it can be trusted to not use them offensively. Non-assassination events such as Lavon and USS Liberty are off topic, unless you support the logical fallacies of hasty generalization and well poisoning.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:12 am
by Robert Wagner
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:You're kidding right? Assuming you're correct about the CIA just being "on hand to watch" and that they "found out Sirhan's intentions," don't you think it's strange and criminal for them not to have said something or done something? There's no legal requirement to be a Good Samaritan. You're confusing morals with law. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:So, you say you've worked for Amdocs and now you were at the Ambassador Hotel on the night RFK was shot? I'm seeing a pattern here. Also, regarding the woman in the polka dot dress, since when does it take a major amount of time to exit a hotel and walk a block?I worked at a Los Angeles credit card company in 1968, at Amdocs in 2007. What's the pattern? That someone can hold two jobs in a lifetime?There was a large lawn between the Ambassador and Wilshire Boulevard. ... 29Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Didn't Noguchi say that RFK was shot at point blank range in the back of the head? Sirhan couldn't have done that. Yes. What do you mean couldn't have done that. He did do that.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Ricochets don't sound like gun shots. Are you saying that they do sound the same? They look the same on a scope, when subsequent reverberations are filtered out.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:21 pm
by Barney
How come some of the closest witnesses, policemen, firemen, security officers, male and female alike, bldg office employees, all wound updying of not only breathing disorders from bldg. debris dust storm, but also mysterious accidents and deaths. If theybegan to go public and describe quite loud explosions from the area above them, but below where the planes struck the WTC bldgs., and below in the huge underground subway system and parking garages. I am speaking ofmassive explosions, that shook the entire buildings like a leaf in the wind, as they swayed in high winds and werearchitecturally designed to withstand winds of over 150 mph. This whole mess stinks of covert demolition planningand obviously successful completion on 9/11., These two over 100 story buildings ordinarily held over 30,000 dailyemployees, and visitors, security, firemen etc., So, how come only less than 3500 got killed that day, advance notice, or just got lucky, sure they did??

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:22 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Robert Wagner wrote: My point is you're an octopus theorist. A conspiracy theorist thinks a scoundrel is behind an assassination; an octopus theorist believes a single scoundrel is behind all assassinations. The key is consistency. It doesn't matter which rascal you blame, so long as you pick the same one every time. Some popular malefactors are:RockefellersCIAJews, bankers, RothschildsCatholics, Knights of Malta, Knights TemplarIlluminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, other secret societyAliens There's nothing wrong with octopus theory as a psychological coping mechanism, to imagine the world is orderly rather than chaotic. The problem is, it's not a useful tool for finding truth. It won't answer the question Who Killed JFK. Deductive logic proceeds from facts to conclusion, not the other way around. People need octopus theory for the same reason they need religion -- their instincts can understand good and evil only in terms of people. They cannot comprehend it coming from systems, institutions or non-human entities such as the laws of science. They must invest it with a personality in order to deal with it. I’m not an octopus theorist. On the contrary, I suspect that I'm striking a nerve with you about the whole Israeli issue. I also suspect that you’re one of those people who is picking and choosing your facts to fit what you're saying. You’re picking and choosing your “facts” to fit what you’re trying to say. I never said that Zionists were behind everything. I suspect that they control the biggest lobby in the US, AIPAC and that they were involved in 9/11. You seem to miss that little fact. Rothchilds appear to be Jewish Zionists too, by the way. --------------------Robert Wagner wrote:Amdocs Champaign is across the street from Jimmy John headquarters. All managers in that office are from India, not Israel. The default office language is Hindi. Does that prove I worked there? I could send a resume. As a consultant, I worked for 15 Fortune 100 companies in the last 12 years.The Fox report was in 2002. Morningstar financials don't go back that far. EDGAR does. Here you go: ... 8e6vk.txtI don’t know where you came up with that document. The Amdocs information came from a Fox News report on Israeli spying on the US. Robert Wagner wrote:I'm not Jewish. I've heard that before, but I'll take your word for it because it doesn't matter to me anyway. Robert Wagner wrote:Adam Pearlman has psychological issues with his parents. Daddy didn't hug enough. Poor baby.No, I don't doubt the dancing Israeli's story. It shows foreknowledge. Check the story of Daniel Letwin for an Israeli who tried to stop 9/11. Okay. So, you don't doubt the "dancing Israelis" story, and I also think you said that you don't doubt the story about certain employees of Odigo (the Israeli instant message service) having foreknowledge. What about Joseph Cohen? He’s the OTHER supposed convert to Islam who calls himself Jousef Al Kattab or something like that. He just happens to be Jewish too. Interesting that you don’t comment on him. What are the chances that both of the supposed American converts to a militant version of Islam are also both Jewish?,2933,341811,00.htmlThose "dancing Israelis" were detained by the FBI for almost two months before they were released to Israel and then appeared on an Israeli talk show. Interesting that you left that part out. Robert Wagner wrote:Israel is allowed to have nukes because it can be trusted to not use them offensively. So you say. It depends on what perspective you’re coming from. I don’t think they can be trusted at all. Besides that, I don't see how the Israelis can have nukes and then demand that others around can't have them. That is an unfair arrangement and displays there unwillingness to have peace in the area. Robert Wagner wrote:Non-assassination events such as Lavon and USS Liberty are off topic, unless you support the logical fallacies of hasty generalization and well poisoning. The Lavon affair is very relevant because it was all about how an Israeli spy ring was busted up and arrested for planting bombs in U.S. buildings in Egypt and then leaving behind false evidence that Arabs did it. So, it’s VERY relevant. The USS Liberty attack is also very relevant because it’s about the Israelis attacking a U.S. intelligence ship that was in international water. The evidence appears that they were going to try and make it look like Arabs did that too, but they didn’t get away with it. So, these two issues are very relevant. So, what we have here is you simply dismissing certain facts and information to fit what you want. You talk about how the "dancing Israeli" story is true, but then you say that Adam Pearlman (Adam Gaddahn) is not big deal. There's also the OTHER supposed American convert, Jouseff Al Kattab, who also supposedly converted to a militant version of Islam. His name is also Joseph Cohen. They you say that you don't doubt the Odigo issue (where a couple of employees of that Israeli instant message service received foreknowledge), and you fail to even admit to a pattern. Interesting.On top of that, you claim that the Lavon affair and USS Liberty issues are non-issues. That's picking and choosing your facts to bolster your argument.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:29 pm
by Barney
Robert; what is the name of that Jew bastard, who was an Israeli spymaster in the US Navy, got caught in a stingoperation for selling military secrets, and is now in jail on a life term for international espionage. His name beginswith a P, pollard, pollick, something like that, just cant remember it this am. Barney

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:34 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Robert Wagner wrote: There's no legal requirement to be a Good Samaritan. You're confusing morals with law. So, in your eyes, you say that the CIA probably knew that RFK was going to be shot and just let it happen but that it's okay because they had no "Good Samaritan" obligation? That's a little strange, don't you think? Robert Wagner wrote: I worked at a Los Angeles credit card company in 1968, at Amdocs in 2007. What's the pattern? That someone can hold two jobs in a lifetime? The pattern is that you claim to have been in key places and positions. I'm almost expecting you to say that you were in Dealy Plaza on November 22, 1963 or that you were at ground zero on 9/11. That's the pattern I'm talking about. Robert Wagner wrote:There was a large lawn between the Ambassador and Wilshire Boulevard. ... Angeles%29 So what? Certain people could have exited the building before the police locked it down. Robert Wagner wrote:Didn't Noguchi say that RFK was shot at point blank range in the back of the head? Sirhan couldn't have done that. Yes. What do you mean couldn't have done that. He did do that. You say "He did do that." Noguchi said that RFK was shot at basically point blank range in the back of the head. Sirhan couldn't have done it because Sirhan's gun was not within point blank range of the back of RFK's head. Robert Wagner wrote:They look the same on a scope, when subsequent reverberations are filtered out.I don't think so. Ricochets do not sound the same as gunshots. They just don't. I don't know what "scope" you're talking about. A gunshot and a gunshot echo sound completely different and emit very different sound waves than a ricochet.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:39 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Barney wrote:Robert; what is the name of that Jew bastard, who was an Israeli spymaster in the US Navy, got caught in a stingoperation for selling military secrets, and is now in jail on a life term for international espionage. His name beginswith a P, pollard, pollick, something like that, just cant remember it this am. Barney It's Jonathan Pollard. ... d-20101021