Presidents ; Past to Present

JFK Assassination
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Re: READ THIS.....

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Assassinat de JFK - Chronologie: Décembre 1960- [ Translate this page ]Le portrait de Richard Paul Pavlick, qui tenta d'assassiner JFK en décembre 1960. - Le texte de la lettre que Lee Oswald a écrit à Marina lors de la ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

JFK: Umbrella Man- [ Translate this page ]... que son élection n'avait été qu'une vaste fumisterie (Pavlick entre autres). ... Billie Sol Estes, Sam Giancana, Bill Greer, JD Tippit, Fidel Castro, ... - 34k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
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John F. KennedyJudith had later affairs with mobster Sam Giancana, Tony Bennett, Eddie Fisher, etc. ... Pavlick later explains that it was out of concern for the ...
https:/.../cgi-bin/nph-668059.cgi/010110A/http/ - 15k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

BooksThe story of Richard Pavlick, the man who would have driven a dynamite filled ... There is Myron Millet, an associate of Mob leader Sam Giancana and Joe ... - 109k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] THIS IS NOT AMERICAFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
former boss Sam Giancana had been found dead in his home; murdered. ... Earlier that year, one Richard P. Pavlick had tried to smash his dynamite-loaded car ... - Similar pages
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Assassinations and attempted assassinations of US presidents

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Assassinations and attempted assassinations of US presidents since 1865


Abraham Lincoln: Shot on 14 April 1865 in Washington DC by John Wilkes Booth; died 15 April.

James Garfield: Shot on 21 July 1881 in Washington DC by Charles J Guiteau. Died 14 September.

William McKinley: Shot on 6 September 1901 in Buffalo by Leon Czolgosz. Died 14 September.

Theodore Roosevelt (ex-president): Shot on 14 October 1912 in Milwaukee, while campaigning for presidential office. Survived.

Franklin Roosevelt (president-elect): Escaped assassination attempt on 15 February 1933 in Miami by Giuseppe Zingara. Fellow passenger in car shot dead.

Harry S Truman: Escaped assassination on 1 November 1950 in Washington DC, when two Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to shoot their way into the White House.

John F Kennedy: Survived in December 1960, when Richard Pavlick intended to blow him up with a car bomb.

John F Kennedy: Assassinated on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Gerald R Ford: Survived on 5 September 1975 in Sacramento, California, when Lynette Alice Fromme, associate of Charles Manson, pointed but did not fire a .45-calibre pistol.

Gerald R Ford: Escaped assassination on 22 September 1975 in San Francisco by Sara Jane Moore, who fired one shot from a .38-calibre pistol; the shot was deflected.

Ronald Reagan: Shot in left lung by John W Hinckley Jr on 30 March 1981. Three others left seriously wounded.
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Jimmy Carter today...

Post by Pennyworth »

Former President Carter Comments on Subprime Mortgage Crisis

( EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2007 ) LOS ANGELES, CA - Ex-President Jimmy Carter announced at a nonprofit organization's event that he thought that housing assistance programs would be even more necessary in the coming years as a result of the problems with subprime mortgages and subsequent foreclosures.

Speaking with executives from Habitat for Humanity International
the former President said, 'I think the subprime market being so fluctuating and uncertain, and making it more difficult to own homes, it will be even more important for Habitat to expand it's program.-

Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. The organization is the 18th largest homebuilder in the United States, and builds houses in many countries for people who ordinarily might not be able to afford a home.

Habitat for Humanity does its construction with a mixture of public and private money.

'I agree that we will see between one and three million foreclosures in 2007 as a result of adjustable rate mortgage problems affecting homeowners in the United States,- said foreclosure expert Patrick McGilvray, JD, CFP®, president of His company is in the business of matching people who want to sell their home fast with real estate investors nationwide. These investors have been specially trained to work with banks to get them to accept less than they what they are owed in a short-sale transaction to allow the homeowners walk away from a difficult situation.

'We had a record number of new mortgages between 2001 and 2005 in this country, and now our nation is experiencing the negative effects of what in many cases became reckless lending to people who did not understand what they were buying,- said McGilvray. His company is also active in promotion of government assistance programs for first-time homebuyers. Millions of dollars, he says, are unspent by cities and states across the nation whose programs are dedicated to advancing the dream of home ownership.

In recent months, subprime mortgages, those made to people with weak credit ratings or past financial difficulties, have been experiencing a rash of defaults. These defaults can lead to foreclosures and, amidst a glut of homes on the market, can have ripple effects throughout the American and global economies.

Patrick McGilvray, J.D
Tel: 916-920-3278


This press release was issued through GroupWeb EmailWire.Com. For more information on press release distribution, go to
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