JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
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Zwijn Wassen

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Hogwash !

Zwijn wassen? Ja.


FEMA TERROR DRILL @ World Trade Center Resulted in CONTROLLED DEMOLITION During WAR GAME EXERCISE Week Simulating 22 HIJACKED PLANES on Sept. 11, 2001

- Jim
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Post by Bob »

I have to side with the group that believes Tower One and Tower Two WERE controlled demolitions. I can see both sides of the arguement however. There is also no doubt that this was an inside job. Just like a previous fascist regime, 9/11 was the ticket for war and war profiteering and garnering public support. In the previous case, it was the Reichstag fire for Nazi Germany that brought on the Hitler war machine. A war machine that was invested in and profited by Prescott Bu$h. Once a fascist, always a fascist. Once a traitor, always a traitor. Once a war profiteer, always a war profiteer. Thus is the legacy of the Bu$hes.
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Post by dankbaar »

Okay, for the sake of argument, let's play then.

Please describe how they pulled off the wiring of the buildings. Add as much detail as you can. Who, where when? How much time was needed. How long in advance, the chain of command, pople in the know, control, silencing power, etc?

Why blow them up in the first place? If you want to create a pretext for war, is four planes full of american citizens plus an equal amount in the towers not enough?

What's the differrence between 1000 and 3000 marketingwise?

Jim Thompson
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demolition evidence

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote: let's play then.

Spelen? Neen. No time right now. However, this looks interesting!

911 Mysteries

90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse? ... =zeitgeist

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

For those of you who can invest the time to research 911 here are some links to videos that can help you understand what happened.

Loose Change ... 5726&q=911

911 Eyewitness ... 1603&q=911

911 revisited ... 9939&q=911

Truth and Lies of 911 ... 6145&q=911

911 in plane sight ... 5726&q=911

911 press for truth ... 4083&q=911

Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police state ... 1661&q=911

Compilation exposing 911 truth ... 6745&q=911

Aktenzeichen 911 ... 2327&q=911

Perspective on 911 video collection ... 8216&q=911

911 coverup interviews ... 6175&q=911

911 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion ... 2399&q=911

911 The greatest Lie ever sold ... 7950&q=911

911 The Road To Tyranny ... 8105&q=911

Secret Evil of 911 ... 7684&q=911

And Hundreds more..............

The Dutch are but one voice, in a Sea of Voices...........
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Post by dankbaar »

Those are not answers, just referrals of tons of information.

There is a whole libraray on "No 757 struck the Pentagon" and that's bullshit too.

Not a strong response.

Jim Thompson
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W O W !

Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:For those of you who can invest the time to research 911 here are some links to videos that can help you understand what happened...........

Hey Billy, you're back! With the goods! Mind Bogg(s)ling, so to speak.

Question: I'd like to download the video files for these (google) videos. Some are available at torrent sites. Any ideas?

[[One bit of oddity I like, painful as it is, is the account of one of the injured Pentagon victims who said that she was nonplussed when immediately after the explosion a CIA/FBI type (suit & tie) showed up to admonish her to keep quiet about what she had just seen. Was there something to hide? ]]

- Jim
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

dankbaar wrote:Okay, for the sake of argument, let's play then. Please describe how they pulled off the wiring of the buildings. Add as much detail as you can. Who, where when? How much time was needed. How long in advance, the chain of command, pople in the know, control, silencing power, etc? Why blow them up in the first place? If you want to create a pretext for war, is four planes full of american citizens plus an equal amount in the towers not enough? What's the differrence between 1000 and 3000 marketingwise? Wim

Wim, even now the powers that be are setting in motion the police state machine that will attempt to silence all opposition to the government. Time is short for free speech in America.

Why blow them up? For Silverstein, it was a win win financialy. For the New World Order people, its one step closer to world domination threw a New Pearl Harbor. For the Satanists, its watching thousands of people suffer and being tortured.

The wiring was done during the power downs that procceded 911. One person even remembered when the bomb sniffing dogs were removed some two or three weeks before 911. You cant have bomb sniffing dogs running around a demo site, they would go nuts. George Bushes brother Neal, was in charge of security. How convenient. Its easy to wire a building that big when you have complete, covert, access. And as I said, it makes it even easier when you use radio controlled demolition. You dont need to run large bundles of wire. Why, you could even "wire" it to the internet. The max time required I would guess, no more than a couple of months. Teams go in during off hours and weekends when very few people are present. Blueprints are referenced, key points are chosen at intervals. The teams are picked by loyalty and paid off. As in the Masons, you talk, you die! I would think 4 teams of 4 people, 16 total doing the rigging. Who gave them the orders? A rouge intelligence group who are financed with black money. But dont expect the rigging crew to know who gave the orders, or who really financed the operation. Cash is very hard to track. Remember, the Bush family is into treason! The go order came from the pentagon. Cheny and Rumsfeld most definatly knew. George jr only knew something was going to happen, plausable denyability.

Silencing power is as its always been. The same cabal that did Kennedy and "owned" the media, are still alive and well. Is it so hard to believe that there are religions out there that preach greed, selfishness, power, and are multigenerational? They pass down from father to son the controls of mankind and humanity only within these multigenerational families. They have no true patriosm except for them selves. They are the true wolf in sheeps clothing infecting humanity with this completly self destructive mindset. They own us because they own the institusions they created to control us. The media is but one of these institutions. THey rely on reversal as a tool to this end. Good is bad, bad is good. Free and accepted Masons are neither Free or accepted. Institutions of education are not for free and open thought, they are controllers of thought and limiters of vision. The media is not open and fair, it is closed and focused, and very, very owned!

"SIDE NOTE" It wasnt a cruise missle tha hit the pentagon, it was a navy plane panted to look like a 757. Sorry, cant think of the name of it right now.
Billy Boggs
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Re: W O W !

Post by Billy Boggs »

Jim Thompson wrote:Billy Boggs wrote:For those of you who can invest the time to research 911 here are some links to videos that can help you understand what happened...........Hey Billy, you're back! With the goods! Mind Bogg(s)ling, so to speak. Question: I'd like to download the video files for these (google) videos. Some are available at torrent sites. Any ideas?[[One bit of oddity I like, painful as it is, is the account of one of the injured Pentagon victims who said that she was nonplussed when immediately after the explosion a CIA/FBI type (suit & tie) showed up to admonish her to keep quiet about what she had just seen. Was there something to hide? ]] - Jim

You can download the videos right from the google page, the instructions are on the right side.
Jim Thompson
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Re: W O W !

Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:[You can download the videos right from the google page, the instructions are on the right side.Thanks. Maybe I've got this wrong. I thought you could download the video, yes, but then to play the video you had to have had downloaded the Google Player as the only method for playing or viewing. Right? This means that you cannot take the video files & burn them to a DVD, which is what I want to do. Ideas? "SIDE NOTE" It wasnt a cruise missle tha hit the pentagon, it was a navy plane panted to look like a 757. Sorry, cant think of the name of it right now.

What is the source on this? Thanks
- Jim