
JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

I watched the videos.Jack seems to see a lot.I wish he would take 30 seconds and tell us what is real.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

Is his email address on the site? I've written to him and he always responds promptly- you should give him a go.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by turtleman »

I think any rational mind could believe the Zapruder tape has been altered especially when considering the background and serendipity of Zapruder himself.Before this thread ever began I thought to myself that I had seen different versions of the film and maybe I am mistaken about that but these bastards left very little to the imagination. Doctoring film with technology that was ahead of the curve at the time I find very likely indeed. Decades later we see some discrepancies. How convenient. As with Life Magazine sitting on the film for as long as they did. This thing stinks boys but it is but one tooth on a vast network of gears in the machine.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I really don't know but it seems to me our best evidence has been the Z Film.What do we have?LHO is not actually LHO?Marguriete Oswald is actually someone else?CIA made arrangements to buy young LHO?Every anti JFK group was present at Dealey from the cubans to the CIAfrom GWBush to Thomas Jefferson? at least every other person there in Dealey was a subversive?The tramps are not who they said they were?Ruby and LHO, (aj Hidell, OH Lee, Lee, Harvey) were not aquainted?The limo driver stopped intentionally so someome could shoot?The SS in the limo was chatting with his girlfriend on the radio phone?The SS was all backed off so the shooter could do his job?The shot from the front was not part of the plan, he or they were just lone nut assasins hidden in the shadows if there even was a shot?Since the Z film, Moorman, Nix and half dozen others along with 1000ands of still pphotos are fakewhat do we have? Our own colleagues are hell bent to prove the lone nut is no longet a theory but a reality?I don't think Jack proves anything, he just places everything in question and has destroyed his credibility for me.We already know that the film most likely has been modified to cover up a shot from the front.Was there a need to change everything in the film?A truck with a cover and in another picture without a cover?A 7ft tall woman?i think Jack has spent a good deal of his life just as Jones, Groden and others.They are tired of the fight. They think they have acomplished very little if they join the disinformation specialist then what they have acomplished will be negated.Wim for one has taken a positive approach to showing what really happened andwe do not need Mr. White casting more shadows than already exists.Jack and Dunkel have spent countless hours trying to find evidence of a shooter in the deep shadows.kind of reminds me when I was a kid we would lay out in the backyard looking at the stars finding alltypes of shapes and figures. Imaginations are powerful.Have we put to much credibility in the Z film?We know what is wrong, tell us what is right.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

turtleman wrote:I think any rational mind could believe the Zapruder tape has been altered especially when considering the background and serendipity of Zapruder himself.Before this thread ever began I thought to myself that I had seen different versions of the film and maybe I am mistaken about that but these bastards left very little to the imagination. Doctoring film with technology that was ahead of the curve at the time I find very likely indeed. Decades later we see some discrepancies. How convenient. As with Life Magazine sitting on the film for as long as they did. This thing stinks boys but it is but one tooth on a vast network of gears in the machine.Amen.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by andries »

Guy,s like White, are for me the only hope to get clear visible evidencewith some help off time and technical development it will be possible to answer more questions, by getting more information out off those films and pics.perhaps in time we are even capable to show if their,e are one or two bullets making their way from the front that,s better than quesing or asuming.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

kenmurray wrote:Zapruder Re-viewed: you see what he is saying is in the shadows?
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Kirk »

Thanks again Ken.... I am trying to adjust my eyes to it, but seems like something.