David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by kenmurray »

Hey this is for you Von Pein. One of your heroes of the Warren Report. No wonder the Warren Report is one of the biggest frauds ever put before the American public. So let's go down memory lane for one of the biggest political blunders ever to come forth by a sitting President. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8rg9c4pUrg
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Jsnow915 »

beleive what you want Pein...thats the cool thing about freedom.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:beleive what you want Pein...thats the cool thing about freedom.Exactly! Hey, Von Pein, reclaim THIS! (Insert vulgar hand gesture here).
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:beleive what you want Pein...thats the cool thing about freedom.Exactly! Hey, Von Pein, reclaim THIS! (Insert vulgar hand gesture here). I see John Beckham has started a thread over there: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/in ... 831.0.html I find that hilarious since he started his crap over here. Need we remind you John? Hey that's a nice picture of you John. Very becoming of you lol.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:beleive what you want Pein...thats the cool thing about freedom.Exactly! Hey, Von Pein, reclaim THIS! (Insert vulgar hand gesture here). I see John Beckham has started a thread over there: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/in ... 831.0.html I find that hilarious since he started his crap over here. Need we remind you John? Hey that's a nice picture of you John. Very becoming of you lol.I know someone here is going to yell at me, but I just reminded Beckham of the trouble he started over here. This was in response to him saying that about you, Ken.On a lighter note, I just called Von Pein an impotent fool.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Bob »

Okay...as long as your homework is done and you continue to get A's in class, you can go out for awhile Pasquale and Ken. But be home by 11:00! Seriously, let's try and keep the focus here and to the research we are doing. We are getting recognition and responses from two of the very best research minds in the JFK assassination community in Robert Groden and Jack White. Let's keep the momentum going!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Okay...as long as your homework is done and you continue to get A's in class, you can go out for awhile Pasquale and Ken. But be home by 11:00! Seriously, let's try and keep the focus here and to the research we are doing. We are getting recognition and responses from two of the very best research minds in the JFK assassination community in Robert Groden and Jack White. Let's keep the momentum going! LOLBob,I feel like Ken and I are two junkyard dogs that sometimes hop the fence and get into it with the "bad" dogs in the neighborhood. On a more serious note, I'm not going to get distracted over there. I'm not even logged in anymore.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Jsnow915 »

my thought is...if there was no conspiracy,why are all the LN's trying to shoot down the CT's...why even make the effort to research it all if its their beleif its just a lone nut....case closed...I dont understand the waste of their energy and time.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pennyworth »

kenmurray wrote:Hey this is for you Von Pein. One of your heroes of the Warren Report. No wonder the Warren Report is one of the biggest frauds ever put before the American public. So let's go down memory lane for one of the biggest political blunders ever to come forth by a sitting President. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8rg9c4pUrgSpeaking of past President Ford, his attempted assassin is up for release on August 16,2009...Squeaky...AftermathIn 1979, Fromme was transferred out of the women's prison in Dublin, California, for attacking a fellow inmate, Julienne Busic, with the claw end of a hammer. On December 23, 1987, she escaped from the Alderson Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, West Virginia, attempting to meet up with Manson, who she had heard had testicular cancer. She was captured again two days later and is now serving time in Texas at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell. Fromme's projected release date is August 16, 2009,[11] although she has consistently waived her right to a hearing. Fromme has been eligible for parole since 1985 but must attend the hearing and be granted parole in order to be released.Seventeen days after Fromme's assassination attempt, Sara Jane Moore attempted to assassinate Ford in San Francisco.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:my thought is...if there was no conspiracy,why are all the LN's trying to shoot down the CT's...why even make the effort to research it all if its their beleif its just a lone nut....case closed...I dont understand the waste of their energy and time.My answer is exactly what I told Von Pein over there. I told him that I think he and others like him are spreading the bull###t intentionally. Regardless of what someone might think of the James Files information, how can someone honestly look at the evidence and come to the conclusion that there was only one shooter? Think about what it takes to look at all the anomalies, the lies, the witnesses, the DEAD witnesses, etc., and come to the conclusion that the Warren Commission is truth. It's absurd is what it is, and they know it. I won't give them the luxury of having me call them kooks and nuts like they like to call people like us. I just call them imposters and fakes...well, impotent fools too.... LOL