JFK Assassination
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Post by Davyjones »

Alex...your prognosis is fair enough,many will go along with it. My concern is ,what end of the dog barks...ie would the mafia have decided to kill the President and then looked for friends? I dont think so. My take is that the Mafia knew that JFK was hated by big oil.big arms,big politics etc and someone .say Giancana was given the get go by one of these groups and decided to do it. Smoky rooms,drinking buddies and loud mouths come to mind. The Mafia got cold feet about this late on realising that they would take the fall, but too late, Nicolleti and Files where on their way. Sure the cover up involved everybody and still does.
Alex Hidell
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Post by Alex Hidell »

There is no question that the Mob knew, going in, they would have air cover from CIA/FBI and LBJ.The intimidation and killing of witnesses, the falsifying of evidence, ignoring other evidence that conflcited with the official version of the facts- all of this was sponsored within US Govt Agencies. The mob simply did not have the ability to execute the cover up. They had to have help from across several US Govt agencies- no doubt.Quick anecdote- On a trip to Dealey Plaza in the early 90's to see for myself, I ran into Robert Groden selling books in the plaza. This is the guy that remastered the Z Film in the 70's that caused the HSCA to be formed. He wrote 'KIlling of a President'. In short, here was one of the 2 or 3 top JFK researchers selling books on the sidewalk next to the pergola where Z filmed on that day.I spent a long time talking with him and he told me he was followed almost every day by the FBI. They would follow him home after a day selling books in Dealey Plaza. 30 years later and the FBI is still harassing people over the JFK murder.One word- unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex Hidell
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Post by Alex Hidell »

I don't see LBJ actively involved in the plotting. All he had to do was get JFK to Dallas, which he did. I DO see LBJ heavily involved in the cover-up.IMO it was a Mob/CIA job with the mob guys pulling the triggers and the CIA plotting the escape and cover up. FBI also was heavily involved in the cover up.Texas oil money greased the palms of many involved.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.29.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.17.2010 - Barney Posted this Focused, Powerful Headline that has consumed many American's and people World Wide for decades.Who Killed JFK ?Who Gave The Order JFK Must Die ?An excellent group of Some Of The Very Best Past and Current JFKMS Forum Members contributed toan outstanding discussion covering many facts, opinions, and points of information. This may bebeneficial to many.Several Points that I would like to make.The Assassination of JFK was Totally Compartmentalized before, during, and after.The Assassination of JFK was Totally On A Need To Know Basis before, during, and after.The Truth was buried, cheated about, covered-up, deceived about, glossed over, ignored, and lied about at each and every possible junction, etc., Before, During, and After, including through Today.This Entire Mechanism involved was like a Well Oiled Swiss Watch with Many Moving Parts. THISWAS NOT THE FIRST DANCE OR RODEO FOR MANY INVOLVED. TRUE WORLD CLASS KILLERS WEREINVOLVED AT EACH AND EVERY LEVEL FROM ORIGINAL PLANNING, EXECUTION, AND COVER-UP.AND AFTER JFK THEY ONLY GOT BETTER.A large portion of Apathetic American's Mentaility, effort, and energy is Focused on a Quick Reviewof Wikipedia, and a Few Internet Book Reviews. There, I've read up on the Assassinations of JFK, MLK,RFK, and Beyond.The Mind Set, Organizations, and Planning Groups and Individuals who Execute Black Ops are Bigger,Better, More Equipped, More Powerful, and More Secure than ever before. Like an NFL Football Teamthere are Demotions, Promotions, Retirements, Removals, and Trades consistently in the Black Ops Network.I have come to the point where I fully believe that Assassinations (think JFK, MLK, RFK and others), Killings, Murders, Removals (think James Riddle Hoffa and others), ARE COMPLETELY INSTUTIONALIZEDAND NORMALIZED IN THE HIGH CABAL AND ITS ASSOCIATED TENTACLES.They can't be stopped, they won't be stopped, and Nothing Will Get In Their Way. NO MATTER WHAT.FAILURE WAS NEVER, IS NEVER, AND WILL NEVER BE, AN OPTION.My Focus is to analyse, interview, research, study, and question about The High Cabal, The SecretTeam, and Majestic 12.My own Personal Interest is to See The Forest, and Not To Concentrate On The Trees Anymore.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed a you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.