Who Decided?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Jsnow915 »

the amazing thing to all of this is your born into it...your told you HAVe to pay taxes and so on...the world is the way it is and you don't know any better because of what you are taught in school...our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been crapped on for far too long by the Powers that be...how do we change it?...I have no clue...but this isnt what our four fathers intended when we became a republic.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Somewhere along the way our parents and grandparents decided to trust the government.WRONG!!Our founding fathers left word for us as to what to do when government got opressive.Their advise was to overthrow it and start over.Better be careful who you say that to nowdays.My guess is we have waited far to long to do it peacfully.And I don't think Americans have the BALLS for it.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Michael Calder wrote:David Rockefeller decided to remove JFK by extra legal means and went to Allen Dulles to see if he concurred. He did. Allen Dulles is fired by JFK in Sept '62 and the plot is given to Richard Helms, DDP at CIA. Helms is the architect. Helms later murders RFK using his own creation, MKULTRA. Richard Helms is fired in 1973 by President Nixon yet Ford and Reagan have attempts on their lives. This is David Rockefeller once again using CIA to put his brother, the vice president into the oval office and later George Bush, the VP of President Reagan. It also means that CIA was co-opted by the economic elite and has been used ever since as it's own private security firm. Will CIA once again be used to strikedown a president under orders of the economic elite. What do you think? http://www.jfkcia.comYou speak out of my mind. If Obama would dare to walk against the route like JFK, he would have an "accident" again. Money makes the world go round.It's also interesting to read Fletcher Proutys description in his book of how the capo di tutti capi nodded on it in a secret meetings and called his personal trustie to the back of his chair to whisper the order into his ear.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dealey Joe wrote:Somewhere along the way our parents and grandparents decided to trust the government.WRONG!!Our founding fathers left word for us as to what to do when government got opressive.Their advise was to overthrow it and start over.Better be careful who you say that to nowdays.My guess is we have waited far to long to do it peacfully.And I don't think Americans have the BALLS for it.You speak out of my mind, too. But I don't think it is a matter of balls nowadays, it's a matter of destruction of spirituality (idealism) by the global money making machine (materialism).
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I agree the American people have made a religion out of Idealism and Materialism.and a dependancy on the government to take care of all their wants and ahuge national news media to tell them what to think.like "it was a lone gunman"
bob franklin
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by bob franklin »

If it ever does boil down to revolution we will truly see the ruthless nature of these thugs who currently rule. Probably see them nuke US soil, regardless of consequence. Then there's that old adage about revolutionary leaps being mostly upward, rather than forward. Remember the line from "Sleeper" where Woody Allen's character warns about kidnapping the next tyrant's nose.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

bob franklin wrote:If it ever does boil down to revolution we will truly see the ruthless nature of these thugs who currently rule. Probably see them nuke US soil, regardless of consequence. Then there's that old adage about revolutionary leaps being mostly upward, rather than forward. Remember the line from "Sleeper" where Woody Allen's character warns about kidnapping the next tyrant's nose. You mean "live by the sword, die by the sword"These tyrants have their system in place. they do not dirty their hands, they have a police force to do that.The big difference between them and us. We do not operate with a police force.We use the TRUTH to combat EVIL as we understand that thruth has the power to overcome.A small light will illuminate a dark room.If the truth ever gets to these evil people it can trigger the same results as a frontal attack.You can't hide behind the truth it is something you have to do.We hope there never comes a time to draw our swords but we need to understand there may come that day.Deceviers are hiding behing something they are trying tp palm off as truth
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Bob »

Please see this from Dynasty of Death from Schuyler Ebbets about the Bu$h family and their impact on history for almost 100 years...There is no historic parallel that can be drawn, nothing compares with the accomplishments of the Bush family. No dictator or tyrant can equal the suffering and destruction they have wrought on humanity, as they are not mere tyrants themselves, but the makers and breakers of tyrants, the organizers and profiteers of war and death. They are not alone and solely responsible for creating the present day military industrial complex, however since 1915 the Bush family has been directly involved in World War One and Two, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, numerous CIA secret wars, the Gulf War, and now a “Never Ending War”. The past four generations of this one family have had a hand in promoting and profiting from most of major wars that America has waged since the beginning of the industrialized age.You can add the Rockefeller family and the Rothschild family and other power elite families to that as well. Right about the time of WWI, when the Bu$h family and others started their war profiteering ways, we also had the Federal Reserve established. So basically, our planet has been run the last 100 years or so by those who control most of the world's monetary assets and also those who can make policy that will cause wars or continue wars, who will also profit those conflicts. Just think about Dumbya Bu$h. We have two wars now in Iraq and Afghanistan that are VERY profitable, right in the heart of oil production (Iraq), right in the heart of drug trading (Afghanistan), and countless hundereds of thousands of lives have been lost. It's called blood money folks. 9/11 was an event that started those wars after the sheeple were duped into believing a terrorist threat existed. Too bad hardly anyone knew that the Bu$h and bin Laden families had been doing business for decades. That it was Poppy Bu$h and Ronny Reagan who first armed a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam. Too bad people didn't connect the dots of 9/11 to Operation Northwoods and to the Reichstag Fire, which was another false flag event that brought Hitler to power. Bottom line, more of us should know these things, but sadly hardly ANYONE does.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

yep VERY FEWhowever the 2 1/2 % either know it or will recognise it when they hear it.If you think about it that is a lot of people.95% could care less They would actually join up with the rabble if it prospered them.They are leadable but not trustworthy.It is hard to keep in mind that it is enough.we just have to keep on seeking the truth in order to expose the liars.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.14.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.11.2009 - Mr. Thom Zajac Posted this Brilliant, Focused Headline. While many/most have and willcontinue scurrying around for minutiae about shooters, shots, spotters, the Zapruder Film, blood splatter,this person, that person, LHO, Jack Ruby, LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover, MLK, RFK, etc., this effort will continueto SOLVE NOTHING GOING FORWARD. Thom Zajac asks THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION. My Opinion.Thom Zajac - I have been out of town, and just read your Headline, Who Decided ? I really like it as Isee it as one of my favorite intellectual exercises. I often focus on some of the "Negatives of the Kennedy Family, Joe, Sr, JFK, and RFK," as I see a direct traceable causal link as to the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the JFK and RFK assassinations ala Coup d' etats. If you study these in a Sequential Time Line Analysis, great things take take shape. I know that this upsets some of the JFK and RFK lovers, butthat is clearly not my intention. You must analyze the negatives to see what falls out of the trees, along with the positives. Thinking Outside Of The Box IS ESSENTIAL. My Opinion.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.For example, at the time of JFK's election, Jimmy Hoffa and the unions, Tony Accardo, Sam Giancana and The Outfit, the Chicago Politicians, the Chicago Unions, the West Virginia Unions, Coal Miner's Unions, andthe East Coast Mafia and the Five (5) Families, the CIA ,and portions of the Military Industrial Complex, the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church, and many, many others were strongly behind JFK because Joe Kennedy convinced them/made them think, rightly or wrongly that "they all owned JFK." These people and groups, when JFK was elected, were all in JFK's corner, rightly or wrongly. But on 11.22.1963 each person and group that I mentioned were all/mostly against JFK, rightly or wrongly, in varying degrees.This change in allegiances can be graphed out, and provide answers or indications of individuals and groups that all/most changed positions, for reasons of major consequences to their strongest of interests, which would put them on simultaneous collision courses with JFK.Following this thinking will help. My Opinion.Thom Zajac, I really enjoy many of your Headlines, and Posts, whether I agree or disagree. We will probablyagree 90 % of the time. When I disagree it won't be personal. You are certainly as my friend Bob says "...a great new member." Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.