Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Over many a dreary and forgotten volume

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I have finished all five volumes of Doug Horne, INSIDE THE ARRB, and I recommend it to all for its epic tale of two tigers.One tiger is the Navy man, husband, father, devoting six months' effort to get a position on the board, and the following four years walking a tightrope between aggressively searching for the truth, and repressing such effort to avoid offending the defenders of the status quo.I frankly would have cheerfully placed all the autopsists in the Yuri I. Nosenko Motel Six with the light on for three years until they either actually located the alleged rear-of-skull entry wound, or in the alternative, admitted the head never looked so good—nor, in fact, anything like that at all.Secondly, there is a great deal of data including depositions of key individuals and examination of key x-ray, photographic and motion picture evidence. A good deal has been said critically of Horne but I believe Kennedy liked the English translation of that Spanish quattrain:Bullfight critics ranked in rowsjammed the huge arena full,but only one there is who knows--and he's the one who fights the bull.I can't begin to recount all the crude things said of Horne, of Files, of virtually every outspoken observer of the overarching outrage, but I can tell you I respect them ever so much more than the detractors who cannot add.Onward into the discovery.I have being shipped Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) edited by Jim Fetzer containing a highly recommended section on the medical evidence.In the interim I am revisiting Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason (1997) for the third time, finding the thoughtful steps of the engineer quite preferable to the pirouettes of any number of government-owned fairies. And so, in the words of Trevanian's Austrian climber to Clint Eastwood in their appointment with death in The Eiger Sanction, “We shall continue in style."
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - I always appreciate your collected insights and wisdom on major works, and many minor works. While I intend to obtain and read all five volumes of Doug Horne's Inside The ARRB, you certainly hasten my agenda. You, Bob Fox, and others are far ahead of me on this one, and I can offer no intelligent reflections having not read and studied this Subject Matter.Phil, Bob, and others I invite and welcome your extended reflections and thoughts at this point in time on Horne's work because I am reviewing every analysis as my current time schedule permits. Frankly, I am feasting on quality appetizers until I can consume and digest the main meal. In addition, I am developing a Working Outline and Bullet Point List of inquiries that I want to review and develop as I read this Major Work for my future reference.Comments ?Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 1056
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Post by ChristophMessner »

Great list, Robert, thank you very much! Here is some youtube film report about Mr. Bruce Campell Adamson's research, the author of books 66 & 67 in your list: ... re=BFMaybe Wim could work more together with first rate researchers like Adamson or Horne to lose the Files-only-image in order to become more effective?