Family of Secrets

JFK Assassination
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:One could easily stop this plutocracy with this obcenely superrich tiny minority, by just limiting richness and poverty by constitution. It is possible to guarantee everyone in this world a basis existential minimum income and to oblige people to invest into common needs the more the more they possess. It's a ferrytale that people would get lazy with guaranteed minimum income and it's a ferrytale as well that people would loose their freedom with more regulated obligations to spend for public interests. All this not in a city of man, in a "new" worl order, but in more honestly communicating, subsidiary, multipolar world of mostly sovereign states. By the way I could order "Family of Secrets" in the Bavarian State Library for 12 weeks to lend for free.Please do Chris. You won't regret it.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by ChristophMessner »

I did already, Bob.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

Good for you my friend!!!
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by ChristophMessner »

sorry, ws a little late with that, chief!
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

One of the other things that Russ Baker talks about in this book is the area of REAL control Presidents have. Let's face it, they are for the most part beholden to other powers. We saw what happened to JFK when he tried to push the envelope. He was murdered. When Nixon got too big for his britches, he was set up in Watergate and replaced by another puppet in Gerald Ford, a former KEY Warren Commission member.Ford had two attempts on his life while President. Guess who would have been President then if Ford would have been assassinated? Nelson Rockefeller. The Rockefeller/Bu$h alliance goes back to the turn of the 20th century with Samuel Bu$h. Reagan then is almost assassinated just a couple of months after his inauguration by a family friend of the Bu$hes. Reagan becomes a puppet, as Poppy really ran the Presidency as we had events like Iran/Contra and the selling of arms to people like Saddam Hussein in his fight against Iran and also Osama bin Laden in his fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan.Now in terms of the Presidency today with Barack Obama, although he has done some very admirable things, he has made some very odd choices in his cabinet. First off, his choice of Hillary as Secretary of State was mind boggling, as foreign policy was the ONLY major difference that Obama and Hillary had in their campaign. Then his choice of Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary was also puzzling, as Geithner runs with the same crowd that Hank Paulson ran with. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs before he ran the Treasury and the economy into the ground, thanks mostly to deregulation over the last 10 years or so on Wall Street. Now it also looks like Obama is looking away from NOT prosecuting Bu$h and Cheney for war crimes and other unconstitutional behavior.Plus you also have Bob Gates remaining as Secretary of Defense. It looks like the U.S. will draw down forces in Iraq, but also add forces in Afghanistan. Bottom line...more war. Remember Gates' background. Gates was a big player in Iran/Contra. He was also Poppy's CIA director. Gates also ran Poppy's Presidential library at Texas A&M before Dumbya named him as Secretary of Defense.Bottom line, I think things are better overall, but Obama has surrounded himself with a lot of people that do NOT adhere to the philosophy he preached in the campaign.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:One of the other things that Russ Baker talks about in this book is the area of REAL control Presidents have. Let's face it, they are for the most part beholden to other powers. We saw what happened to JFK when he tried to push the envelope. He was murdered. When Nixon got too big for his britches, he was set up in Watergate and replaced by another puppet in Gerald Ford, a former KEY Warren Commission member.Ford had two attempts on his life while President. Guess who would have been President then if Ford would have been assassinated? Nelson Rockefeller. The Rockefeller/Bu$h alliance goes back to the turn of the 20th century with Samuel Bu$h. Reagan then is almost assassinated just a couple of months after his inauguration by a family friend of the Bu$hes. Reagan becomes a puppet, as Poppy really ran the Presidency as we had events like Iran/Contra and the selling of arms to people like Saddam Hussein in his fight against Iran and also Osama bin Laden in his fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan.Now in terms of the Presidency today with Barack Obama, although he has done some very admirable things, he has made some very odd choices in his cabinet. First off, his choice of Hillary as Secretary of State was mind boggling, as foreign policy was the ONLY major difference that Obama and Hillary had in their campaign. Then his choice of Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary was also puzzling, as Geithner runs with the same crowd that Hank Paulson ran with. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs before he ran the Treasury and the economy into the ground, thanks mostly to deregulation over the last 10 years or so on Wall Street. Now it also looks like Obama is looking away from NOT prosecuting Bu$h and Cheney for war crimes and other unconstitutional behavior.Plus you also have Bob Gates remaining as Secretary of Defense. It looks like the U.S. will draw down forces in Iraq, but also add forces in Afghanistan. Bottom line...more war. Remember Gates' background. Gates was a big player in Iran/Contra. He was also Poppy's CIA director. Gates also ran Poppy's Presidential library at Texas A&M before Dumbya named him as Secretary of Defense.Bottom line, I think things are better overall, but Obama has surrounded himself with a lot of people that do NOT adhere to the philosophy he preached in the campaign.I'm kind of leaning your way on this one too, Bob.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

This story doesn't help matters... ... 07.htmlAdd this to all the other material I mentioned, and I'm starting to get really pissed off. Remember, that Obama is a member of the CFR, as is Hillary. I keep remembering the story that came out last summer when Obama secretly met with Hillary at the Bilderbergers meeting. The meeting took place when it was apparent that Obama was going to win the Democratic nomination. Then Hillary gets the Secreatry of State gig, after having MAJOR differences with Obama about foreign policy. It just doesn't make sense. But it does if one realizes that a much higher power pulls the strings of our Presidents. You either play the game or one is forced way or the other. See JFK. See Nixon.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:... You either play the game or one is forced way or the other. See JFK. See Nixon.That's why now the people have to say to the Rockefellers etc.: "You either play our game now or you are forced out!"
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Bob wrote:... You either play the game or one is forced way or the other. See JFK. See Nixon.That's why now the people have to say to the Rockefellers etc.: "You either play our game now or you are forced out!"We have to change our style of tactics with the Rockefellers and the Bu$h family, as they have gotten STRONGER, not weaker over the last 100 years or so.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

As some of you know, Russ was on with Alex Jones to talk about this book and will be on Alex's show again soon. Anyway, here is recent appearance that Russ made talking about his book, the JFK assassination and the Poppy Bu$h involvement. ... itics.html