
JFK Assassination
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

I just wanted to agree with Bruce. We have a ton of talent in this forum. We definitely have a lot of out of the box thinkers. Let's all work together and try and answer some lingering questions about the JFK assassination and about similar pieces of the puzzle related to that day in 1963. Bruce's thoughts brought me back to a post a did quite awhile back...

When one considers the JFK assassination and other events like 9/11, the overall American and global population are in the dark. Many members of this board have figured out that it's not just Democrats vs Republicans or right vs left in play here, it's secret societies and their global agenda. The Bilderbergers, Skull & Bones and Bohemian Grove all are HUGE players in the way the current world is being run politically. The Bu$hes, the Rockefellers and the like have all had their way for many decades. The United States of America has become a fascist state under Dumbya Bu$h and his lying and spying tactics. The U.S.A. is now known as a country just like the old Soviet Union and the Nazis and and Japanese of WWII. The U.S.A. now tortures prisoners all over the globe. The U.S.A. invades countries at their leisure (Iraq), especially if they have a lot of oil. It just so happens that Dumbya Bu$h and Chickenhawk Cheney come from that business. They also come from a defense contractor background. What companies are smiling like pigs in shit currently? How about Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. How about companies like Exxon and Enron that abuse their base with their profits and lies? Bu$h wants to stay the course in Iraq because he knows he never has to face an election again. He will make sure that the Halliburtons and the Carlyle Groups of the world get richer every day. Dumbya doesn't care how many bodies are put in the ground as long as profits and power increases. The U.S.A. is not a free nation. We only THINK we are. More and more rights are being taken away every day, especially with the Supreme Court now tilted to the fascist right and an Attorney General (Gonzalez) that would make Adolph Hitler proud. We are led by the treasonous son (Dumbya Bu$h) of a treasonous father (Poppy Bu$h) and a treasonous grandfather (Prescott Bu$h) and a treasonous great-grandfather (Samuel Bu$h). Treason and war profiteering. Welcome to the Bu$h modus operandi. And the modus operandi of the powerful elite that reside in the secret societies that REALLY lead the political agenda of this planet.
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Billy Boggs »

Bob, you forgot the one at the very top, The Talmudists...........