A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:Look at Files, Haslam and Baker, they are live witnesses.by discrediting their story for lack of proof, what have we accomplished?Hey Joe,How is Haslam a witness? He's like a witness to a witness, which doesn't make him the same kind of witness as someone like Files and Judyth Baker.So, to put Haslam up there with Files and Baker is MISLEADING and disinformation. Did Haslam work in that lab? Was he on the grassy knoll? Why do you put him up there with actual "witnesses?"You see, this is how disinformation works. Now I am a disinfo agent?I don't put him up with anyone.In his own way Ed was a witness, He was in New Orleans at the right time, He was at the university and had access to facts and rumors. I only said I have listend to his story, I have read his book, I say he is truthful.Can I prove it? NO. Can Mz. Lake Prove not? NOI don't have enough information and neither does she. I doubt she was even around in '63I now feel like I am a member of the Education Forum.Okay, let's take a deep breath here. First as I said, I don't have the expertise or knowledge on this subject to make an impactful opinion about this. Secondly, the discussion has been very helpful in my learning process. Thirdly, we just need to continue this process step by step. I totally trust Pasquale and Dealey Joe. Both are fantastic gumshoe investigators. When they smell something fishy, the search becomes amplified. Bottom line, I would like to hear from Wim about this topic, but more importantly Mr. Haslam himself about this subject. Again, based on what I know and have read, Haslam comes off as believable to me. The same goes with Jim Fetzer, although we have some slight differences of opinion about how the JFK assassination went down. I believe in Judyth Vary Baker. Finally, I believe in James Files. That is how I first came across this site and this forum. At first I was VERY skeptical. But as Jim Marrs has written, Files has a lot of insightful information, that only someone on the inside would know. In addition, I have NOT been able to prove anything that he has ever said as a lie. That is why we should check out all of our sources as carefully as possible, whether it's Haslam, Baker or Fetzer. But it shouldn't get as vile as it has become at the Education Forum, where Fetzer and Jack White are basically screaming at each other. Let's stay civil, respectful and insightful. That is all I ask.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Now I am a disinfo agent?I don't put him up with anyone.In his own way Ed was a witness, He was in New Orleans at the right time, He was at the university and had access to facts and rumors. I only said I have listend to his story, I have read his book, I say he is truthful.Can I prove it? NO. Can Mz. Lake Prove not? NOI don't have enough information and neither does she. I doubt she was even around in '63I now feel like I am a member of the Education Forum.Joe,I really DON'T think you are disinfo in the least. I was only making a point. I'm sorry I offended you and that it sounded like that. I was only pointing out to you that making statements that are less than accurate are exactly the kinds of things that are seized upon by disinformation people.We're good, and we're just having a healthy debate.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am not mad or upset.I would be happy to respond to direct questions about anything I know about.These people can take any issue and pick it to peices because there are always loopholes they can get a claw into.That is how they work. They walk over miles of good information looking for that one thing they can question.I asked Ed about a comment, and his reply was: "I am going to ignore her."Ed HaslamI am also going to ignore her. but again I will be more than happy to discuss Eds story.if there are areas that I don't understand I am glad to learn.ANTONE who has not read Dr. Mary's Monkey is missing out big time.This is a very important area that has affected our lives and our families.If you have not read it and watched his video interview then you should not be in this discussion.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:I am not mad or upset.I would be happy to respond to direct questions about anything I know about.These people can take any issue and pick it to peices because there are always loopholes they can get a claw into.That is how they work. They walk over miles of good information looking for that one thing they can question.I asked Ed about a comment, and his reply was: "I am going to ignore her."Ed HaslamI am also going to ignore her. but again I will be more than happy to discuss Eds story.if there are areas that I don't understand I am glad to learn.ANTONE who has not read Dr. Mary's Monkey is missing out big time.This is a very important area that has affected our lives and our families.If you have not read it and watched his video interview then you should not be in this discussion.Joe,That's okay if you don't want contribute to this topic thread. For the rest of you, here is more information regarding the issues I'm talking about. First off, Ed published a mistake that is easy to prove. On page 117 he wrote about "a huge nuclear accelerator hidden in the bowels of UC's sports stadium. In 1937, it produced the first sustained nuclear reaction for UC physicist Enrico Fermi" Take a look at this: Manhattan Project history - Chicago's Met Lab achieved sustained nuclear reaction on Dec.2, 1942 http://www.cfo.doe.gov/me70/manhattan/cp-1_critical.htm The Education Forum poster repeated Ed's mistake, so who's checking on the facts here? Obviously not any of Ed's followers and Dr. Mary's Monkey has some errors. Nobody should be taking this personally or avoiding correction because they like Ed Haslam. It's not about 'Ed'. Should we all just ignore that?Here's the EF link again http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... opic=10663 Here's another curious mistake from Ed's book, what you could call a "lie of omission" : on page 171, Ed brings up Alton Ochsner's early medical career and mention's his success at (re-)introducing blood transfusions to Europe. Then he names the man Landsteiner who learned to type blood and came to the US in 1912 to show it to A.J. Ochsner and associates. Ed never mentions Landsteiner's name again, but Landsteiner is also the guy who discovered the poliovirus in 1908 and polio is central in the theme! How hard, or how important is it to say that Landsteiner found the poliovirus? Why did Ed leave that out? Karl Landsteiner moved from Vienna, Austria to New York in 1922 when Simon Flexner from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Reseach recruited him. Landsteiner "also produced major results outside the field of serology, making (in 1908) one of the earliest breakthroughs in the conquest of polio. By taking pieces of the spinal cord of a polio victim and soaking them in liquid, he produced a mixture capable of infecting monkeys. Further work led him to conclude that a virus caused the disease." http://www.answers.com/topic/karl-landsteiner On the page right after the Landsteiner omission, there's another big omission about A.J. Ochsner.Ed wrote on page 172, "In 1924, at the age of twenty-eight, [Alton Ochsner] returned to the United States...Before long, he landed a full-time teaching position at the nearby University of Wisconsin. His stay was brief. The hand of his uncle's influence can be seen again, when in 1927, at the age of thirty-one and after just one year of teaching at the University of Wisconsin, Alton Ochsner was appointed Head of Surgery at Tulane Medical School"--the hand of his uncle must have had a powerful reach beyond the grave because A.J. Ochsner died in July of 1925. Why didn't Ed write that A.J. was dead? Who helped Alton Ochsner get into Tulane? This "omission" thing looks serious. Albert John Ochsner, 1858-1925 [photo] http://clendening.kumc.edu/dc/pc/ochsner.jpgAmerican physician and surgeon, born April 3, 1858, Baraboo, Sauk County, Wisconsin; died July 25, 1925...Ochsner died of coronary thrombosis. Albert John Ochsner accomplished much in the world of American surgical politics, including the presidencies of the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America (1910-1912), the American College of Surgeons (1923) and the American Surgical Association (1924). http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1637.htmlA.J. Ochsner, BS,MD,LLD, appears with the 1921 "graduating class" picture/roster of the University of Illinois Medical School http://collections.carli.illinois.edu/c ... X=1&REC=19 August, 1925Sirs: You failed to mention recently the passing of a truly great man—one whose death is mourned by a large number of your readers, the members of the Medical Profession. I refer to the death of Dr. A. J. Ochsner of Chicago, July 25, one of the most eminent surgeons of the United States, a brilliant scholar and an inspiring teacher. Not to know of his position in Medicine shows a grossly deficient knowledge of Medicine. The death of such a man should be mentioned in TIME.(DR.) GEORGE H. GARRISON' http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... -2,00.html Then there's a mistake in the index on page 371 under 'O' and A.J. Ochsner ---it lists pages referencing A.J. as 170,171,267,269,271---but pages 267,269,and 271 don't have A.J. Ochsner's name on them or any content about A.J. Ochsner, so it looks like there's more stuff written about A.J. Ochsner than there really is. Those last 3 pages show "A.J. Hidell" and the content is about Oswald. Not a big deal, huh?, just more mistakes, but Ed's book is a re-issue from 1995. He had a lot of time to fix mistakes before the reprint. Kinda sloppy isn't it?For the rest of you, tell me your thoughts on this. It's kind of the whole reason I started this topic called "Is Ed Haslam disinfo?"
bob franklin
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by bob franklin »

Fermi on wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_FermiSome of Haslam's facts may not be strictly on the mark. This can happen to anyone. Overall, I'd say he's pretty close. Also, reading between the lines, I'd guess Fermi was into something nuclear before the Manhattan project, perhaps a prototype accelerator/collider or a forerunner to one. Hard to say. Jennifer Lake. Who is she? I've heard most of the names connected with the assassination, at least passingly. What are her credentials & pedigree? Joe brings up a good point regarding her determination to "debunk" Haslam. Vaccinations. Here are my thoughts. A vaccination is by definition a deliberately triggered immune response.It is possible that HIV was accidentally produced in the polio vaccine, though I doubt it. I believe HIV to be an engineered virus set loose upon humanity with full malice of forethought. I do believe vaccinations, the polio vaccine in particular, cause more harm than good. Consider the explosion of type 1 diabetes which coincidentally began shortly after the introduction of the Salk vaccine. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease. See the connection? I also believe vaccines cause the allergies that are so prevalent today (Ask your parents & grandparents how it was in their day) & I'm beginning to wonder about autism & Alzheimer's.
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Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole

Post by kenmurray »

Another interview of Ed Haslam:http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/556.html
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

From Oracle Network. Another interview of Ed Haslam. The guy that interviews Haslam says "Dr. Mary's Monkey" is one of his top 4 books he has ever read.http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/ameri ... 14_16k.mp3
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

A klystron is a specialized linear-beam vacuum tube (evacuated electron tube). Klystrons are used as amplifiers at microwave and radio frequencies to produce both low-power reference signals for superheterodyne radar receivers and to produce high-power carrier waves for communications and the driving force for modern particle accelerators.Klystron amplifiers have the advantage (over the magnetron) of coherently amplifying a reference signal so its output may be precisely controlled in amplitude, frequency and phase. Many klystrons have a waveguide for coupling microwave energy into and out of the device, although it is also quite common for lower power and lower frequency klystrons to use coaxial couplings instead. In some cases a coupling probe is used to couple the microwave energy from a klystron into a separate external waveguide.All modern klystrons are amplifiers, since reflex klystrons, which were used as oscillators in the past, have been surpassed by alternative technologies.URL=http://img810.imageshack.us/i/250pxklystron.jpg/][/URL]
Dealey Joe
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U.C underground

Post by Dealey Joe »

The Stanford Linear Accelerator, SLAC, became operational in 1966, accelerating electrons to 30 GeV in a 3 km long waveguide, buried in a tunnel and powered by hundreds of large klystrons. It is still the largest linear accelerator in existence, and has been upgraded with the addition of storage rings and an electron-positron collider facility. It is also an X-ray and UV synchrotron photon source.Particle accelerators come in two basic types: Linear - Particles travel down a long, straight track and collide with the target. Circular - Particles travel around in a circle until they collide with the target. In linear accelerators, particles travel in a vacuum down a long, copper tube. The electrons ride waves made by wave generators called klystrons. Electromagnets keep the particles confined in a narrow beam. When the particle beam strikes a target at the end of the tunnel, various detectors record the events -- the subatomic particles and radiation released. These accelerators are huge, and are kept underground. An example of a linear accelerator is the linac at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) in California, which is about 1.8 miles (3 km) long. In the circular accelerator, particles move in a circle until they reach sufficient energy. The particle track is typically bent into a circle using electromagnets. The advantage of circular accelerators over linear accelerators (linacs) is that the ring topology allows continuous acceleration, as the particle can transit indefinitely. Another advantage is that a circular accelerator is smaller than a linear accelerator of comparable power (i.e. a linac would have to be extremely long to have the equivalent power of a circular accelerator).[/URL]
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I’d never delved into the JFK murder details, except to maintain a ‘common sense’-based openness regarding the conspiracy. Haslam’s premise is generally acceptable to me, although I’ve been disconcertingly caught up in his presentation of monkey viruses, contaminated polio vaccines, weapons-grade particle accelerators, and a determined effort to skip the fundamentals and insist that AIDS is the whirlwind reaped by a medical Manhattan Project governed by Kennedy’s assassins. ===Mz. Lake Agrees with Haslam then introduces doubt?weapons-grade particle accelerators, ===Was it weapons grade? Why was it removedAIDS is the whirlwind reaped by a medical Manhattan Project governed by Kennedy’s assassins ===What is wrong with this statement?Among the questionable suppositions, Mr. Haslam makes a marriage between a secret “cancer” bio weapon, developed for the purpose of targeting Fidel Castro, and a very large “particle accelerator” which he claims was used to mutate cancer viruses ===Starts out being a Supposition the changes to Claim?By Haslam’s description, the Louisiana accelerator may have been as large as anything existing at the time in the DoD’s national laboratories. This poses some immediate concerns about how or why a nuclear device of this magnitude would be used (or needed) in a medical/biological context. === More double Talk.In fact, table-top x-ray machines have been available and useful for biological research since they were introduced. === Why else would they be introduced?Common x-ray equipment mutates cells quite well, thank you very much.======Maybe it does, Thank You very much, But facts say large Accelerators were also used.Ernest O. Lawrence funded his Berkeley cyclotron work by making commercial radiopharmaceuticals, until the time came when atom bomb cores were needed and the cyclotrons were drafted to make the first plutonium. ==== Mz. Lake to me has this statement reversed making it sound like Lawrence was using the Military when in actuality the military was likely using his expertise, follow the money. Is it possible that the New Orleans particle accelerator was an alternate nuclear facility, under the radar of international accountability in the event of limited or total weapons bans? And should we be alarmed that Louisiana’s ”International Trade Mart” associates and political extremists, who had peripheral (or central!) roles in JFK’s murder, potentially had access to the operators and inner workings of the accelerator? ===This again is suggestive on Mz. Lakes part. We do not know who had access or if Sherman ever used the Accelerator.These are beginner questions in another puzzle presented by Ed Haslam. Sometimes, the storyteller is as interesting and enigmatic as the story he tells…. === BEGINNER? Storyteller? I like her suggestions.As Dr. James Fetzer knows it, “anyone who’s trying to fake it is going to give as few details as possible”, ===Now she implicates Dr. Fetzer as a fake?and in this case, details on the New Orleans facility appear lacking, except that it was a linear accelerator as Mr. Haslam relates, ====Well Dahhhh!a point that may be essentially meaningless in this story because of its many weapons research applications, but distinguishing it as a type used in medicine. ==== Did in fact Ed distinguish it or is she?What does Jim Fetzer think of Ed Haslam’s work?===== Back to Fetzer again. “Ed Haslam’s entire life prepared him for the study of this case; his father was on the medical faculty at Tulane; he knew Mary Sherman –he sat on her lap as a child; he’s been studying this his entire life. ====Studying this his whole life? really.That anyone should denigrate his research is an atrocity because no one’s as comparable to or as good as Ed Haslam’s“. http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ (comment is the last minutes of Judyth Vary Baker interview, “Living in Exile”, part II). Fetzer again, =====does anyone believe Fetzer said this? So while listeners are encouraged by Fetzer to open their minds to Mr. Haslam’s work, it sure sounds like an iron-clad endorsement to snap down again, and as Mrs. Baker says about her own detractors, their ”book[s] become more important than the truth”. Disturbing, isn’t it, that a career educator would choose the words of an intellectual bully ===Who's the Educator and who is the Bully here? Now Baker is drawn in.to promote the uncritical acceptance of a researcher short on evidence? JFK assassination theorists might be partying in the streets over ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’, but since it’s updated re-release three years ago, hair-of-the-dog is unlikely to cure the hangover======Say that again??I have no issue at this time with the quality of the JFK-specific material and there is no doubt in my mind that simian “cancer” viruses were in the original polio vaccines and that HIV, in a fashion, is an extension of this horrible continuum.======= What exactly is her issue here? But there again is a large and separate subject with legions of expert opponents who document the flaws in the basic paradigm of Germ Theory. Mr. Haslam has done nothing to endanger the central dogma. In fact, I believe he’s furthering the “secret government”, Establishment cause. Since 9-11, that cause appears to me to be the destruction of the United States. ======Since Ed did not go to war with the mainstream health industry he is a "secret government agent" and responsible for the destruction of the U.S?The wonder I’m experiencing in this vital ‘JFK’ link to the polio story is based on the facts of Ed Haslam himself who has researched and “lived” with the JFK assassination mystery for most of his life. His recent audio/video interviews are nearly verbatim renditions of the ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’ text, and yet the bulk of it was written and published in 1995, so in fifteen years of continued investigation, there is neither a second book (from Ed) nor any substantial embellishment to his original work (I’m told), save the introduction of a witness, Judyth Vary Baker, who allows herself and her version of the evidence to be managed by Ed Haslam.==========Every author does not continue to change facts in order to publish more books. Second book? I'm told? Judyth Vary Baker allows? Judyth at times might be better to Allow! I havn't found Judyth to be short of words or incapable of making her own decision.Mr. Haslam met Judyth Baker, Lee Oswald’s 1963 girlfriend, through the auspices of a CBS ’60 Minutes’ crew in 2001. =====So did IHe writes that at the time “I was extremely busy doing other things in my profession, and I was not anxious to get drawn back into the story that had dominated so many years of my life.” Can you believe it? ======= Sure can, why not? JVB's telling her story gave it all new meaning.The same essential circumstance governed an earlier decision of Mr. Haslam’s to walk away from ‘secret, missing files’ of the murdered FBI accomplice Guy Banister after he actually had the material in his hands. ======= walk away? Is it possible he didn't know what he had? who was lookingfor the files?At least twice in Ed’s story, the Golden Goose flew in to nest in his lap and his reaction was ‘shoo’! Unbelievable. ======== Golden Goose? Mz. Lake has great hind sight.The Banister files are still missing (?), but Mrs. Baker is alive and well, “Living In Exile” outside the U.S. in fear of her life. She wants to come home. Maybe Ed Haslam can manage that too someday. =======What has Banisters files got to do with Judyth. If Ed could manage? What has this comment have to do with Mz.Lake's accusations?For the time being, Mr. Haslam has given us the bones of a plot to kill Kennedy, “cure” the cancer epidemic mistakenly caused by the worldwide polio vaccines, and create a super-cancer bio weapon with a guarded nuclear particle accelerator stashed in the Infectious Disease Laboratory on the grounds of the New Orleans Public Health hospital. Haslam writes that he learned of the accelerator through the prodding of his contact, ”Dr. X”, who passed on an account of it’s structure from a “Mr. Y”: =======Sounds like she has it all summed up here, plot, cure, epidemic, bioweapon, guarded accelerator, Dr. X, Mr. Y. ===So? Jump to end...Polio is provenly caused by (x-) radiation and chemicals. My own theory about the polio vaccines is that they were purported to be protective against nuclear fallout and the complex biological damage from those combined sources. =========Why is Mz. Lake allowed theories? what happened to facts?Polio research was ‘locked up’ for a half-century at the hands of Simon Flexner and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and in the desperate 11th hour of domestic nuclear bomb testing, for fear of revealing polio’s secret cause, the government sanctioned the hastily concocted IPV, which was both contaminated and ineffective to it’s purpose. ======Of course the government always tells us the truth even if it is burried in untruth. In a parallel situation of “embarassment”, as Ed Haslam says on page 344 explaining the predicament of Bobby Kennedy who ostensibly employed his brother’s assassin caught in a double-cross and was therefore manipulated into going along with the conspiracy to frame Oswald, ”It was brilliant planning. The work of professionals. And they got away with murdering…” Ed has written something in his last words, finally, that makes sense. ========Glad she can agree with something. Where is her proof of this?A few questions for Mz. Lake:1) please supply a direct quote and full reference for your accusations. 2) prove that there was NOT a linear particle accelerator in New Orleans. and for what other purposes the remnants of maerials in the building were for. Why did Lee Oswald have an ID card from the USPHS there. Why the site was being guarded. Provide a list of all the linear particle accelerators in exisence. including the many are secret and their locations remain unknown, just as the locations of the thousands of atomic bombs our nation owns are unknown. Could a linear particle accelerator have been used instead of ordinary exposure to radiation as thousands of animals were used, not dozens of them, with a time limit. Are you aware Ochsner had almost unlimied funds of his own to work with, why?