The three tramps

JFK Assassination
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Jsnow915 »

The Kennedys were as dirty as the rest of them...JFK was Martyred because of how he died...the public feels sympathy when someone is killed the way he was....I do also...but as far as the Kennedys been clean as a whistle...I never beleived it for a minute...he might have made this country great or he could have landed us in WW3...we'll never know...but as far as Teddy goes...I think he was set up for some reason.....but his hands are just as dirty.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Bob »

I have heard several theories about what happened at Chappaquiddick. I have also heard that Sturgis and Hunt were in the area. Nixon felt that both JFK and RFK were threats to his political existance, and we know what happened with them. I believe the CIA was involved in both of there murders. Remember the words of David Morales..."I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." There was also NO doubt that Ted would be Nixon's biggest threat in the 1972 Presidential election. Now I agree that the Kennedy's were no saints, especially when it came to womanizing. But here is my theory about that night...I don't think Teddy drove the car off the bridge. I don't even think he was in the car. Just before the accident, Ted was under the impression that he might get pulled over and arrested for drinking and driving. At least, that was his thinking pattern, and again he may have been drugged as well by the CIA at the party were he met Mary Jo Kopechne.Bottom line, Ted had driven over that bridge a million times without incident. I believe he got out of the car just before the bridge and told Kopechne to drive to a place where he would walk and meet her. The reason I say that is that Ted is a large man, and the driver's seat was pulled forward like a smaller person like Kopechne would be driving it. Kopechne did not know the area at all, and therefore she drove off the bridge accidentally. I think Teddy did try to save her, but because of his drugged up state of mind, was unable to do so. I think his drugged up state and the shock of the incident also led to the story that he contrived to authorities about the incident.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:The Kennedys were as dirty as the rest of them...JFK was Martyred because of how he died...the public feels sympathy when someone is killed the way he was....I do also...but as far as the Kennedys been clean as a whistle...I never beleived it for a minute...he might have made this country great or he could have landed us in WW3...we'll never know...but as far as Teddy goes...I think he was set up for some reason.....but his hands are just as dirty.Ladies and gentlemen,Here is your 800 pound gorilla that is in the room...Well Dan, this is like the kettle calling the teapot black Dan is always badmouthing Ted Kennedy on another board.His sign off slogan is 'RIP, Mary Jo.'
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

Paul, why is that reason to become so angry. Aren't this just unsubstanciated statements from Jsnow, which are not be taken too seriously unless he does not substanciate them? Chris
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pennyworth »

ChristophMessner wrote:Paul, why is that reason to become so angry. Aren't this just unsubstanciated statements from Jsnow, which are not be taken too seriously unless he does not substanciate them? Chris I saw someone comment on another board where Dan is webmaster say"Ted Kennedy is the only one that wasn't worth the bullet." Icouldn't believe it.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

Of course disinfo agents can have a disastrous effect on naive minds and propaganda-directed people's "common" sense. But aren't they always corrected by reason and truth after a while and aren't they just too stupid in their lifestyle to invest any anger on them?Was there ever any proof, that the 3 tramps were really operating together in the parking lot and railroad car?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Of course disinfo agents can have a disastrous effect on naive minds and propaganda-directed people's "common" sense. But aren't they always corrected by reason and truth after a while and aren't they just too stupid in their lifestyle to invest any anger on them?Was there ever any proof, that the 3 tramps were really operating together in the parking lot and railroad car?Exactly, Christoph! I see it as one of my duties to contribute to this forum especially when someone is saying something off the mark...or off the MACK as it might be! LOL This way, when someone who is not so well-read on the subject reads our forum threads and such, the last thing they're seeing is NOT disinformation because we (all of, me, Bob, Pennyworth, Jsnow, etc) have responded to such disinformation with thought and facts to back our conclusions or theories.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:The Kennedys were as dirty as the rest of them...JFK was Martyred because of how he died...the public feels sympathy when someone is killed the way he was....I do also...but as far as the Kennedys been clean as a whistle...I never beleived it for a minute...he might have made this country great or he could have landed us in WW3...we'll never know...but as far as Teddy goes...I think he was set up for some reason.....but his hands are just as dirty. Excuse me jsnow715 I really don't know if you are Dan or not ..I don't have the time to go back through all your posts but I recall something about a book and a writer..are you an author?just curious...
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pennyworth »

ChristophMessner wrote:Paul, why is that reason to become so angry. Aren't this just unsubstanciated statements from Jsnow, which are not be taken too seriously unless he does not substanciate them? Chris Are you interpreting my moods? Disgusted and shocked would be better words
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Re: The three tramps

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

My first post on the site, after being registered for quite a while; since buying the book and dvds package set. Which are pretty much essential reading and listening for anyone interested in the events before & after the fateful day.I won't say I am unsure as to Holt's claims that he is the smaller tramp. Although the interview dvd seems sincere, and even after looking at the expert analysis the tramp does look more like Hunt than Holt. It could be either or neither, the man in the long jacket on the plaza does look like Hunt also.After watching a dvd which was given away Free with The Daily Mirror (UK) newspaper in which Lamar Waldron & Thom Hartmann basically discuss their book Ultimate Sacrifice and the December 1st, 'Cuban Coup', the authors much later on, via the internet, speaking on radio; actually interviewed Chauncey Holt and wrote him off as a Fraud. The authors of the book do feature Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli as "hitman and organizer". And moreso, probable and possible assassin(s) of one or more 'hit teams'.Tony