JFK Assassination
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Post by saracarter766 »

bob franklin wrote:I've said it before & I'll say it again. I trust Paul's instincts regarding the disinfo individual/group which plagues this forum. If anyone has behaved in an unacceptable manner, it is without question Jsnow915. That outburst of yours leaves me ashamed that we share a species. It also makes me wonder if Paul isn't on point yet again. Each and every time I begin to have serious doubts about a member, to the brink saying something in this forum Paul comes in just a thin hair before me with exactly my own suspicions. Paul operated within the constraints of the law with his method of discovering readily available information on the net. It is Jsnow who resorted to inexcusably foul Second Grade level profanity in his reply. I've already echoed Paul'sopinion on Mr. Beckham. Chad Duncan, You work for Conoco at what is obviously an executivelevel, judging from your email furnished by you, so 'nuff said there. Saracarter766, I honestly don't know if you're part of the dan-clan, but your marital status would seem to have little bearing onwhether or not you're an asset/operative. Remember, Valerie Plame also has a spouse. If peopledon't wish to be viewed in a suspicious light they should take the vertebrate path & sign upwith their first & second name with a space between the two, or introduce themselves in their first post & explain the departure from the forum rules (such as 'the name was already taken').We don't need to lose any more good members due to this little shadow group haunting us. Bob,Tom, think back. When was the last time we saw a post from Newton or Croxford? These clownsare winning by slow degrees. I just wanted to go on record with my own suspicions. Hang in there,Paul, & STICK AROUND!!!!!!!!! Don't let the bastards win. how dare you bob franklin i am not part of the dan clan how dare you be suspicoius of me i am an honest and sincere person i cannot believe what i am reading i do not even know who this dan nor do i care who he is i don't have to take this garbage from you or from mr pennyworth you have no right to be doing this to me and you certainly have no right to be treating me like this either i have never in my life ever been so angry and outraged by such garbage being thrown at me my feelings are also hurt as well.
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Post by Jsnow915 »

Sara....take it with a grain of salt...they don't own this place...Wim does...and I have contacted Wim about the situation....and I've apologised to him,Tom and Bob about my post.....right now Bob is going thru enough,he doesn't need the headache...lets just carry on and keep doing what we do on here otherwise the bastards win
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Post by saracarter766 »

i am just very hurt by the ridiculous accusations even to the point of crying Jsnow915 i'm just very hurt right now but i'm not leaving. and i will say this one more time mr pennyworth and mr bob franklin i am not a part of this so called dan clan i don't even know who this dan idiot is i am an honest and sincere person and i would not do any wrong to anybody for crying out loud please believe me. and mr bob franklin my husband was not to happy about what you said to bring me to tears in fact he was pretty darn pissed about it .
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:i don't know about you people but i am tired of this paul pennyworths false accusations in fact i'm fed up with it and two seconds from leaving this board i can only take so much of this crap i'm sorry people but this kind of drama is taking it's toll on my interest in the JFK assassination and i'm tired of the false accusations. and paul pennyworth leave people alone and quit being so paranoid and for god's sake quit accusing people of being who they are not in fact just shut up about it and give it a rest. i am sara carter i am 32 years old and i live in west virginia i am a woman and i am married now shut up and quit being so paranoid and leave people alone and give the false accusations a rest already. so just shut up and move on seriously your just being annoying. and no disrespect mr pennyworth but you don't see us falsely accusing you of being someone your not do you? no and no one has to prove who they are to you so give it a rest and leave us alone.your making it so that i wanna leave the board i don't want to do that cause i enjoy talking to people on here but i get fed up with your crap and paranoid thoughts. Don't lleave. If you leave, you let them win. You'll let this petty crap distract you from gaining and sharing knowledge.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:I've said it before & I'll say it again. I trust Paul's instincts regarding the disinfo individual/group which plagues this forum. If anyone has behaved in an unacceptable manner, it is without question Jsnow915. That outburst of yours leaves me ashamed that we share a species. It also makes me wonder if Paul isn't on point yet again. Each and every time I begin to have serious doubts about a member, to the brink saying something in this forum Paul comes in just a thin hair before me with exactly my own suspicions. Paul operated within the constraints of the law with his method of discovering readily available information on the net. It is Jsnow who resorted to inexcusably foul Second Grade level profanity in his reply. I've already echoed Paul'sopinion on Mr. Beckham. Chad Duncan, You work for Conoco at what is obviously an executivelevel, judging from your email furnished by you, so 'nuff said there. Saracarter766, I honestly don't know if you're part of the dan-clan, but your marital status would seem to have little bearing onwhether or not you're an asset/operative. Remember, Valerie Plame also has a spouse. If peopledon't wish to be viewed in a suspicious light they should take the vertebrate path & sign upwith their first & second name with a space between the two, or introduce themselves in their first post & explain the departure from the forum rules (such as 'the name was already taken').We don't need to lose any more good members due to this little shadow group haunting us. Bob,Tom, think back. When was the last time we saw a post from Newton or Croxford? These clownsare winning by slow degrees. I just wanted to go on record with my own suspicions. Hang in there,Paul, & STICK AROUND!!!!!!!!! Don't let the bastards win. There is no offense meant here, but you and Pennyworth are the ones who seem to be letting them win by making "them" an issue. I have had my suspicions in the past about certain people who posted, but I fought them with facts as best I could. For example, when certain people were defending Gary Mack (I'm NOT saying that defending Gary Mack makes a person a disinfo person), I went to bat on the forum against them with facts and not name calling. I've seen it in other places too where disinfo people make themselves the loudest voices on a forum, or they try to have the last word. Their goal is to make other people read as much of their garbage as possible. It's our duty to battle them with FACTS and not blind accusations. All of this arguing DISTRACTS us from the knowledge that we share and gain here. I seriously don't think Jsnow and Sara are anybody else than who they say they are. For the sake of argument, what if they or anybody else are NOT who they say they are. So what? What are they going to do? Post lies? Say things that aren't true? I have not seen either Sara or Jsnow do any of that, but even if they did post garbage on the forum, we would address it with a healthy debate.Basically, like Wim said, let's "knock it off."
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Post by saracarter766 »

thank you pasquale well said.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:thank you pasquale well said. You're welcome, anytime!
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Post by Pennyworth »

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Boardby Chad Duncan on Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 pm I wasnt actually talking about you with the back thing - I had an electro stimulus implant put in because the pain is unbearable. Naturally I was just messing with you Paul - I have a full eventful life where my job and kids monopolize my time and I am currently in Bartlesville OK where I will leave here and drive to Broken Arrow OK where I reside at night and on the weekend. I go back to Dallas once a month to check on my son who is finishing high school. If I went back to Dallas I could still log on here and drive you bonkers.[/quote]Thats because his right hand man can log him on in Oklahoma while he drives to Dallas. Trust me on this. I remember from the other board I posted something they didn't like , and he was writing/saying to someone on the board, "Take this off the board NOW."This is a crew of clowns working as a team...I believe two of them are brothers, and the other is a computer expert/consultant.There might be more than 3 of them thoughThey are by NO MEANS HARMLESS. They are illuminati and have their own ways and means committee.They are doing something very illegal which is hacking.I used to be naive and trusting too, then found out the ways of the world. This board is a great teacher. And also a great leveler for the truth.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Boardby Chad Duncan on Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 pm I wasnt actually talking about you with the back thing - I had an electro stimulus implant put in because the pain is unbearable. Naturally I was just messing with you Paul - I have a full eventful life where my job and kids monopolize my time and I am currently in Bartlesville OK where I will leave here and drive to Broken Arrow OK where I reside at night and on the weekend. I go back to Dallas once a month to check on my son who is finishing high school. If I went back to Dallas I could still log on here and drive you bonkers.Thats because his right hand man can log him on in Oklahoma while he drives to Dallas. Trust me on this. I remember from the other board I posted something they didn't like , and he was writing/saying to someone on the board, "Take this off the board NOW."This is a crew of clowns working as a team...I believe two of them are brothers, and the other is a computer expert/consultant.There might be more than 3 of them thoughThey are by NO MEANS HARMLESS. They are illuminati and have their own ways and means committee.They are doing something very illegal which is hacking.I used to be naive and trusting too, then found out the ways of the world. This board is a great teacher. And also a great leveler for the truth.I trust you that the hackers are not harmless. With regard to Sara and Jsnow particularly, they're not even putting ideas out there that are BS. What proof is there that they are "Dan" or whoever? As for the hacking, we need to deal with it and combat it ASAP. The WRONG way to deal with it is to accuse blindly based on a subjective feelings. I trust you that there are disinformation people and that they have been here. I'm not a private investigator for nothing. I just hold my cards very close to me and don't show my hand unless I have to. Seriously. Another way that they disrupt is to sort of toy with people like you because they know they can make you slip up and start accusing people blindly. Do you see what I mean? They make you look bad when you do. It's as psychological objective for them as well. If they can make us look crazy and paranoid, they still win because they discredit us in front of anybody who reads our forum. Do you see what I mean?
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Post by Pennyworth »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Pennyworth wrote:Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Boardby Chad Duncan on Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 pm I wasnt actually talking about you with the back thing - I had an electro stimulus implant put in because the pain is unbearable. Naturally I was just messing with you Paul - I have a full eventful life where my job and kids monopolize my time and I am currently in Bartlesville OK where I will leave here and drive to Broken Arrow OK where I reside at night and on the weekend. I go back to Dallas once a month to check on my son who is finishing high school. If I went back to Dallas I could still log on here and drive you bonkers.Thats because his right hand man can log him on in Oklahoma while he drives to Dallas. Trust me on this. I remember from the other board I posted something they didn't like , and he was writing/saying to someone on the board, "Take this off the board NOW."This is a crew of clowns working as a team...I believe two of them are brothers, and the other is a computer expert/consultant.There might be more than 3 of them thoughThey are by NO MEANS HARMLESS. They are illuminati and have their own ways and means committee.They are doing something very illegal which is hacking.I used to be naive and trusting too, then found out the ways of the world. This board is a great teacher. And also a great leveler for the truth.I trust you that the hackers are not harmless. With regard to Sara and Jsnow particularly, they're not even putting ideas out there that are BS. What proof is there that they are "Dan" or whoever? As for the hacking, we need to deal with it and combat it ASAP. The WRONG way to deal with it is to accuse blindly based on a subjective feelings. I trust you that there are disinformation people and that they have been here. I'm not a private investigator for nothing. I just hold my cards very close to me and don't show my hand unless I have to. Seriously. Another way that they disrupt is to sort of toy with people like you because they know they can make you slip up and start accusing people blindly. Do you see what I mean? They make you look bad when you do. It's as psychological objective for them as well. If they can make us look crazy and paranoid, they still win because they discredit us in front of anybody who reads our forum. Do you see what I mean?[/quote]I don't care if people think I'm crazy or paranoid...I am because they drove me there. I KNOW WHO DAN IS AND I AM VERY FAMILIAR WITH HIS MODUS OPERANDUS. I am not accusing anyone blindly. I am the only one who knows whats going on concerning Dan and companyLike I said before and I'm not going to say it again, Dan followed me here from another site . He is very clever.He also has mental problems