Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce as you well know this is a very complex situation.Something just this morning popped back into my mind whilst looking at the topic Pasquale Post about the Israeliinvolvement in 9/11 and elsewhere.The elite utilize religious organizations to hide their involvement in the world order.someone said "religion is the opium of the people"I have for a long time felt that the Vatican is the lead organization for this mainly because of its Biblical location in Rome, the city if seven hills,and its secretive immoral and illegal activities over the years.Their organization is like tentacles reaching everywhere using all these other religions.I was watching a prominent church leader in the US one Sunday morning a few years ago, and he made a disturbing statement that I had to give a lot of consideration, It surprised me. He said "it is about time for all the churches to reunite under the mother church"The oil LEAK, I believe is a covert or red Flag or whatever you all call them.They blew that well and caused this disaster. why I am still trying to figure,I think at some point in time, maybe sooner than later, we will all get to a point of despair that we will be not only happy to, but insist upon someone to step forward and solve all the worlds problems.I also see it as a religious reuniting under one world order, THE VATICAN. ?????
tom jeffers
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by tom jeffers »

Bruce,I called it 2 years ago that Jeb would be on the ticket in 2012. I saw that all the "government easing" that Bush was doing couldn't last forever and when they ran out of money, it would be on O'bama's watch. For those of you who do not believe that these "accidents" can be made to happen, you need to know that goldman sachs shorted BP stock just 3 days before the ACCIDENT. For you layman, shorting a stock is betting that it will go down and if it does, you profit. How did goldman know this would just happen?Yesterday Jesse Ventura was on the alex jones radio show and he said that there sould be no political parties that run for president. it should be individuals. Then the republicans and democrats would be like lobbiest. The individual would run on his own and not be accountable to any group. in other words, his powerbase would be with the voters and not a political party. I tend to agree with him. tom
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Kirk »

Howdy Tom,Well it is Possible that Jeb will be on the GOP Ticket, but his chances of being on a winning ticket seem very very slim to me. Of course I am biased some, and have only contempt for the Bush Family. Of course it is way to early to tell what the landscape, political or otherwise might be by 2012. Kirk
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.28.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Tom - I had one of three Business and Legal Meetings scheduled within 10 days with Jimmy. He said to say Hi ! He sends you his Very Best Regards, as always, to you and your entire family. We both look forward to our next communications. We are also focusing on Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Israel, North Korea, Palestine, Syria, and Russia. I think strongly that there will be a major reshuffling of the deck, and allianceswill evolve continually over the next 10 years. My Opinion.I recall your previous analyses and comments as I was Posting again under this Headline. Certainly, I am humbled that a Financial Genius such as yourself also offers such a profound analysis, and succinct comments.Like them or not, the Bushes and Company have a Game Plan, and Brain Dead America won't recall what happened by the time of the 2012 or 2016 Presidential Election. By then, everything will be Obama's fault, real, or imagined, as the Main Stream Media will hypnotize further the already well programmed and conditioned American citizenry.I like what you wrote to Jimmy about Jesse Ventura's newest book, and couldn't agree more, based upon your analyses. Now because of you, I am now going to buy it, and analyze your comments that appear to indicate that I will agree with you.Let's talk this weekend about Jeb Bush's Possible Game Plans for 2012 or 2016.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself abouta Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by tom jeffers »

i sent jimmy a copy after receiving his letter. i also sent him a ufo book for shits and giggles. they are coming from amazon. you hit it on the head.....if it isn't about michael jackson, paris hilton or angelie jolie, americans are brain dead. check this out: ... -july.html
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Jsnow915 »

I totally agree....this incident didnt just happen...some how I think its going to turn into some type of new tax for enviornmental disasters and kinda of play into the whole Global warming thing that Al Gore tried to sell us...question everything!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Dealey Joe »

all I know is that all our oil, which is massive, is all shipped to foreigh countries.Therefore we purchase all our oil from foreign countries WHY?Because the market speculators and the oil brokers use that ploy to make a fortune.most likely back when Gassoline was .50 cents a gallon we used our own oil resources.Oil wells here are only pumping on a quota. They set idle more than they pump.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

Speaking of brain dead, did anyone hear Sarah Palin the other night in California? She mentioned that Ronald Reagan went to Eureka College in California. Ronny went to Eureka College in Illinois!Palin makes too many gaffes to be elected or even nominated, plus she makes Dumbya Bu$h look intelligent. Not to mention that she was involved in ethics issues as Governor of Alaska, which basically made her quit her first term as Gov embarrassingly. Therefore, I could see a Mitt Romney/Jeb Bu$h ticket, as President Obama swims in the shark infested waters of the Military Industrial Complex with Afghanistan and Iraq hanging over his head. Not to mention the economy (see Wall Street), the BP oil spill etc. All things that were given to him by his predecessor...George W. Bu$h, the man whose family modus operandi is war profiterring (and CIA drug running), plus big banking and oil scandals that line their treasonous pockets.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob wrote:Speaking of brain dead, did anyone hear Sarah Palin the other night in California? She mentioned that Ronald Reagan went to Eureka College in California. Ronny went to Eureka College in Illinois!Palin makes too many gaffes to be elected or even nominated, plus she makes Dumbya Bu$h look intelligent. Not to mention that she was involved in ethics issues as Governor of Alaska, which basically made her quit her first term as Gov embarrassingly. Therefore, I could see a Mitt Romney/Jeb Bu$h ticket, as President Obama swims in the shark infested waters of the Military Industrial Complex with Afghanistan and Iraq hanging over his head. Not to mention the economy (see Wall Street), the BP oil spill etc. All things that were given to him by his predecessor...George W. Bu$h, the man whose family modus operandi is war profiterring (and CIA drug running), plus big banking and oil scandals that line their treasonous pockets.hear! hear! or is it here, here? It's tough to hear Sarah, I am always swayed by a beautiful lady..can't think good when they are around
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, Sarah Palin could had said Eureka, Kansas. That would had been a better choice. It's closer to Illinois than California is.