Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

According to this article that Robert Wagner provided for us, we can clearly see the issue with the towers and how Larry Silverstein, and the defense industry, profited from their demolition.The article is called "KILLING SEVERAL BIRDS WITH ONE STONE" written by Deanna SpingolaApril 16, 2006. (Hey, that name Spingola is Italian. LOL)In pertinent part, she writes the following:"The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey had been losing money on the towers for years because of low tenancy. The financial loss was the real issue. There was also another vital issue – asbestos! The towers had become an albatross sitting on the most valuable piece of real estate in the world. The Port Authority had three choices: sell or lease them, pay for expensive asbestos removal or demolish them. The Authority had tried for years but were unable to sell the buildings – after all, what fool would take on the liability of asbestos? They couldn’t demolish it. The health hazard of asbestos powder blanketing New York was legally unthinkable and totally out of the question. Expensive asbestos removal seemed to be the only option." ... #_ftn26She asked the following question in the paragraph above: "What fool would take on the liability of asbestos?" My answer: Someone who could insure those buildings for terrorist attacks and then make legal insurance claims based on those supposed "terrorist" attacks on those buildings and therefore get the money to "rebuild." Assuming that Silverstein took part in creating the attacks and destruction on those buildings, it amounts to common insurance fraud. It's that simple. To get the media to go to sleep on the issue, all you need is like-minded people who also CONTROL the media, and who can also CONTROL the supposed investigation of the event. Now you're talking literally about an organized crime network that is massive in size, an organized crime network that includes major portions of the mainstream media, certain government factions, as well as the defense industry and their BANKERS. Larry Silverstein (certainly Jewish and most likely a Zionist based on what appears to be his connections to Israel) got what he wanted, and the defense industry, Cheney, Bush, and even Israel, got what THEY wanted from that supposed "terrorist attack." It appears to have been a mutually beneficial arrangement. This is something that is made fun of by some, but when you look at the information, it actually makes sense. Then there's the following quote or information from an article or blog called "Larry Silverstein and 9/11" which can be found here:"All the evidence suggests that 9/11 was an Israeli false flag operation, carried out with the assistance of key individuals and elements within the United States by a Zionist elite. One of these individuals is Larry Silverstein, who purchased the 99 year lease on the World Trade Center complex in July 2001 and who oversaw control of the complex before and during the attacks, along with Australian real estate tycoon Frank Lowy of Westfield America. Silverstein and Lowy are good friends, and Silverstein has been a director of Lowy's Westfield America since May 1997."and this too regarding Silverstein's Israeli connections..."Silverstein is connected to the Zionist elite in Israel in numerous ways, most notably via his close association and friendship with no less than three former Israeli prime ministers, namely Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak. Silverstein is especially close to Benjamin Netanyahu who was in New York on the morning of 9/11, and who fathered the "war on terror" doctrine. According to, 'Many Israeli politicians are acquainted in one degree or another with the 70-year-old Silverstein.'"This is what I mean when I refer to an organized crime network that appears to be Zionist and/or Israeli based, or what has also been referred to as the Jewish Mafia. It's not bigotry. It's facts. If the Russians have a mafia, and the Mexicans have a mafia, and the Italians and Irish have a mafia, why wouldn't the Jews have their own mafia too? It certainly appears that way to me.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Robert Wagner wrote:When you can't defend with better facts, you turn it into a question of authority. Ok, I'll respond in kind. ...Readers will judge which source is more believable.I know they are and will continue to. They can read all of my previous posts to see what kind of person I am, and they can read all of yours too to see who YOU are. I'm not worried at all. Believability is a consideration with people who claim to be authorities. Neither of us is an expert on lobby finance, so believability doesn't matter. Readers will choose between anti-Israel Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) versus award winning Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). Both say AIPAC spends $15M per year. CRP gives dollar amounts for the 23 lobbies that spent more; WRMEA offers an unsubstantiated opinion. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:I'm still trying to find the source for the AMDOCS information as reported by Fox News. I'm still sticking by it in the meantime. Another unsubstantiated opinion.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:The pattern you're establishing for yourself is very obvious here. Tu quoque. You reject reality when it contradicts your opinions based on feelings. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Robert Wagner wrote:The suit sought recovery of the Port Authority's huge expenses of removing asbestos from hundreds of properties ranging from the enormous World Trade Center complex-which represented more than $200 million of the abatement costs-to bridge and tunnel toll booths.” First of all, WHERE does your information show the cost of retrofitting those WTC buildings because of the asbestos? I’m not seeing it.$200 million is in boldface.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:So, in what appears to be a ruse or deceptive argument technique on your part, you're splitting hairs and missing the point or trying to get others to miss the point. The quote above is from one of YOUR links ( ... htm#_ftn26), so my point still stands. Those buildings were in need of retrofitting, and they were losing money. According to YOUR link, "The Port Authority had three choices: sell or lease them, pay for expensive asbestos removal or demolish them." There were three choices that the Port Authority had: Sell or lease them, pay for EXPENSIVE ASBESTOS REMOVAL or DEMOLISH THEM! LMAO If you want to split hairs on what they mean by "expensive," that's on you. They leased the buildings to Silverstein for $2.4B. There were four serious bids, all close to that figure. All had factored in the $200M cost of asbestos remediation. The difference between $200M and one billion is not hair splitting. Paraphrasing Everett Dirksen, a hundred million here, a half billion there .. pretty soon you're talking real money.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Larry Silverstein made sure to insure them just weeks prior to the attack, and he was paid billions in insurance money for them. Quite a handsome return on his investment, wouldn't you say? He insured the buildings when the lease began. You're trying to put a sinister spin on normal business.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: You said in an earlier post in this topic that I'm acting or talking like bigot because I'm presenting and talking about evidence that Israeli's and Zionists were behind 9/11. Then you, in all your glory, go and insult Italians. Who is the racist? You are. Who is the bigot? You are. Badda bing! LOL You haven't presented any evidence Israelis were behind 9/11. You ranted about them attacking the USS Liberty 30 years earlier. By that logic, you should have blamed North Korea, who are forever launching unprovoked attacks on South Korean ships. Are you afraid the truth would jeopardize the warranty on your Hyundai?Bigotry is defined as "intolerance of any opinion that differs from one's own." My lack of bigotry against Italians is proven by tolerance for Scungilli (snails) and Insalata di Polipi (octopus salad) on the menu, even though I find both revolting.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by kenmurray »

Pentagon Attack Papers: ... =6Pentagon stop clocks stopped around 932am on 9/11. The "official" story said the attack occurred at 937am!!!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Robert Wagner wrote:Believability is a consideration with people who claim to be authorities. Neither of us is an expert on lobby finance, so believability doesn't matter. Readers will choose between anti-Israel Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) versus award winning Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). Both say AIPAC spends $15M per year. CRP gives dollar amounts for the 23 lobbies that spent more; WRMEA offers an unsubstantiated opinion. I still maintain that AIPAC is one of the biggest lobbies. I stand by my source. Call it what you like. The rest of you can see my earlier posts about AIPAC on this very topic. Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:I'm still trying to find the source for the AMDOCS information as reported by Fox News. I'm still sticking by it in the meantime. Another unsubstantiated opinion.Fox news did report it, and I'm standing by it. For you to say it's an "unsubstantiated opinion" is just your....opinion. Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:The pattern you're establishing for yourself is very obvious here. Tu quoque. You reject reality when it contradicts your opinions based on feelings. Here's a news flash for you. The "pattern" I was talking about is you saying that you've worked at AMDOCS, that you were at the Ambassador Hotel on the night RFK was shot, that you worked on a "test run" for Operation Northwoods, and, recently, that you're a former U.S. Marine. You're beginning to look like you talk a lot of B.S. Even if you WERE in all those places and positions, how does that help your argument? Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Robert Wagner wrote:The suit sought recovery of the Port Authority's huge expenses of removing asbestos from hundreds of properties ranging from the enormous World Trade Center complex-which represented more than $200 million of the abatement costs-to bridge and tunnel toll booths.” First of all, WHERE does your information show the cost of retrofitting those WTC buildings because of the asbestos? I’m not seeing it.$200 million is in boldface.$200 million for what? To just REMOVE the asbestos? To remove the asbestos from the tunnels underground? To remove the asbestos and retrofit the buildings with acceptable fire retardant? It's such a simple question, and you can't seem to find the answer for it. Can't you explain your own sources? Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:So, in what appears to be a ruse or deceptive argument technique on your part, you're splitting hairs and missing the point or trying to get others to miss the point. The quote above is from one of YOUR links ( ... htm#_ftn26), so my point still stands. Those buildings were in need of retrofitting, and they were losing money. According to YOUR link, "The Port Authority had three choices: sell or lease them, pay for expensive asbestos removal or demolish them." There were three choices that the Port Authority had: Sell or lease them, pay for EXPENSIVE ASBESTOS REMOVAL or DEMOLISH THEM! LMAO If you want to split hairs on what they mean by "expensive," that's on you. They leased the buildings to Silverstein for $2.4B. There were four serious bids, all close to that figure. All had factored in the $200M cost of asbestos remediation. The difference between $200M and one billion is not hair splitting. Paraphrasing Everett Dirksen, a hundred million here, a half billion there .. pretty soon you're talking real money.So, you're saying that he paid 2.4 Billion all at once and up front? Even if you were telling the truth, Silverstein still, at the very least, doubled his money from the insurance claim from the supposed terrorist attacks. Your $200 Million figure is still in question. What I do know is that wonderful article that YOU posted a link to. Shall I remind you again about the article you posted a link to about all that asbestos in those buildings and how expensive it would be to retrofit them? The article YOU posted said this:"The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey had been losing money on the towers for years because of low tenancy. The financial loss was the real issue. There was also another vital issue – asbestos! The towers had become an albatross sitting on the most valuable piece of real estate in the world. The Port Authority had three choices: sell or lease them, pay for expensive asbestos removal or demolish them. The Authority had tried for years but were unable to sell the buildings – after all, what fool would take on the liability of asbestos? They couldn’t demolish it. The health hazard of asbestos powder blanketing New York was legally unthinkable and totally out of the question. Expensive asbestos removal seemed to be the only option." ... tn26Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Larry Silverstein made sure to insure them just weeks prior to the attack, and he was paid billions in insurance money for them. Quite a handsome return on his investment, wouldn't you say? He insured the buildings when the lease began. You're trying to put a sinister spin on normal business.I think that you're doing the opposite. It seems that you are trying to make a sinister event seem normal and kosher. You expect me and other readers here to believe that Larry Silverstein was stupid enough not to know about the asbestos issue and how much it would cost to retrofit those buildings? Of COURSE he did. That 9/11 event helped a LOT of people financially. Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: You said in an earlier post in this topic that I'm acting or talking like bigot because I'm presenting and talking about evidence that Israeli's and Zionists were behind 9/11. Then you, in all your glory, go and insult Italians. Who is the racist? You are. Who is the bigot? You are. Badda bing! LOL You haven't presented any evidence Israelis were behind 9/11. You ranted about them attacking the USS Liberty 30 years earlier. By that logic, you should have blamed North Korea, who are forever launching unprovoked attacks on South Korean ships. Are you afraid the truth would jeopardize the warranty on your Hyundai?Bigotry is defined as "intolerance of any opinion that differs from one's own." My lack of bigotry against Italians is proven by tolerance for Scungilli (snails) and Insalata di Polipi (octopus salad) on the menu, even though I find both revolting.Why would I really care what you like to eat or not? I don't really care, nor would I be surprised, if you said you like to lick kosher hot dogs like they were lollipops. What do I care? Your eating habits have nothing to do with this discussion. You say that I haven't presented any evidence that Israelis were behind 9/11? You're pretending that there aren't another eighteen or nineteen pages to this topic. LOLI presented a LOT of information and evidence about Israeli involvement. You're just straight-up lying about it. For the rest of you, take a look at even just the first few pages of this topic to see what I mean and to see that this person is making false statements. I think you're back peddling about your comment about me being a bigot. You've already revealed your hand, and your kind have always been revolting to me because of your weakness of character and cowardice. What I wrote, and what I continue to present, is evidence of an organized crime network that appears to have been behind 9/11. I don't care that they appear to be Zionist or Jewish or Israeli. It really doesn't matter. What does matter is getting the information out there so that people can see it and judge for themselves.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Iranian Nuclear Scientist AssassinatedProfessor killed, another wounded in Tehran bomb attacks By Polly Davis Doig, Newser StaffPosted Nov 29, 2010 3:27 AM CST Here's just a quote from the article. "Iranian authorities, who claim Western governments seeking to thwart the country's nuclear ambitions are behind the attacks on nuclear scientists, issued a statement blaming today's attacks on "Zionist agents" and vowing revenge." ... ted.htmlIt looks like "they" really want us to go to war in Iran, doesn't it?Here's some video of the wreckage.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: The "pattern" I was talking about is you saying that you've worked at AMDOCS, that you were at the Ambassador Hotel on the night RFK was shot, that you worked on a "test run" for Operation Northwoods, and, recently, that you're a former U.S. Marine. You're beginning to look like you talk a lot of B.S. Even if you WERE in all those places and positions, how does that help your argument? Ambassador was in response to David Morales saying he was in Los Angeles when RFK was assassinated. I replied, I was there too, but I don't take credit for it. My point was, the Morales quotation doesn't prove the CIA did it. AMDOCS was in response to the claim Mossad was spying on US phone calls via its falsely alleged subsidized company. I worked on the AMDOCS database where that spying would have occurred, so have inside knowledge of who was tracking calls. CIA was one of them; Mossad was not. That applies to both Sprint and AT&T, who are AMDOCS' largest US customers. Verizon, the other big US phone company, doesn't use AMDOCS software. USMC and Northwoods is relevant to the JFK assassination, because it showed CIA was doing black ops that were kept secret from Kennedy. It wasn't a dirty trick in some backwater country. If successful, it would have drawn the US into an open war with Cuba. Kennedy would have vetoed the operation if he'd known about it. I've seen it mentioned in passing in two books about Bay of Pigs. The authors didn't know which US unit, how many men nor what happened. They described it as a diversion connected to Bay of Pigs. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:$200 million for what? To just REMOVE the asbestos? To remove the asbestos from the tunnels underground? To remove the asbestos and retrofit the buildings with acceptable fire retardant? It's such a simple question, and you can't seem to find the answer for it. Can't you explain your own sources? I provided a link to the only primary source on the topic: the lengthy court case in which Port Authority sued 17 insurance companies for asbestos remediation. If you had read it, you would know $200M was total cost for WTC. The total for all properties owned by Port Authority was $600M. The article in newswithviews, which I quoted here, said the same thing.Your one billion estimate was incorrect. You lose.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:So, you're saying that he paid 2.4 Billion all at once and up front? Even if you were telling the truth, Silverstein still, at the very least, doubled his money from the insurance claim from the supposed terrorist attacks. The amount he paid up front was $102M (first year's rent), but that's irrelevant. There were two lengthy court cases on collecting for 9/11. The big issue was whether 9/11 was one incident or two. One court ruled it was one; the other ruled it was two. In the end, Silverstein et al collected $4.577B. That money goes to rebuilding, estimated at $10-14B. Now it appears Silverstein will rebuild #2, the Port Authority will rebuild #1. So Silverstein will lose roughly $500M. Deducting $200M earmarked for asbestos remediation leaves $300M. He will get it back because the new buildings will command higher rent than the old ones. Silverstein has been paying $102M per year rent while rebuilding takes place. FWIW, the claim that the WTC had high vacancy was false. It was old data from the late '80s, after the 1987 stock market crash. WTC was >95% occupied in 2001. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:What I do know is that wonderful article that YOU posted a link to. Shall I remind you again about the article you posted a link to about all that asbestos in those buildings and how expensive it would be to retrofit them? I cite articles that are unbiased; you cite articles that are one-sided. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:You expect me and other readers here to believe that Larry Silverstein was stupid enough not to know about the asbestos issue and how much it would cost to retrofit those buildings? Of COURSE he did. That 9/11 event helped a LOT of people financially. A straw man. I didn't say that; I said $200M was discounted in the bids. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:You say that I haven't presented any evidence that Israelis were behind 9/11? You're pretending that there aren't another eighteen or nineteen pages to this topic. LOLI presented a LOT of information and evidence about Israeli involvement. You're just straight-up lying about it. For the rest of you, take a look at even just the first few pages of this topic to see what I mean and to see that this person is making false statements. The only evidence I saw in the first few pages showed Israel had foreknowledge. The rest was hand waving.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

For the rest of you, here are three or four parts of the Fox News special that came out years ago regarding Israeli spying on the U.S. They talk about more than just AMDOCS.This is right from Fox News. Although I don't really watch Fox News, this is a four-part investigative report on Israeli spying on the U.S. and Israelis who were detained before and after 9/11...almost 200 of them.This report also addresses two companies that are Israeli based that CAN spy on us through our phones. They are AMDOCS and CONVERSE-INFOSYS. AMDOCS generates billing data for virtually every call made in the United States, and CONVERSE-INFOSYS is a company that enables U.S. law enforcement to wiretap phones. They're based in Israel, and the concern by U.S. law enforcement was that the information that these companies have could be compromised.The gist of this four-part report is that there is an organized crime syndicate that is based in Israeli-based Mafia for lack of a better phrase. Part four of the news report talks about how information from these two companies (phone records, etc., wiretapping information) was compromised regarding a Los Angeles Police investigation in 1997. This is particularly interesting because here you have the same type of criminal elements that we all know can exist within the U.S. government. Why would the same criminal circuit exclude countries like Israel who are a U.S. ally? For example, we have seen evidence that organizations like the CIA were infiltrated by a criminal network here regarding JFK...see Tosh Plumlee's statements regarding the CIA abort team, and also see the information regarding guys like Roselli working with the CIA as well as Myer Lansky being CIA-connected too. Is it so far fetched that the same thing is going on in Israel too? Could those same forces have engineered 9/11? For that matter, could they have helped in the JFK assassination? ... moyOGid7cA
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Robert Wagner wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: The "pattern" I was talking about is you saying that you've worked at AMDOCS, that you were at the Ambassador Hotel on the night RFK was shot, that you worked on a "test run" for Operation Northwoods, and, recently, that you're a former U.S. Marine. You're beginning to look like you talk a lot of B.S. Even if you WERE in all those places and positions, how does that help your argument? Ambassador was in response to David Morales saying he was in Los Angeles when RFK was assassinated. I replied, I was there too, but I don't take credit for it. My point was, the Morales quotation doesn't prove the CIA did it. AMDOCS was in response to the claim Mossad was spying on US phone calls via its falsely alleged subsidized company. I worked on the AMDOCS database where that spying would have occurred, so have inside knowledge of who was tracking calls. CIA was one of them; Mossad was not. That applies to both Sprint and AT&T, who are AMDOCS' largest US customers. Verizon, the other big US phone company, doesn't use AMDOCS software. USMC and Northwoods is relevant to the JFK assassination, because it showed CIA was doing black ops that were kept secret from Kennedy. It wasn't a dirty trick in some backwater country. If successful, it would have drawn the US into an open war with Cuba. Kennedy would have vetoed the operation if he'd known about it. I've seen it mentioned in passing in two books about Bay of Pigs. The authors didn't know which US unit, how many men nor what happened. They described it as a diversion connected to Bay of Pigs. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:$200 million for what? To just REMOVE the asbestos? To remove the asbestos from the tunnels underground? To remove the asbestos and retrofit the buildings with acceptable fire retardant? It's such a simple question, and you can't seem to find the answer for it. Can't you explain your own sources? I provided a link to the only primary source on the topic: the lengthy court case in which Port Authority sued 17 insurance companies for asbestos remediation. If you had read it, you would know $200M was total cost for WTC. The total for all properties owned by Port Authority was $600M. The article in newswithviews, which I quoted here, said the same thing.Your one billion estimate was incorrect. You lose.Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:So, you're saying that he paid 2.4 Billion all at once and up front? Even if you were telling the truth, Silverstein still, at the very least, doubled his money from the insurance claim from the supposed terrorist attacks. The amount he paid up front was $102M (first year's rent), but that's irrelevant. There were two lengthy court cases on collecting for 9/11. The big issue was whether 9/11 was one incident or two. One court ruled it was one; the other ruled it was two. In the end, Silverstein et al collected $4.577B. That money goes to rebuilding, estimated at $10-14B. Now it appears Silverstein will rebuild #2, the Port Authority will rebuild #1. So Silverstein will lose roughly $500M. Deducting $200M earmarked for asbestos remediation leaves $300M. He will get it back because the new buildings will command higher rent than the old ones. Silverstein has been paying $102M per year rent while rebuilding takes place. FWIW, the claim that the WTC had high vacancy was false. It was old data from the late '80s, after the 1987 stock market crash. WTC was >95% occupied in 2001. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:What I do know is that wonderful article that YOU posted a link to. Shall I remind you again about the article you posted a link to about all that asbestos in those buildings and how expensive it would be to retrofit them? I cite articles that are unbiased; you cite articles that are one-sided. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:You expect me and other readers here to believe that Larry Silverstein was stupid enough not to know about the asbestos issue and how much it would cost to retrofit those buildings? Of COURSE he did. That 9/11 event helped a LOT of people financially. A straw man. I didn't say that; I said $200M was discounted in the bids. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:You say that I haven't presented any evidence that Israelis were behind 9/11? You're pretending that there aren't another eighteen or nineteen pages to this topic. LOLI presented a LOT of information and evidence about Israeli involvement. You're just straight-up lying about it. For the rest of you, take a look at even just the first few pages of this topic to see what I mean and to see that this person is making false statements. The only evidence I saw in the first few pages showed Israel had foreknowledge. The rest was hand waving.Wow, you've solved it all, eh? LOLYou expect the rest of us to believe that poor ol' Larry Silverstein is involved in a project that he is LOSING money on? I'm still sticking by my information. The asbestos was still a huge issue. There's a lot more information besides the AMDOCS information. Besides the Israeli shipping company, ZIM, that pulled out of the WTC just days before, costing them about $50,000 in broken lease fees, there's the Israelis that were rounded up AFTER 9/11, particularly those "dancing Israelis" who worked for Urban Moving System. There's ICTS and Kroll, the two security companies as well. There is a clear pattern of Israeli spying on the U.S., and to say they had foreknowledge is a gross understatement. You're still pretending that there are not another 18 or 19 pages to this topic that others have contributed to as well. Here is just some of the information I'm talking about. "Two employees of Odigo, Inc., an Israeli company, receive warnings of an imminent attack in New York City about two hours before the first plane hits the WTC." ... #events“An American-born Jew formerly known as Joseph Cohen who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox rabbinical school “Read more: ... yVkDKnRead more: ... JiWAIPAC’s Role in Spying & U.S. Foreign Intervention ... htmlHere’s a good documentary on the subject of this topic., you see, you can try and split hairs on the issue, but you can't make it go away. You're making the same kind of argument about the Israelis regarding 9/11 that you made about the CIA and the RFK assassination. That's what it looks like. According to you, they had foreknowledge of the events respectively, and they did nothing. I don't buy it at all.Here's a good website on the issue as well.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

More from another of us bothersome Italian types. We aim to please. "Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:'All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.' " ... ed118.html
Robert Wagner
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Robert Wagner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:AIPAC’s Role in Spying & U.S. Foreign Intervention ... tmlWritten by James Traficant, former US Representative from Ohio, who was ejected by the Ethics Committee (first time since 1980), convicted on ten felony counts of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion, served seven years in federal prison, some in solitary for being a troublemaker, released in 2009, friend of David Duke, now talking like a Tea Bagger. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Here’s a good documentary on the subject of this topic. web site is a must read gem. It says the 911 truth movement is an Israeli plot to make conspiracy theorists look foolish. It says Alex Jones, Jim Marrs and many others are disinformation agents who deliberately direct blame at the wrong parties. Perhaps it should be called Truth About Truth or Recursive Paranoia. Taken to its logical conclusion, you won't trust yourself. LOL