Bruce Brychek

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

If I have to choose between Hoffman and Holland, I choose Holland. But in all fairness I will go to the freeway and see what I can see from there.Of course that will not prove what Ed actually saw if anything.You do understand tht the people on the bridge were just a few feet from what Ed says He saw.Also I don't remember him saying anything about seeing anyone else in the vicinity?Don't that seem a little odd?
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by andries »

Well it,s not a matter from either holland or Hoffman,i do absolutely believe both it,s a matter off more than one suspicius individuel being spotted right before the first shots.Arnhold-forced away from that particulair area -secret service ?Bowers saw most part off the time before the first shots two persons in that area Ed saw also two persons,who had some simularity with what bowers sawRight after the shooting secret service is being present behind the knoll These things do not indicate in the first place just a lone gunman who,s on his own simply shoots than does his tricky act with his jacket and bulletshel puts his own weapon in a case and walks away into an open area with the murderweapon with him. The assassions in the TSBD i ques they fired the carcano because they had to do that off course,but perhaps missed totaly and the mauser they also have found must have been offeredbecause who wants to be seen or escape without getting attention with a gun or a suitcase in your hand in sutch a situation.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

Where were the three tramps while ll this was going on?
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by andries »

Good quistion,My humble dutch thoughts are that they could have been a diversion to be arrested by the real assasions behind the knoll,it,s a perfect way out or exuus to hide the thruth by arresting people verry logical scene in the pandamonium.
Dealey Joe
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce has been one of the mainstays of our forum along with many others such as Bob Fox, Ken Murray, WIm and many more, I can hardly mention them all
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe Hall:Joe - First and foremost, credit where credit is due, and that is to Mr. Willem Dankbaar. Few know that Wim and I met several times beginning around ten (10) years ago in Chicago, Illinois for hundreds of hours overall. While our approaches, interests, and perspectives sometimes vary, the man deserves admiration, credit, and respect for all that he has accomplished.My personal opinion is that there are many greats in the JFK Research Community, beginning with Jim Garrison, and far too many to mention since him.But Mr. Willem Dankbaar and his cumulative efforts have advanced his to a level, and a class, far above all of the rest at this point in time in my opinion.Additionally, the efforts of Bob Fox, Ken Murray, and Joe Hall can never receive enough credit. Wim is well served by the dedication, skills, and talents of you three (3) fine, honest, sincere, straight speaking, and truthful researchers and writers.Together, gentlemen, make your challenge: How great can we be going forward ?Respectfully,BB.