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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:50 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Here's another question for Andries and Christoph.How did Files know that there were human teeth marks on the Rademacher shell casing?Why did Chauncey Holt corroborate Files' statement that Orlando Bosch (as well as others) were there? They didn't know each other. If Holt is so unbelievable too, why did Lois Gibson (who is in the Guiness Book for her work in facial recognition) corroborate that Holt was one of the tramps as well as Harrelson and Rogers? Are they all in a conspiracy to put out a fake story? LOL Why did Plumlee corroborate the presence of Roselli there? Why did Holt corroborate Nicoletti being there as well? Why does the Nix film show someone moving behind the fence in the exact location Files said he was in (and NOT in the badgeman position)? Why are guys like Stockwell trying to discredit Files' story by claiming that Files said something else even though they have no record or documentation at all of Files' saying the things they said he said? And you guys are making it sound like we just believe Files because he said so? That's rediculous. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's rediculous.I'll go one better. I'm highly suspicious of Pam Ray and how she took advantage of Wim and is seemingly muddying the waters or creating bad blood. Wim forwarded a LOT of money to her, and she took it then bit the hand that fed her. Is she kidding? That's poor character on her part. That should raise a lot of red flags for you. Disinfo people undermine from WITHIN. Don't forget that.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:28 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:tom jeffers wrote: Everyone forgets about lansdale being behind the fence. on pam's website he addresses the fact that there were 2 different lengths of footprints behind the fence that day and she wondered if he brought 2 different sizes of shoes to throw everyone off and he says hell no, he wasn't that smart to have pre-planned such an event. I believe jimmy because i communicate with him weekly and know him to be credible in my communications. also i believe that bruce brychek is a pretty smart cookie and he has known jimmy more than 40 years and there is no way bruce wouldn't really know. just remember, bruce knows things that only him and jimmy know and if you knew that info, you would have no doubts. namaste'In the 2003-interview James Files says "No." to the question of Jim Marrs, whether he knows Lansdale still. That was 2003. Obviously meanwhile Pamela Ray has worked on James Files and made him talk a little more about Lansdale's presence behind the fence. Yes, I forgot that part with the different footprint lengths and so it is with James Files: in the beginning it is hard to believe, but when you dig deeper into it, it turnes out, that he said the truth. Mainly. My guess is: James Files and Patrick Brycheck do not deliver any fool proof like photos of Oswald and Files together, cause James Files still wants to live. Neab, Pasquale, do you have the CD of James Files' 2003-interview? The resolution of the film is much higher than on youtube there and you actually you see NO suspicious eye-turns to the left. ChrisI have the interview, and I see no evidence in his body language that he is being deceptive at all, and believe me, I looked for it over and over.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:21 am
by ChristophMessner
Very good observations, Pasquale! It's really necessary to watch the interview over and over again, isn't it? And it is a big pity that Wim isn't placing the whole interview on the internet just for free, isn't it? Do you think, the hitmen on Dealey Plaza were so used to hits like that, that they knew exactly how the spectators and police would would react, that they would be surprised and stunned and frightened and look out for running-aways, while they could just move away and blend into the crowd in a calm, slow, relaxed, confined, completely unworried manner? Do you think it is possible, that the TSBD shooter(s) was/were just mockup? Chris

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:32 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:Very good observations, Pasquale! It's really necessary to watch the interview over and over again, isn't it? And it is a big pity that Wim isn't placing the whole interview on the internet just for free, isn't it? Do you think, the hitmen on Dealey Plaza were so used to hits like that, that they knew exactly how the spectators and police would would react, that they would be surprised and stunned and frightened and look out for running-aways, while they could just move away and blend into the crowd in a calm, slow, relaxed, confined, completely unworried manner? Do you think it is possible, that the TSBD shooter(s) was/were just mockup? ChrisWell, as for Wim not putting the interview for free here, we might as well ask why any JFK researcher like Groden or whoever don't just give their books and videos away for free too. LOLI'm sure that Wim doesn't have a tree in his backyard that grows money, and neither do people like Groden either. The price of the video is not high anyway.Do I think that the hitmen in the plaza were so used to hits like that? I don't think so at all. I think that the fake Secret Service men and the cooperation of the Dallas Police and FBI helped them out immensely, don't you think? It's not like certain participants were not detained. Holt, Harrelson, and Rogers were detained. Eugene Hale Brading (who got Nicoletti and Roselli into the Dal Tex building) was detained too. There were other men, whose names I don't know, who were also detained. All of them released by the Keystone cops. I don't quite understand your last question. I think you're asking me if the TSBD shooters were fakes? I think that there was at least one real shooter shooting from the TSBD. I also think that there was at least one shooter in the Dal Tex building as well. After having recently realized that Cyril Wecht has said for years that JFK was hit TWICE in the head almost simultaneously, I think that there was at least one shooter shooting from the right front and possibly two (I say two because of the throat wound and/or the hole in the windsheild.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:09 am
by ChristophMessner
Pasquale, fair enough to pronounce Wim's legitimacy for having some output for his tremendous input. But aren't those interviews with James Files just too magnificant to build one's political duty to such a simple merchandizing strategy? Wim could spread the CDs for free, cause we are living at the dawn of the age of free information, move from town to town and hold lectures on it and telling everybody: "Those who want to support us are free to donate into the baskets at the doors." (which they will do), build up an interactive JFK-murder-research-community and a DalTex-Knoll-DPD-Corruption-and-Shooters-Museum and Patriots-Sponsor-for-Disgrace-Removal-Fond and Exhumation-Petition-Movement ... all this would give much more gain than just selling a lot of CDs, wouldn't it? Of course it is not quite fair to demand all this from one man, and a non-American even, too, but there could be done more than just struggling with one woman for possessing the James Files story. I mean, even if some CIA asset stirred that up, is that reason to fall for that? Isn't there more inventiveness? Well, if the hitmen could trust into the collaboration of the Dallas Police and FBI so much, those collaborators could provide some shooters by themselves, couldn't they? And letting the 6th floor "shooters" shoot with only mock ammunition (hardly to discern acoustically from real DalTex-shots) would be a great way to divert the police from DalTex and Knoll while the 6th floor shooter(s) plus Truly-helpers still could remain "innocent" somehow? It would be a high risk to shoot Kellerman and Greer and the Connallys instead of JFK, if the windshield hole came from the front, wouldn't it?

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:25 pm
by neab
Christoph , do you not think jfk was shot in the neck from the front then?

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:22 pm
by ChristophMessner
I think the throat wound was too small to have come from a bullet. It was headshot shrapnel from James Files' mercury loaded round. Bow your head down and to the left like JFK at Z312, hold your right pointer finger onto your right temple like coming from the grassy knoll behind the fence and then you see, that to the throat it is not that much an angle.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:45 pm
by andries
For instance an important arguiment for meFiles makes the best first rang witneses and some other honest people to dreamers.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:16 pm
by ThomZajac
Personally, I find the story of James Files compelling and it could very well true, perhaps even likely, but I do have my doubts, as I think most anyone would, and I think it's safe to say that we will never have absolute certainty on the matter.That said, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference if he was a knoll shooter or not. We know there was one (at least) and we know the president was hit from the front as well as behind. We know there was CIA and Mafia presence all over the place, we know the Secret Service did not do its job. (That's for starters- we know a lot more than that obviously).Although it is natural to try to figure out the precise details of Dealey Plaza, it is much like trying to figure out what arrangement the feathers were in before the pillow was busted open.

Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:54 pm
by andries
I totaly agree with youThe view simple facts you mentioned is all we got,the rest that we, read HUMAN KIND, all have created through the yearscannot be tracked and traced normaly, and that,s exactly what they ???? wantedSo unfortunely we did our wellWith all respect for wim dankbaar but it only made the puzzel double impossible.I follow my dreams and nightmeries and see the badgeman from the fence shooting the headshot.