JFK Assassination
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Post by RobertP »

DankbaarIf the forward movement of JFK's head was not visible to the naked eye, how was James Files able to see the head move forward?
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Post by RobertP »

Dealey Joe wrote:just shows you cant take what doctors or witnesses say to heart, its all a matter of understanding or misunderstanding, Who you gonna believe? Me.. I don't believe any of them.This is all true. However, it is beyond coincidence that so many witnesses would be "mistaken" in exactly the same fashion, and all "mistakenly" describe a large gaping wound in the same general area of JFK's head.
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Post by dankbaar »

RobertP wrote:DankbaarDo you think they actually made a mercury tipped bullet for that movie, or do you think the exploding melon was a result of special effects?What do you think my answer is? Why are you asking retoric questions?The point of the film is to show that mercury bullets are not a fairy tale and were known in expert circles. As was the effect of a mercury bullet, that of course was simulated here with special effects, not an actual mercury bullet. The effect is penetration, then explosion. In all directions. The explosion seeks the exits of least resistence, which is why frame 313 is perfectly consistent with the impact of a mercury bullet in the right temple. It made a blowout right after impact in the temple and the right rear of the head. The temple blowout was a flap of skull that remained attached to head, like a folding door that could be folded back (and was, so many doctors did not notice it). This is the blowout that you see occuring in frame 313. What most people do not understand is that a bullet, but especially an explosive bullet, also sprays debris in the direction where the bullet came from. The opposite direction of it's trajectory. Think of a stone you throw in the water, the splash is upward.
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Post by dankbaar »

RobertP wrote:DankbaarIf the forward movement of JFK's head was not visible to the naked eye, how was James Files able to see the head move forward?He didn't see it, but he knew it because he was aiming at JFK's right eye. He did not hit JFK in the eye but in the temple. He considered it a miss from where he wanted to hit JFK. That's is how he knows the head snapped forward.
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Post by RobertP »

dankbaar wrote:RobertP wrote:DankbaarDo you think they actually made a mercury tipped bullet for that movie, or do you think the exploding melon was a result of special effects?What do you think my answer is? Why are you asking retoric questions?The point of the film is to show that mercury bullets are not a fairy tale and were known in expert circles. As was the effect of a mercury bullet, that of course was simulated here with special effects, not an actual mercury bullet. The effect is penetration, then explosion. In all directions. The explosion seeks the exits of least resistence, which is why frame 313 is perfectly consistent with the impact of a mercury bullet in the right temple. It made a blowout right after impact in the temple and the right rear of the head. The temple blowout was a flap of skull that remained attached to head, like a folding door that could be folded back (and was, so many doctors did not notice it). This is the blowout that you see occuring in frame 313. What most people do not understand is that a bullet, but especially an explosive bullet, also sprays debris in the direction where the bullet came from. The opposite direction of it's trajectory. Think of a stone you throw in the water, the splash is upward.I understand bullets far greater than most of your members, and have actually used comparable bullets in hunting deer. One of the misconceptions about frangible bullets, hollow point bullets, fragmenting bullets and other rapid expansion bullets is they will cause a blowout in the direction the bullet came from. Nothing could be further from the truth. While, on a head shot, it is possible to see, on stop action high speed film, a certain amount of back splash at the impact site, this back splash involves flesh and blood vessels on the surface of the skull. The actual penetration through the skull bone is invariably a neat little entrance hole.The most important thing to remember about every single one of these rapid expansion bullets, and I would include a mercury bullet in this category, is that they require some mechanism allowing the nose of this bullet to begin opening up and expanding. This action is essential to allowing the other parts of the bullet to inflict their damage. This mechanism I speak of is a hollow point nose. Without it, a frangible or mercury bullet is just another bullet travelling through soft tissue. However, with the hollow point on the bullet, something completely different occurs, and only occurs when the hollow point is going through soft tissue.As I explained before, as the hollow point travels through soft tissue, it fills with liquid and semi-liquid matter, and an incredible hydraulic pressure begins to build inside the hollow point nose.If a simple hollow point bullet, this pressure causes the forward end of the bullet to open like a flower petal, sometimes right to the base of the bullet, depending on design. Often, the bullet will break into several pieces, and this is where hollow points enter the classification of fragmenting bullets. There will often be a large blowout but, this does not mean a bullet actually exits this blowout.If a frangible or mercury bullet, this same hydraulic pressure build up in the hollow point nose will cause each of these bullets to disintegrate into a cloud of metal dust or droplets that comes to an immediate halt in brain matter and transfers all of its energy to surrounding tissue. In the case of the frangible bullet, this is achieved because the core of the bullet is made from compressed metal powder, and the hydraulic pressure inside the hollow point nose returns it to a powder state. In the case of the mercury bullet, the mercury is already in a liquid state, and the hollow point nose under pressure merely opens up and allows the velocity of the bullet to spread the mercury outwards, achieving the same effect as the frangible bullet.As the pressure wave created by this rapid expansion is, inevitably, ahead of the bullet, how can it create a blowout in a skull behind the bullet?P.S.I have seen many head wounds, and to contemplate that a piece of skull could blow out a flap like a trap door, that then closed itself to the point it remained unseen by ER doctors, strains credulity almost to the breaking point.
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Post by dankbaar »

RobertP, You use a lot of words, pounding yourself on the chest as an expert, but I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Below is a picture of the folding temple "door" on JFK's head. Fourth picture from top. The Parkland doctors did not see at the time because the "door" was closed. It' was probably Jackie who closed it. the bullet left a neat little entry wound in the "right temple" as observed by embalmer Thom Robinson. He even mentions the "flapped down" piece of skull.
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Post by RobertP »

dankbaar wrote:RobertP, You use a lot of words, pounding yourself on the chest as an expert, but I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Below is a picture of the folding temple "door" on JFK's head. Fourth picture from top. The Parkland doctors did not see at the time because the "door" was closed. It' was probably Jackie who closed it. the bullet left a neat little entry wound in the "right temple" as observed by embalmer Thom Robinson. He even mentions the "flapped down" piece of skull. notes you refer to in the second link are the hand written notes made by interviewer Joe West, as he spoke with Thomas Robinson over the telephone in 1992. While Mr. West notes there was a small wound in JFK's right temple, and then makes a notation about a 3 inch crescent shaped flap (presumably of bone but this is not stated), this is the only time such a flap is ever mentioned. In the 1977 HSCA interview with Mr. Robinson, conducted by HSCA interviewer Andy Purdy, the temple wound is only referred to as a tiny 1/4 inch hole. Mr. Robinson repeatedly referred to it as a tiny defect, barely visible, and that a little wax would hide it entirely. ... cId=327Did Mr. Robinson's memory improve greatly in 1992, so that he could recall a 3 inch flap of bone in JFK's right temple?P.S.A 3 inch flap of skull opened up on JFK's right temple would have torn scalp and hair asunder, as well as oozing a steady flow of fluids. Yet Jackie was able to completely hide this massive defect by simply pushing the bone back into place?
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Post by dankbaar »

Yes, the flap was there, but when folded into place it looked like a clean head. The flap of skull in the temple area is clearly visable in the zapruder film and the autopsy pictures.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

From what I can see and from common sense JAckie didn't push anything, She headed out over the trunk lid and JFK fell over into the seat, when Hill got to her he either pushed her or told her to get down between the seats which she did, Yarborough is full of crap when he said pitifully that she was sitting with his head in her lap? B.S. Look at the car seat then tell me that. look at her dress and tell me that.
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Post by RobertP »

dankbaar wrote:Yes, the flap was there, but when folded into place it looked like a clean head. The flap of skull in the temple area is clearly visable in the zapruder film and the autopsy pictures. clean that it escaped the attention of the physicians at Parkland and the morticians preparing the body for burial?