JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I am sure LBJ was not a killer for hire. he was a politician who was involved with people who could hire killers and did.If you look at his career he is surrounded by these types of people.My father always told me "if it wallows in mud, eats corn and oinks a lot, it is for sure a pig"
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

lbj has orchestrated his fair share of murders in his day. his favorite go-to guy was malcolm wallace.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Just wanted to share my reflections on my visit oi LBJ's ranch near Johnson City, is hard to think this man who lived his entire simple life in an area less than amile square, birth place, grandparents house, one room school house, his home place and the Johnson family cemetary along the Pedernales River, could turn out the way he did.His birthplace is a very small simple house. The Texas Whitehouse wassurprisingly small, a simple old fashioned dingy ranch style home. The rear of the house main floor level overhanges the lower level carport where his two old white Lincoln Continental convertibles are still parked. I remember reading a story about him taking visitors on wild rides at speeds in excess of 100 miles an hour out on the ranch property.and the huge outdoor BBQ's held there where he introduced the original astronauts.The visitor center/museum is also a simply plain looking unimpressive bulding.When he became President a small airport and runway was installed behind the house.The ranch house is being remodled by the national Park Service so as to look more impressive.I could not find the connection between the simple family oriented beginnings and the power hungryruthless person he became.
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Post by Bob »

Being a beagle owner, I appreciated the fact that LBJ owned beagles. But then he had to pick one up by the ears! Again...I'll say this about LBJ...LBJ knew what was going down in Dallas that day. He knew JFK was going to be taken out. He may not have been sure where or how...but he knew it would be done. So the whole possibility that the Soviet Union or Cuba was involved theory was just total bullshit. Look what LBJ did immediately after he became President. He completely changed course in Vietnam and did what the Military Industrial Complex wanted. There were 16,000 troops/advisors in Nam when JFK was murdered, with only 82 deaths. By 1965, LBJ had the troop level up to 500,000 and by the time the war ended, over 58,000 American troops had died, with countless hundreds of thousands Vietnamese casulties. Also, LBJ also changed the course of action that JFK was implementing with the Federal Reserve. LBJ also gets credit for passing the civil and voter rights legislation, as well as the medicare legislation, but they were all bills started by JFK, and were being worked on at the time of his death. LBJ was a bastard, as was J.Edgar Hoover, and many others in government then. They all helped to cover up what Ed Lansdale, David Phillips, Poppy Bu$h and others planned and executed that 22nd day in November in 1963.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

calm down bob, take a zanax, i think we all agree with what you know what pisses me off more than anything? lbj was supposed to be well endowed. so in other words the big prick had a big prick. he loved to show it to the secret service guys and flashed it at parties and skinny dipped every chance he got. what a waste.
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Post by Pennyworth »

I just came across this....Recently declassified testimony by Brigadier General Godfrey McHugh, President Kennedy’s military aide for his fateful Dallas trip in November 1963, reveals how Lyndon Baines Johnson thought the assassination of JFK was part of a wider conspiracy in the very hours after the event.“I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he was hiding, with the curtain closed,” McHugh recalled. He claimed that LBJ was crying, “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.’” According to the General, Johnson “was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing.” ... iracy.html
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Post by kenmurray »

My opinion is that LBJ was not crying aboard Air Force but was celebrating JFK's death. Like Tom Jeffers said in an earlier post with the bourbon flowing. Look at LBJ's actions once he became President. He ordered Connally's suit taken to the dry cleaners. He ordered the Presidential Limo to be washed and cleaned. Doesn't sound to me like he was saddened by JFK's death.
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Post by ThomZajac »

Had to deal with a lot of details though. As planned.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Might also be a good actor.
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Post by kenmurray »

November 29th, 1963 memo from Hoover falsely implicating Oswald: