Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Lofty »

I have stated this in another post, but i have to concur with Mr Brychek, that the wounds in Kennedys throat were caused by fragments,fron the mercury loaded frangible bullets fired by J Files. Similar wounds on Kennedys face were filled in with wax during the embalming process.I also believe that Kennedy was killed instantly, no human could withstand a head trauma like that, and have any semblance of life left in them, apart maybe from some involuntary spasms, caused by the sudden violent impact and trauma to the brain.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

Lofty wrote:I have stated this in another post, but i have to concur with Mr Brychek, that the wounds in Kennedys throat were caused by fragments,fron the mercury loaded frangible bullets fired by J Files. Similar wounds on Kennedys face were filled in with wax during the embalming process.I also believe that Kennedy was killed instantly, no human could withstand a head trauma like that, and have any semblance of life left in them, apart maybe from some involuntary spasms, caused by the sudden violent impact and trauma to the brain.Excellent post Lofty...and not just because I agree with you. The wounds that you describe in JFK's face definitely connect to the neck wound (mercury shrapnel from the head wound). Now in terms of the brain trauma, I can say based on my situation with my severe auto accident a couple years back that fractured my skull ear to ear, broke my neck and caused severe damage to my back, that the head injury gave me the spasm symptoms that you describe. The accident caused enough brain trauma to put me in a coma for several days and also had me having spasms like you pointed out. I don't remember any of that of course, but that is what I have been told by my family. Plus, because of my back injuries, I am VERY sensitive to any touching to my back because of the neuroligical damage, and when touched in the back region, I do EXACTLY what JFK did after the road sign in the Zapruder film. I raise my arms up and clinch my fists. JFK had a severe back problem BEFORE the assassination and was wearing a back brace to help make him more comfortable. Bottom line, I think the first shot was the back wound the Gerald Ford moved up for the magic bullet theory. Thom, in terms of why no doctor at Parkland did not see that wound, I'm not sure. Maybe because of the massive head wound and the supposed neck wound. It was a zoo in that room as you know, with Jackie, the secret service and other LOTS of doctors there. I do think the delay in the announcement of death was more of a religious rite than anything else, as in the last rites of the Roman Catholic church.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Well, Roberto, I just think we prove that reasonable people can view evidence from different perspectives and come to different conclusions. In the case of the throat wound, it seems strong arguments can be made for both entrance and exit (shrapnel). I need to learn more about marks to JFK's face; are you saying there were small exit wounds there as well? I haven't come across much (any?) info addressing facial wounds. Seems his face was intact from what I can remember; no swelling, which meant he died instantly. If you could steer me to some facial injury info (other than Files and company), I'd greatly appreciate it.As you know, I think no back wound was noted at Parkland because it did not yet exist. But I admit it is possible that it was overlooked, and I do admit that no Parkland doctors observed any wound to the right temporal area either. They saw only three wounds; blowout in right side of the back of the head, small wound in LEFT temporal area (rarely discussed), and small wound in the throat.And here's a side question for you; when someone touches your back and you throw your arms up and clench your fists, do your fists go to your throat? Or do they do away from your body? I know nothing of these things, mind you, but it seems to me that the bringing of the hands (fists) up and in would have to be more of a conscious action. Anyway, here's the thing: if someone was to shoot JFK in the back with a gun other than Oswald's (which is what you are saying), what did the plotters plan to do with the bullet? If it was found in JFK the ballistics wouldn't match Oswald's rifle. If they had planned to get it out of the body, that would have meant enlarging the small entrance wound and that would have created big problems too (they wouldn't have wanted it to look like an exit wound).And so my point is this, as counterintuitive as it may seem, shooting from the back would have been a very bad way to have implicated a patsy shooting from behind. (Must get rid of the bullet evidence without making an entrance wound look like an exit wound.) That is one of the key reasons I think that JFK was shot only from the front, and that would explain why a shot so early in the sequence could have hit JFK in the throat (the shooter no doubt missed a little low in my scenario). This plan, by the way, does not mean that Files could not have fired the fatal shot from the knoll. In fact, if he was a last resort shooter it makes sense; the planners would not have wanted to use a mercury load bullet early in the sequence because of the damage it would cause- perhaps a blowout in the back of the head, and it's awful hard to change an exit wound into an entrance wound as the plotters quickly found out. My guess is that the initial shooter(s) used LOW velocity rifles to greatly reduce the chance of the bullets exiting. But here I am talking again about the stuff we will never know for sure. I need a beer.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

First off...I'm having a beer with you. Secondly...yes...my arms raise up towards my neck or chin area when touched in the back, with the fists clinched. My doc told me it was a normal neurological reaction based on my back sensitivity (two herniated discs). Finally...here is a post from Wim awhile ago describing how the throat wound was caused with the help of someone who might know...I am saying - defying the ruling consensus in the JFK research community - that the throat wound was NOT an entry wound , but an EXIT wound caused by a fragment from the explosive bullet that hit JFK in the head from the grassy knoll. I have always believed it was caused by a complete bullet from the front, until Thom Robinson freed me from that dream. Here are some thoughts I posted a few months ago: Question: you are doctor with experience on bullet wounds, you see a tiny neat little round hole in a throat. What would you think first? 1) This is an entry wound of a small caliber bullet 2) This is an exit wound from a fragment of an explosive bullet that hit in the head. Mind you, the doctors didn't know about about an explosive bullet, let alone a mercury bullet. No, I don't blame the doctors at all. If it looks like duck, if it walks like a duck, if it sounds like duck, you're going to say it's a duck. JFK was NOT shot in the throat. I too have believed for a long time that he was shot in the throat. But it didn't happen. The only time that JFK COULD have been shot in the throat, was very early in the game, at the beginning of the Zapruder film. Why? Because after that, he slumps forward and his throat is not exposed anymore. It doesn't make sense for ANY shooter, not even a trigger happy one, to shoot from the front that early, if the plan was to frame a patsy from BEHIND. Moreover, it would be an EXTREMELY risky shot right thru the windshield (glass breaks the line of vision, and could also deflect the bullet path). The bullet hole, crack or whatever it was in the windshield, was the result from a missed bullet from behind over JFK's head. Just as the nick in the chrome lining was. Additionally, his head and throat would be exposed for only a very short time, with no time to follow and aim. And the other passengers were in the way, JFK was the most rear passenger in the limo, hence an additional risk to hit someone else in the car. Finally, there was no wound of exit, neither a bullet found, found for such a shot. The throat wound was caused by an exiting fragment , maybe even a drop of mercury from JF's mercury exploosive bullet. The tiny perforations in JFK's face, as observed by embalmer Thom Robinson, were also the result of mercury drops. Lastly, what you don't know is that I have an interview with Thom Robinson, wherein he states that the gaping hole in JFK's skull was probed with a tiny probe and that one of those probes from INSIDE the skull came out at the throat wound ! That's why he told me that he has always been very quiet about this, but that he has chuckled for all those years at the conspiracy buffs who claim JFK was shot in the throat from the front. He knew better since 1963. And I know better since I spoke to him. I should have known better earlier by listening to Jimmy, instead of to the JFK research community, and what they have brainwashed themselves with. I too was a victim of what I wanted to believe, and looked so self-evident. James Files was right all along. He was the ONLY shooter from the front, and even he was not supposed to shoot. But he did, because JFK had not been hit in the head. Failure was never an option in a operation that Jimmy took part in, not even at age 21. That's what made him such a valuable asset for the Chicago mob and the CIA. ********ONeill in his official report said agent Kellerman, now deceased, told him that Kennedy cried out, "My God, Ive been hit, get me to a hospital!"The second bullet hit Texas Gov. John Connally, sitting in a jump seat behind Kellerman. The third was the fatal wound to Kennedy. ONeill said recently in an interview that Kellerman insisted, when pressed how he knew it was Kennedy's voice, "I was with the man for three years, and know his voice like I know my own. And he was the only man in the back seat of the car that day who spoke with a Boston accent."
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Grrrrr.Was the body altered before Thom Robinson examined it? Of course it was!Did the plotters need to explain the throat wound as an exit wound? Yes,they did, and they had originally planned to explain the throat wound as an exit wound caused by a bullet fragment from the fatal head wound, and so this story goes, a 'bullet path' was created from head to throat. After this was done, the plotters learned that the Zapruder film and (many witnesses) showed that the throat wound happened too early to be caused by the head shot and so they had to come up with something else.The back wound was originally created to implicate Oswald (fired from behind, and the original wound to associate with the magic bullet planted on the stretcher) but it was too low to have caused an exit wound to the throat, And so, as everyone knows, they raised it up!One more thing. Proponents of the fragment/shrapnel theory often say that the smallness of the throat wound fooled the doctors into thinking it was one of entrance, but a careful examination of what the doctors observed reveals that they commented on the DIRECTION OF THE DAMAGE; the damage wend inward.I certainly understand what you are saying. But so much of the previous post is based on the presumption that shooting from the front was not part of the plan, which I think is backwards. Furthermore, I don't think the shooter intended on shooting through the windshield and hitting JFK in the neck. My guess is he waited a bit too long and then fired about six inches too low- he had planned to shoot over the windshield and into JFK's face.Lastly, you could be right, of course. I guess what I object to is the righteous attitude expressed in the above post that anyone who thinks the throat wound was one of entry is living in a fantasy land. The chain of evidence (i.e. JFK's body) was so horribly compromised that it simply can't be relied upon to tell the truth of the assassination. The Warren Commission and the House Select Committee never for an instant doubted the validity of the autopsy and the x-rays and the autopsy photos- it was out of their realm of possibilities that JFK's body had been altered. Let's not make the same mistake here.And now, for that beer-
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

Was the growl for a lack of beer?Nice retort Doubting Thom!!!I'll mull your response while I'm having this pitcher of beer. Or at least that amount. It just turned beer o'clock in Florida.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

So I've had a 'few' beers and played a bunch of ping pong and now it's late but here are my late-night, semi drunken thoughts...When it comes to who shot when, and from what spots, and what damage was caused and when, well, we can weigh the evidence and come to our own conclusions but we can never truly know for sure, absolutely, with conviction and beyond doubt. We can feel strongly one way or the other, but we can't fucking know, We can't. I think if we acknowledge that when we discuss our conclusions, well... we'd just be making everything a little more real.I mean really, who could argue with that?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:So I've had a 'few' beers and played a bunch of ping pong and now it's late but here are my late-night, semi drunken thoughts...When it comes to who shot when, and from what spots, and what damage was caused and when, well, we can weigh the evidence and come to our own conclusions but we can never truly know for sure, absolutely, with conviction and beyond doubt. We can feel strongly one way or the other, but we can't fucking know, We can't. I think if we acknowledge that when we discuss our conclusions, well... we'd just be making everything a little more real.I mean really, who could argue with that?No doubt! But it is a good subject to discuss over a friendly beer (or two...or more).
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by tom jeffers »

i am not an expert in many thngs but i am an expert in spinal chord injuries. i got mine in 1990 and have commented on this subject several times. jfk when shot in the back spine at approximately the c-5 to c-6 level reacted exactly like he did. a spinal injury at that level would render your triceps as useless so his arms bent at the elboes is exactly what you would see. he would be able to have shoulder movement in a backward rolling motion which is exactly what you see. he would lose his ability to extend his fingers which is exactly what you see. if any of you personally know a quadroplegic, you will recognize the fact that his hand is naturally in a fist because he cannot extend his fingers. now the WC wants you to believe that that wound was higher which would be in the c-1 to c-2 area and that would be where he would have to have been hit for the wound to exit his neck where they say is an exit wound. if that happened then jfk would have lost all ability to move his shoulders or arms and they would just go limp at his side. it would be like cutting a power cord on any electric device, it automatically quits working, there is no electric impulses getting through. the secret service controlled everything that went on at bethesda. they controlled what the doctors did and they limited them in examining jfk thoroughly expecially when it was discovered that he was beyond hope. I do believe i remember reading one doctors notes that said that there was some reddening in the front chest area and thought there might be a bullet there that had not exited however they were not allowed to probe. if jfk was hit in the throat there would have been an exit wound in the back of the neck. There is not enough bone to just stop a bullet in my opinion. there would have been more that just a few fragments in the xrays and the doctors would have spotted it immediately.