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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:09 pm
by kenmurray
Kirk wrote:Thanks Ken for the links. Those were the one's I was talking about.Most welcome Kirk.

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:20 pm
by Kirk
Ken,What do you really think of Greer?ThanksKirk

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:40 pm
by kenmurray
Kirk wrote:Ken,What do you really think of Greer?ThanksKirkKirk, I think Greer was a willing collabrator. I don't believe in the Cooper theory that he fired the fatal shot at JFK either. Here is an interesting article about Greer and his "head turn" in the Z-film: ... -turn.html

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:45 pm
by Kirk
Cool and thanks again Ken

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:08 pm
by SeamusCoogan
Yeah Kirk A lot of researchers whom I have dealt with have found Holt a little difficult to deal with same as Gerry Hemming. Hemming and Holt in the eyes of many oversold certain aspects of their stories thus I tend to play very cautiously with those two and photo id stuff. Bob however has utilised Lansdales pic to good measure. Is it Ed? Well, who knows. But I'm more liable to go with Bob on Ed than Chauncey thats for sure, well used Bob by the way. I agree that those cops look far to casual. Hell the President has just been shot and look at the gap between them. I wouldn't want these mooks escorting ducks crossing a road in rush hour for all the organisation they have shown. Ken Murray did a nice little piece on here awhile back with Orlando Bosch which I thought was really interesting and hell well maybe Ken could post that one for you again Kirk.

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:27 pm
by Kirk
Thanks Seamus,I think I have seen the Bosch piece, but if there is anything more I would like to see that. I did not really know anything about Bosch being there until this forum and hearing Files mention his name. I do now believe that the DCM is Bosch. I do believe that is Landsdale as well walking past the 3 tramps, but I can not prove that, but it seems likely considering all the other characters walking around. I do not believe that Phillips was at the LHO press conference, but I bet he wishes he could have been. I am pretty sure that guy is a local newspaper man. Yes, It always has intrigued me how the Police Officers guarded these "unknown tramps" right after that assassintion, and just as has been mentioned why Holt was allowed to carry a bag with him.

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:37 pm
by SeamusCoogan
Kirk wrote:Thanks Seamus,I think I have seen the Bosch piece, but if there is anything more I would like to see that. I did not really know anything about Bosch being there until this forum and hearing Files mention his name. I do now believe that the DCM is Bosch. I do believe that is Landsdale as well walking past the 3 tramps, but I can not prove that, but it seems likely considering all the other characters walking around. I do not believe that Phillips was at the LHO press conference, but I bet he wishes he could have been. I am pretty sure that guy is a local newspaper man. Yes, It always has intrigued me how the Police Officers guarded these "unknown tramps" right after that assassintion, and just as has been mentioned why Holt was allowed to carry a bag with him.No hassles. Just be wary of Holt the guys as slippery as an eel lol.

Oswald was not the only one absent

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:52 pm
by kenmurray
The Myth of the Depository Roll Call: ... lPageId=41

Re: Oswald was not the only one absent

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:09 pm
by SeamusCoogan
kenmurray wrote:The Myth of the Depository Roll Call: ... geId=41God I love reading about the roll call or lack there of.

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:44 pm
by Pennyworth
Kirk wrote:At the risk of looking ignorant, and maybe opening up some old wounds on this forum I have a couple of things that I just can't buy at least yet.One is Chauncey Holt. He seems like a likable and trust worthy man, but to my eyes he doesn't look at all like the oldest of the three tramps. Maybe, if he was 20 years older at the time. Now, he does seem to know a lot about a lot of what was going on, and I can believe he worked for the Company, but he just doesn't look like the Older Tramp. Even in the memorial video for Holt you tell he was very fit and strong, and had good posture and walk very straight. The older Tramp looks very beaten down and tired from just walking from the railroad tracks. Note he is last and behind the rest of the group.what do you all think?I had some spare time and starting reviewing this...I AGREE with you KIrk..the last tramp does resemble Abrams more to me, and Holt not much but it could beneither Holt nor Abrams . Did Holt atually say that he was one of THESE specific three? Maybe there were more tramps. Lois Gibson is purported to be the best expert and did make a viable slam against the Dallas PD for not getting the tramps names,and she did makea good case for Holt and Rogers as both fitting into the scenerio.BUT.. she DOES work in Houston which can be viewed as slanted ...Rogers ears matched the photo; also Doyles' nose matches the photo..quite perplexing. On page 2 the two mugshots of Harrelson (frame1 and 9 respectively ]are taken at different degees of a circumference and there is a time lapse of years involvedThe ARE certifibly the same person but if it wasn't logged as such, Icouldn't be positve if it was the same person.BTW how tall was Harrelson?I had identical twins in my family and I was the only one who could tell them apart. I was questioned "How can you tell us apart? How can you tell them apart? I thought that nothing looked identical.