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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:27 am
by David Octopus
Dave Cannon wrote:Where is the evidence for that statement? Is it credible?Again, you can interpret the info to make it fit your idealogical way of thinking.

It has been covered in the MSM all over the world except perhaps for the US, sorry you are only 5% of the worlds pop so if your media is less reliable than others it's not my fault..

Depleted Uranium (DU):
Dr. Doug Rokke, Director of the U.S. Army, Depleted Uranium Project.
Also according to Rokke Gulf War Syndrome = DU

White phosporus and napalm used in Fallujah on civilian pop deliberately:
Italian TV crew filmed it right after the attack on the spot: ... 08/1516227

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:23 pm
by Dave Cannon
Thank You Mr. John Geraghty!

Not this crap again. If someone sees this ridiculous tripe they will run a mile. You were having a good enough debate, no need to bring this rubbish into it. JohnDear Mr. MC Newton,As far as the British troops are concerned, have you ever thought of the possibility of infiltration and counter espionage? There is a possibility that the reports are correct but there is also the possibility that the British soldiers were terrorists posing to look like British troops. During the JFK plots, CIA-Mafia Plots this type of espionage was a common practice. It is possible that something like this is taking place that all I know.There can be more to the story than we know and we may never know.I agree that there were wepons given to Iraq during the Iran war adn that theses WMD could be the same one that the US provided, some of these wepons that have been found were hidden after 2003. Also follow the money, Iraq owed Russia 8 billion dollars for military equipment and including weapons before the war. In addition, France was Again, what should we do about terrorsim if anything?I assume that you are trying to insult me with your quote."These are facts. If someone is too blind to accept reality then they are beyond the realms of being helped."
Have I insulted you?

The Warren Commission also presented so called facts.


Dave Cannon

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:33 pm
by M.C.Newton
#1 I will address your last question first. What you quoted me as saying was not in a post which was directed towards you personally, it was more of a general statement. In hindsight I can see where you could construe that to be a "shot" at you, though. I apologize if it insulted you that was not the intent. #2 Your statement about the Warren Commission presenting the facts. It appears, it seems ( I can only assume), that you think that the Warren Commission was part of the cover-up? Isn't this case and point that the government is incredibly capable of committing a huge crime and then covering it up? As I stated earlier there can only be one truth, there can be only one set of facts. Obviously I wasn't there in Dealey Plaza nor privy to any governmental covert operations in carrying out this public execution, but I can surmise by looking at the "facts" presented by the Warren Commission that the "facts" are not facts but actually lies, designed to mislead and cover truth. Much the same way that I can look at 9/11 and see that the 9/11 Commission was exactly the same thing and the reasons for going to war the same thing. All lies not fact.

How do you feel about the FACT that Bush was opposed to any formal investigation of 9/11? That it was only through much pressure that he acquiesced.
How about the FACT that Bush would not testify in front of the 9/11 Commission unless accompanied by Dick Cheney? Not to mention the fact that neither of them would agree unless the were not under oath, and the 9/11 Commission had to come to the White House for that interview. Does that not seem strange? I've heard the explanation before, for the Patriot Act and Domestic Spying that if you have nothing to hide then, well you have nothing to fear (not that I can say that there is any good reason why OUR rights as citizens should be usurped). Can't the same be applied in this situation? If Bush has nothing to hide then: Why not testify under oath and alone? and the same for Cheney.

Moving on to the British Special Forces. Did you even read the article? They were driving into a crowd of Iraqi police and firing at them. In a land where you are supposedly bringing freedom and liberation it seems strange to be attacking the little home grown security that the Iraqi's actually have. Then you say that it's possible that they were really terrorists posing as British soldiers?!? For that situation to make sense, which it doesn't, it would have to look something like this: The insurgents infiltrated the British military in the UK got two Anglo soldiers to take part in their Jihad, then got them to dress as Iraqi civilians with a car full of explosives, and while driving shoot into a crowd of Iraqi policemen. Or maybe your talking about the breakout of the soldiers. The Iraqi insurgents would have to get dozens of British military uniforms, commandeer British tanks and then bust them out of jail. Does that make any sense at all? Again, did you read the article? Did you see the picture of the soldiers?

Did you also know that after sanctions were to be lifted on Iraq, which was rapidly approaching, Iraq had contracted out major oil fields to Russia and China? Did you know that Iraq after sanctions, was going to begin to sell their oil in Euros? Do you see a parallel? Iraq going to sell in Euros: invade. Iran going to sell in Euros: Public enemy #1

Do you have any idea the consequences for America once confidence in the dollar begins to fall? The spending ways of our government, for well since at least 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed on the night before Christmas, coupled with the HUGE (and huge in all caps doesn't even come close to doing the actual figure justice) amount of Federal Reserve Notes being held all across the world in bank vaults is going to cripple this country. I assume you know how inflation works. Well there are tens of TRILLIONS of dollars (possibly hundreds) being held in banks across the world from the days when the dollar was "safer than gold", once this money comes back to roost you can be sure that the level of inflation is going to be devastating. How is this relevant? Well you see the only oil exchanges right now are located in New York and London and both are traded in dollars and only dollars. Now if Iran is going to be selling it's oil in Euros and other countries join on to sell in the Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB) then all of a sudden the dollar which was once "safer than gold" is perhaps not even safer than the Euro. Confidence drops, people cash in their dollars, a flood of (money) of Biblical proportions comes back home and all of a sudden we are using wheel barrows to by bread, much like what happened in Germany, which is fitting with all the parallels between the US and Germany (Nazi and Post). The worst part is that at this point there is nothing that the US can do about it. Aside from postponement, by starting wars, and thus spending even more money and putting us deeper in the hole. But it is INEVITABLE. Or we could scrap that whole dollar thing rendering all Federal Reserve Notes worthless and start all over again, though I doubt that would sit very well with the rest of the world. In Bob's signature what does it say "FOLLOW THE MONEY".

And then to finish with Bohemian Grove (though I understand that it is probably not the best idea to finish with thus leaving only the taste of staged human sacrifice on your tongue but nonetheless). I like how people chalk it up as a load of bullsh!t out of hand and then leave it at that. Never giving an opinion or even talking about it. This is something that is true, it is real. I mention it in hopes of getting a response on it, not a "oh not this again" prefabricated response which doesn't say anything, doesn't address the fact that it is real, and that these things are happening. I mean you must have some opinion (i.e. it's not a big deal politicians and business leaders just need some time to cut loose albeit while wearing red robes and burning a person in effigy to a 40 foot pagan God, or Yeah I think that it's pretty strange) But please don't tip toe around an issue, because it's not convenient. At best it's one of the stranger things that I can imagine the "leaders" of this country partaking in.


Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:23 pm
by john geraghty
Perhaps it's better to sit quietly in the dark and try to retune my tinfoil hat. Maybe I'll try that and things will turn out different. I'll give it a try.

You do that.
Dave, I will get back to your points tonight hopefully. I've had bad experiences with the American thinker, though I will address the issue and not attack the messenger (if I can restrain myself!).

One quick point re the chemical factory, as I said earlier this was inaccurate information, the factory was abandoned and delapidated. Fox admitted as much.
See the wikipedia article that I posted previously.

All the best,

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:21 pm
by Dave Cannon
Dear Mr. John Geraghty,

I feel The American Thinker is biased like other sites and news agencies etc.

My point is that anybody can twist information to fit their agenda. The Warren Commision is a perfect example. Most of the members of the WC set out to prove the shots came from behind and that LHO was the lone gunman. They convieniently left out information and evidence and testimony that does not go along with their theory.

Mr. Newton,

I have heard enough about your point on Bush and I read the article aboout the British Soldiers. I am here to talk about JFK not Bush and Iraq.

Here is my final word on the matter and you might see how I agree with you on some things.

I think Bush administration believed that Iraq had WMD. The administration went to the CIA in the form of Dick Cheney and basically told the CIA to find evidence that they had WMD. There was some evidence but it was not substantial. They left out the information that disagreed with the Bush administrations belief like the Warren Commission did during with JFK.

People come to conclusions and then work backwards to jusify what they believe. BUSH, Warren Commission, American Thinker Fox News,CNN, Dan Rather, and everybody you get your information from. IMO if you do this you will have a hard time finding the truth. You have to consider all sources and I have considered yours.

That being said, I don't think you really know what I believe about Bush. Only what I have written in my posts. How do you know I am telling you the truth? You don't unless you really know me and find me credible.

The End.

Dave Cannon

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:46 am
by M.C.Newton
Well Dave I'm glad that somehow you've considered all my sources, which I'm astounded that you actually got to them all. Or was it just through the links that I posted? Anyway for your information the article which I first read about the British soldiers was found in the Guardian, for reasons of expediency I did a Google search and grabbed the first complete article covering the events, which happened to be What exactly are all my sources that you've considered? (Rhetorical question as I know that your statement is farcical)

I'm pretty sure that I've only stated known facts, and some opinion which I thought was pretty clearly stated as opinion, along with asking opinions you might have on certain subjects. Obviously I can't know where you stand on Bush (which is why I asked the questions).

How do I know you are telling the truth? I really don't know how to answer that other than, I guess I just assume that you wouldn't waste your time or mine by lying. I guess that I just give people the benefit of doubt that they are telling the truth, until proven otherwise. What point is there in posting things to simply mislead people about who you really are? Why debate points that you don't believe to be true? Not implying that you are, but simply to clarify my position on why I would not think you were lying.

Finally, I find it interesting to engage in debate in a thread that is not exactly directly related to JFK and then in the end profess that you are here to discuss JFK not Bush and Iraq, which you just debated over the last few days. Just an observation.

Have a Great Independence Day

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:11 am
by Dave Cannon
You are putting words in mouth when you say that I have considered all your sources. I have considered some of them and I have read others besides yours.

If you have read my posts, I keep trying to go back to JFK to get you to talk about it but you want to talk about Bush and Iraq . I don't, I know where you stand on the subject so I am done.

Dave Cannon

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:41 am
by M.C.Newton

It was not my intention to reduce this forum to back and forth bickering between members. Though it appears that I have played an active role in doing so. If ends justify means, then this is certainly a case where the means were definitely not worth the ends.

*****M.C. Newton stands from his chair and offers an olive branch to Mr. Dave Cannon*****

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:57 pm
by Dave Cannon
Peace to you Mr. MC Newton,

I admire your desire for the truth and I will continue searching for the truth regarding JFK and current events.


Dave Cannon

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:41 pm
by Terry Mauro
"But please don't tip toe around an issue, because it's not convenient."

Excellent response.

But, isn't that the "politically correct" way in which the sheeple have been conditioned [cowed] into responding? Only to euphemistic spins fed to them via their "Operation Mockingbird" compromised neocon Congress, which they've elected into office, themselves? After all, they don't want their senses assaulted by the reality of an uncomfortable situation [the blood and guts aspects of war]. It might hurt their feelings to have to view life through clear-colored glasses. I've also likened them to "ostriches with their heads in the sand."

Keep your eye on the price of gold. The higher it goes, the greater the inflation ratio. At least, that's always been an indicator in the past.