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Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:13 am
by turtleman
I have listened to Judyth speak in the History Channel piece TMWKK. I find her very credible in her attention to detail. There is also a seamless transition with Haslam's book Dr. Mary's Monkey. Freaky stuff and some strange coincidences but that has proved far from rare with JFK's assassination. People may not believe her but what is their basis? Where has she been tripped up? I believe Judyth is telling all she knows and has paid a terrible price for it. In the way she interviews she reminds me of Files although they are polar opposites in many more ways. When she and Files both speak they convey so much information so fast it reminds me of a high pressure hose. I guess they call it pressured speech. Well they both do it. Judyth in a more thoughtful and intelligent way and Files in a brash and matter of fact way. Neither has or will benefit from any of this. Quite to the contrary. Unless there is specific reason to doubt the word of either Files or Baker I see no reason to doubt much less dismiss either's word. Not with the diversion, deception, fabrication, and outright lies government officials and their minions have cast for almost 50 years now. Give me a freakin break please! Their stuff adds up, fits in, and has no significant flaws.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:13 pm
by Dealey Joe
TMThanks for your comments. Judyth reads us occasionally and needs all the positive backing she can get.Judyth is a stickler for details, Has a genius IQ that make for a little defiency on the common sense side of things.Altho she has probably more than most people of her IQ. This is what to my opinion made her a vulnerable target.I think her ability for total recall is what scares some folks. I guess if she would say "i don't knpw" once in a whilepeople would be more apt to believe her.She like some of us have always needed a positive in her life to lead and for support as she was exploited as a young lady. I think this is why the need for everyone to believe her. She has bared her soul to bribg justice where it was not.and cannot understand why some fools refuse to give her credibility.she has done things in her life that defies imagination by the casual observer and the so called normal thinker.her story would make a great soap opera.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:20 pm
by kenmurray
Fetzer has his you tube interview with Judyth on his Real Deal site: ... baker.html


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:56 pm
by SeamusCoogan
kenmurray wrote:Seamus, Helen Markham was a key witness to the Tippit murder. She claimed that she talked to him for almost 20 minutes even though he was shot 4 times and killed instantly. Now Ken chief I wasn't crediting Markham with a credible story lol. Yup a shot through the Brain stem would do that too anybody or was it Helen Markhams inane screaming and dribbling that really killed Tippit? I mean would you wanna end it all with her going on, hey maybe thats why the guy had to kill a cop? The mere site of Markham standing on the corner drove him to madness lol. We'll never know for sure. Or was it the additional weight of Oswald's extra wallet that made Tippit fall to the ground and crumple over hitting his head on a rock and creating a bullet like hole. Lol.Oh yeah as for Joe lol Archie Bunker lol. I love it. The negative stuff about Craig is very malicious. He went through hell as you know. I'm undecided about his suicide however. I'm coming down on the side of genuine, but Im more than prepared to be otherwise. Maybe a new thread could be started.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:13 pm
by SeamusCoogan
turtleman wrote:I have listened to Judyth speak in the History Channel piece TMWKK. I find her very credible in her attention to detail. There is also a seamless transition with Haslam's book Dr. Mary's Monkey. Freaky stuff and some strange coincidences but that has proved far from rare with JFK's assassination. People may not believe her but what is their basis? Where has she been tripped up? I believe Judyth is telling all she knows and has paid a terrible price for it. In the way she interviews she reminds me of Files although they are polar opposites in many more ways. When she and Files both speak they convey so much information so fast it reminds me of a high pressure hose. I guess they call it pressured speech. Well they both do it. Judyth in a more thoughtful and intelligent way and Files in a brash and matter of fact way. Neither has or will benefit from any of this. Quite to the contrary. Unless there is specific reason to doubt the word of either Files or Baker I see no reason to doubt much less dismiss either's word. Not with the diversion, deception, fabrication, and outright lies government officials and their minions have cast for almost 50 years now. Give me a freakin break please! Their stuff adds up, fits in, and has no significant flaws.Hmm, yeah I can see where you are coming from. I heard the discussions about Baker sometime ago so forgive me for being a bit rusty and preoccupied with some other stuff. I'm gonna have to dig into my stuff to see what i have. But if i am wrong about judith baker, files the Zap film and lifton like i know you al think i am rofl. I have to say that so much important evidence has been unearthed before, during and after these claims that are not debatable or have split people down the middle that I just tend to sway on the side of caution. Thats just how I play it. But yeah, Baker or not Haslam's book is a rollicking read.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:59 pm
by Dealey Joe
SeamusCoogan wrote:kenmurray wrote:Oh yeah as for Joe lol Archie Bunker lol. I love it. The negative stuff about Craig is very malicious. He went through hell as you know. I'm undecided about his suicide however. I'm coming down on the side of genuine, but Im more than prepared to be otherwise. Maybe a new thread could be started.Seamus It would be entirely possible that Roger got to a point of ending it all.sounds like his own family was against him.there may come a time for people when they can't stand anymore.I would like to believe he was murdered instead of suicide.The only thing is the method was a little unbelievable."Archie"


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:23 pm
by turtleman
Regarding Roger Craig. He seems a thoughtful man of ordinary means and intellect. Very much blue collar and dependable within work ethic and of sound mind. But what he went through would be too much for almost anybody. No doubt they were after him and whether or not he offed himself I am not sure. But I think there is a strong chance they finally got him. Like Baker it makes me feel very bad for Craig. Telling the truth and look at the shit storm they walk into.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:32 pm
by Dealey Joe
Judyth just notified me that her best friend Martha was found dead this morning.53 years old and no health problems. Martha ran some sort of blog for Judyth.She said herself and Martha along with Jim Fetzer had been threatened this past week or so.Since she had been on Fetzers show.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:23 pm
by Bob
Dealey Joe wrote:Judyth just notified me that her best friend Martha was found dead this morning.53 years old and no health problems. Martha ran some sort of blog for Judyth.She said herself and Martha along with Jim Fetzer had been threatened this past week or so.Since she had been on Fetzers show.Bastards!!! I saw the death threat on Fetzer's email in the first post on this thread. Gutless a-holes.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:03 am
by SeamusCoogan
Bob you should email Len that and ask if hes ever received any threats of that kind. Fetzers a lovely bloke regardless of my differences of opinion with him on some matters. He doesn't need that BS no one does.