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Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:10 pm
by ChristophMessner
I must confess I had stolen the take from here: it's exactly what I have thought about it all the time anyway. You tell it like it is, Bob. Now we can speculate about whether the USA is center of lie-production or lie-detection.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:23 pm
by Michael Dell
Must admit, I was pleasantly surprised to see this topic posted. I never believed in UFOs and talk of space aliens and whatnot. But then one day I asked myself a simple question. Why? Did I have these beliefs due to my own reasoning or because someone else told me to think that way? So I took the unusual step of actually thinking for myself, and I spent an afternoon researching the matter. That led to another afternoon. And another. And another. And I gotta tell you, I'm a believer now. In fact, the evidence is overwhelming in support of alien visitation. And if you doubt it, I would ask you to please undertake your own investigation and then decide for yourself. There can really be no denying the UFO presence. The only debate comes in whether those Unidentified Flying Objects are military, man-made craft or something of extraterrestrial origin. I think it's a little of both, myself.But the UFO subject does tie in quite nicely with government conspiracies and such. Wernher von Braun, Mr. Project Paperclip himself and the man behind NASA's rockets, is famous for saying the military industrial complex would force the weaponization of space through a fake alien invasion...VON BRAUN Of course, there's also the Project Blue Beam theory that believes a faked alien invasion will be used to usher in the New World Order... PROJECT BLUE BEAM let's not forget about the Rand Corporation's connection to UFO research and analysis. The infamous think tank reportedly proposed Operation Ridicule, which started a concerted effort through movies, TV, and books to ridicule anyone who believed in UFOs...RAND CORPORATION

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:27 pm
by Jsnow915
very nice your nuts like the rest of us

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:48 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Jsnow915 wrote:I know...not JFK...but hey for some fans of this kinda stuff ... k.htmlThat is some very cool information. So, according to Boyd Bushman, the former Lockheed engineer, the Roswell UFO was shot down by the U.S. military! Also, according to the same interview video, they may have used a beam (developed by Tesla) to do it!Very cool.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:45 pm
by ChristophMessner
Pasquale, why should the aliens fly around in US airspace, this tiny, unimportant fraction of the earth's surface, and not take a sunbath in let's say New Caledonia or the Maledives? Ok, because it's cooler ... Chris

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:11 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:Pasquale, why should the aliens fly around in US airspace, this tiny, unimportant fraction of the earth's surface, and not take a sunbath in let's say New Caledonia or the Maledives? Ok, because it's cooler ... ChrisChris,What is your point? I honestly do not believe that UFO's ONLY fly in U.S. airspace. Is that what you are saying? LOL As for the U.S. being a "tiny," "unimportant fraction" of the earth's surface, ask the state of Israel how "tiny" and "unimportant" the U.S. is. LOL Without U.S. taxpayer money and military equipment, Israel would have a BIG problem on their hands, don't you think? So, "tiny" and "unimportant" are relevant terms.For example, there are people who are members of this forum that is all about the JFK assassination. JFK was an American president. Why do people from around the world want to discuss it like we Americans do? So, how "tiny" and "unimportant" is the JFK assassination to you?

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:41 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:To me aliens and ufos are invented by some to feed the need of those who need an authority replacement for God as soon as they realized there is no God. The levels of power are not only defined by the amounts of money or people you control, but by the level of knowledge and skill. The more you know, the more you are able to make all the others who know less, believe into something although that something does not exist. It has a lot to do with the ability to to reach the unconscious with your consciousness. Somehow "aliens" and "unidentifyable" objects are synonyms for things which are at the top end of our thinking and feeling system where the summary of all we know reaches the unknown.Christopher,When you look at the night sky and see all those stars, they are basically all suns, like the sun at the center of our own solar system. Many of those other suns out there differ in size and strength, but there are millions and millions and millions of other suns out there. If you do your research, you will find that it is actually very statistically likely that there is life on other planets. Those life forms don't necessarily have to have more advanced than us, but it's basically a sure bet that there is life out there.Five hundred years ago, "scientists" thought the world was FLAT. Before that, they thought all the planets in the solar system revolved around the Earth. One hundred years ago, if you told someone that one day they'd be able to cut metal without touching it or put a man on the moon, they'd laugh at you. So, don't underestimate what you don't know.

What's Alienese for "do you have any grey Poupon?"

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:28 am
by Phil Dragoo
George Noory, Coast to Coast AM, September 15, 2010, “Cosmology & The Universe”Co-author with Stephen Hawking of the best-seller Brief History of Time, Caltech physicist Leonard Mlodinow discussed his current work with Hawking on the grand design of the universe and two central questions-- where does the universe come from, and why are the laws of nature what they are? Hawking's theories and the latest research in physics were used to answer those questions. While the conditions for life are just right on Earth, Mlodinow noted that we're looking backwards at the situation-- whatever conditions it took for us to get here, have already happened. The notion of the multiverse (many universes each with their own physical laws) is a consequence of Hawking's theory of cosmology, said Mlodinow. These various universes arose from nothing, but we now understand from quantum theory that the state of nothingness is actually very unstable, and that "things are always coming and going from nothingness," he explained. Hawking's picture of the universe incorporates three theories: A "no boundary" condition in which time becomes a dimension that looks like space. M theory-- an extension of string theory dealing with forces like gravity. Top Down Cosmology-- a new quantum approach that suggests the cosmos has many different simultaneous histories.Mlodinow also reviewed the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe, and the search at the Large Hadron Collider for the theoretical Higgs boson particle. Interestingly, Hawking has predicted that the Higgs particle will not be found. Phil's note:The above synopsis only suggests what a fascinating show it was.Leonard Mlodinow went into hydrogen and helium and how you can't build complex things with them. You need something akin to the carbon which is our basis. Complexity he suggests comes from density, that the denser parts of the universe take from the less dense.He clarified that Hawking said God wasn't necessary, not that God did not exist.The Big Bang went from an infinitismally tiny point into the vast universe in the tiniest part of a second, and has been expanding—and increasing the rate of expansion—since.Bernal Diaz' Conquest of Mexico is a fascinating read. Cortez & Company parlied alliance and betrayal to conquer much with few men (400) but great technology (gunpowder).Would Earth present certain raw materials or other features of interst?Would the powers that be on earth not seek to trap, exploit, destroy any visitors?Of all the gin joints in all the cities, they might just pick ours.And speaking of laws of physics, back and to the left, back and to the left.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:09 pm
by Dealey Joe
Speaking of "nothing"to me that is a term that is relative to our comprehension and understanding.Nothing is the beginning of what we know.The problem with God is that the religious world has conspired to get us to think of God as a person.nothing is further from the truth."God" is nature, Gravity, The elements, The knowledge the the things we see every day that are unchangeable and dependable.The Sun becomes visible every day so precisely we can base our time on it ect.We use the term Theory to explain things we cannot explain. things we know that work but we can't understand how they work.Most of us are just as afraid of contemplating other life forms and life in other unknown places just as they are afraid to think there are conspiracies.Please excuse my ramblings

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:27 pm
by Jsnow915
Joe....ramblings welcome....with this subject...the more I seem to find out,the more I wish I was an idiot.