Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

JFK Assassination
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Barney »

How does our govt. explain a debris trail extending 8 miles behind the alleged crashsite in a Penn. field andthe FFA investigators not finding any bodies, or large airplane parts such as landing gear, wheels, huge enginesweighting tons, same thing goes for the Pentagon building. I think the Penn. site was an aerial shootdown sitenot a controlled crash by airliner hijackers, not at all. I think the Pentagon was hit by some kind of aerial droneunder radio wave control, not by a huge airliner under human control and almost at ground level when it struckthe new portion of the Pentagon bldg. which had recently been bombproofed from airplanes hijacked, as thiswas just a test-run on the building upgrades.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Barney wrote:How does our govt. explain a debris trail extending 8 miles behind the alleged crashsite in a Penn. field andthe FFA investigators not finding any bodies, or large airplane parts such as landing gear, wheels, huge enginesweighting tons, same thing goes for the Pentagon building. I think the Penn. site was an aerial shootdown sitenot a controlled crash by airliner hijackers, not at all. I think the Pentagon was hit by some kind of aerial droneunder radio wave control, not by a huge airliner under human control and almost at ground level when it struckthe new portion of the Pentagon bldg. which had recently been bombproofed from airplanes hijacked, as thiswas just a test-run on the building upgrades. Barney,I think you're on the right track. The only thing I might disagree with you on would be the Pennsylvania crash site. It's kind of like the Pentagon "crash site." It's like a missile hit the ground in Pennsylvania as well as the Pentagon too. Hence the absence of any plane parts in Pennsylvania.The way the information looks to me, it looks like planes didn't even hit the twins. It looks like SOMETHING hit them, but not planes, or at least not the planes they showed us on TV. I'm very open to your input here. Disagreeing is a good thing. It opens up discussion. What if missiles (or even drones) were used at ALL the sites?
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by kenmurray »

9/11: Flight 93 Shanksville Fly Over Indian Lake:
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:9/11: Flight 93 Shanksville Fly Over Indian Lake:, it looks like Flight 93 didn't "crash" in Shanksville according to witnesses! They ALSO saw a mysterious white plane flying overhead. They also saw, and filmed, a white plane over the WTC site as well. GREAT LINK, KEN!!!!
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by kenmurray »

The Flight 93 Fraud: No Wonder It was Only Aired Once.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:The Flight 93 Fraud: No Wonder It was Only Aired Once., that is another EXCELLENT link!It's even MORE evidence of a missile or bomb that landed in that field and not a plane! Excellent! You really are the LINK MASTER!
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:The Flight 93 Fraud: No Wonder It was Only Aired Once., that is another EXCELLENT link!It's even MORE evidence of a missile or bomb that landed in that field and not a plane! Excellent! You really are the LINK MASTER! Thanks Pasquale. The question remains. Where are the bodies? Oh I guess they are buried under that crater.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:The Flight 93 Fraud: No Wonder It was Only Aired Once., that is another EXCELLENT link!It's even MORE evidence of a missile or bomb that landed in that field and not a plane! Excellent! You really are the LINK MASTER! Thanks Pasquale. The question remains. Where are the bodies? Oh I guess they are buried under that crater. Regarding the bodies, who knows? When you're dealing with the same kind of people who can kill hundreds or thousands of people to put more money in their pockets, anything goes. They're murderers. For all I know, they could have shot those planes down somewhere else. That's a very interesting question.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here is a very good analysis of what I'm talking about. is more analysis of the supposed 9/11 footage.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

This is an excellent analysis of the no-plane issue regarding 9/11.