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Re: Not Related To JFK....

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:44 pm
by Pennyworth
If you put lipstick on a moose, can you make a burger out of it?

Re: Not Related To JFK....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:09 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:If you put lipstick on a moose, can you make a burger out of it? If you put lipstick on a pitbull, this could happen ... etail.html ... l&coll=1PP: postscript...what kind of a pig poses as a pitbull for president?

Re: Unrelated To JFK....

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:53 pm
by Pennyworth
Interesting OJ Case....I believe I mentioned in a previous post that I was following this recent case,although I can't remember where I posted my sentiments that I mentioned that I hope justice is served this time. The OJ murder case trial was a complete abomination and draconian travesty of justice Here's the latest from Babylonia eer..Lost Wages .... ... trial/More on Beardsley..... ... as-set-up/

Re: Unrelated To JFK....

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:25 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Interesting OJ Case....I believe I mentioned in a previous post that I was following this recent case,although I can't remember where I posted my sentiments that I mentioned that I hope justice is served this time. The OJ murder case was a complete abomination and draconian travesty of justice Here's the latest from Babylonia eer..Lost Wages .... ... trial/More on Beardsley..... ... set-up/And here is the dumbass cop turned author(A Simple Case Of Murder) who firstly messed the O.J. case up by tainting the jury's opinion and therefore the outcome of the murder case with his offensive prejudicial statements which he firstly denied saying he's been found trying to mess the JFK Murder case up also ...... ... 4016.shtml

Movie On Dorothy Kilgallen ......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:09 pm
by Pennyworth

Re: Unrelated To JFK....

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:14 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Interesting OJ Case....I believe I mentioned in a previous post that I was following this recent case,although I can't remember where I posted my sentiments that I mentioned that I hope justice is served this time. The OJ murder case trial was a complete abomination and draconian travesty of justice Here's the latest from Babylonia eer..Lost Wages .... ... trial/More on Beardsley..... ... set-up/And here is the dumbass cop turned author(A Simple Case Of Murder) who firstly messed the O.J. case up by tainting the jury's opinion and therefore the outcome of the murder case with his offensive prejudicial statements which he firstly denied saying he's been found trying to mess the JFK Murder case up also ...... ... htmlHere's the verdict I wanted to see for a long time...... ... ex=1Nicole Brown.... Goldman...

Re: Unrelated To JFK....

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:50 pm
by Pennyworth
[/quote]Here's the verdict I wanted to see for a long time...... ... ry?index=1[/quote]Judge rejects O.J. Simpson request for a new trial District Judge Jackie Glass today denied a motion for a new trial for O.J. Simpson.The Hall of Fame running back and his co-defendant, Clarence Stewart, had asked for the new trial after being convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery in the hotel room holdup of two sports memorabilia dealers at Palace Station. The two men will be sentenced Dec. 5. ... 25,00.html

Re: Unrelated To JFK....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:21 am
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Here's the verdict I wanted to see for a long time...... ... ry?index=1[/quote]Judge rejects O.J. Simpson request for a new trial District Judge Jackie Glass today denied a motion for a new trial for O.J. Simpson.The Hall of Fame running back and his co-defendant, Clarence Stewart, had asked for the new trial after being convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery in the hotel room holdup of two sports memorabilia dealers at Palace Station. The two men will be sentenced Dec. 5. ... 25,00.html[/quote]OJ sentencing... ... AD94QVV2G0

Re: Unrelated To JFK....O.J...

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:48 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Here's the verdict I wanted to see for a long time...... ... dex=1Judge rejects O.J. Simpson request for a new trial District Judge Jackie Glass today denied a motion for a new trial for O.J. Simpson.The Hall of Fame running back and his co-defendant, Clarence Stewart, had asked for the new trial after being convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery in the hotel room holdup of two sports memorabilia dealers at Palace Station. The two men will be sentenced Dec. 5. ... 25,00.html[/quote]OJ sentencing... ... AD94QVV2G0[/quote] PRISON BOUND ... 01444.html ... 9620.story

Re: Excerpt from the above post....

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:27 pm
by Pennyworth
Pennyworth wrote:Over the years Kilgallen received a great deal of information about the affairs of John F. Kennedy. However, she was a close friend of Kennedy (they had met via his mistress, Florence Pritchett). One day she was gossiping about Kennedy with her friend Allen Stokes. He asked her why she did not write about it in her column. She replied "I couldn't possibly". It would have been a great scoop. But she decided to protect him. However, Kilgallen broke this rule when on the 3rd August, 1962, she became the first journalist to refer to Kennedy's relationship with Marilyn Monroe. She did not actually name him but left enough clues for the readers to identify Kennedy as the secret man in Monroe's life (later Kilgallen told friends she was actually referring to Robert Kennedy). One can only assume that she came under severe pressure from someone to write this story. The following day, Monroe was found dead. Kilgallen must have realized that she had been set her up to smear the Kennedy brothers. Rumours soon began circulating that Robert Kennedy had arranged Monroe's death to protect his brother's reputation. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on 22nd November, 1963. Kilgallen took a keen interest in the case and soon became convinced that Kennedy had not been killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Kilgallen had a good contact within the Dallas Police Department. He gave her a copy of the original police log that chronicled the minute-by-minute activities of the department on the day of the assassination, as reflected in the radio communications. This enabled her to report that the first reaction of Chief Jesse Curry to the shots in Dealey Plaza was: "Get a man on top of the overpass and see what happened up there". Kilgallen pointed out that he lied when he told reporters the next day that he initially thought the shots were fired from the Texas Book Depository.Kilgallen also had a source within the Warren Commission. This person gave her an 102 page segment dealing with Jack Ruby before it was published. She published details of this leak and so therefore ensuring that this section appeared in the final version of the report. The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the leak and on 30th September, 1964, Kilgallen reported in the New York Journal American that the FBI "might have been more profitably employed in probing the facts of the case rather than how I got them". In another of her stories, Kilgallen claimed that Marina Oswald knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If she told the "whole story of her life with President Kennedy's alleged assassin, it would split open the front pages of newspapers all over the world." Kilgallen's reporting brought her into contact with Mark Lane who had himself received an amazing story from the journalist Thayer Waldo. He had discovered that Jack Ruby, J. D. Tippet and Bernard Weismann had a meeting at the Carousel Club eight days before the assassination. Waldo, who worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, was too scared to publish the story. He had other information about the assassination. However, he believed that if he told Lane or Kilgallen he would be killed. Kilgallen's article on the Tippit, Ruby and Weissman meeting appeared on the front page of the Journal American. Later she was to reveal that the Warren Commission were also tipped off about this gathering. However, their informant added that there was a fourth man at the meeting, an important figure in the Texas oil industry.Kilgallen published several articles about how important witnesses had been threatened by the Dallas Police or the FBI. On 25th September, 1964, Kilgallen published an interview with Acquilla Clemons, one of the witnesses to the shooting of J. D. Tippet. In the interview Clemons told Kilgallen that she saw two men running from the scene, neither of whom fitted Oswald's description. Clemons added: "I'm not supposed to be talking to anybody, might get killed on the way to work."Kilgallen was keen to interview Jack Ruby. She went to see Ruby's lawyer Joe Tonahill and claimed she had a message for his client from a mutual friend. It was only after this message was delivered that Ruby agreed to be interviewed by Kilgallen. Tonahill remembers that the mutual friend was from San Francisco and that he was involved in the music industry. Kennedy researcher, Greg Parker, has suggested that the man was Mike Shore, co-founder of Reprise Records. The interview with Ruby lasted eight minutes. No one else was there. Even the guards agreed to wait outside. Officially, Kilgallen never told anyone about what Ruby said to her during this interview. Nor did she publish any information she obtained from the interview. There is a reason for this. Kilgallen was in financial difficulties in 1964. This was partly due to some poor business decisions made by her husband, Richard Kollmar. The couple had also lost the lucrative contract for their radio show Breakfast with Dorothy and Dick.. Kilgallen also was facing an expensive libel case concerning an article she wrote about Elaine Shepard. Her financial situation was so bad she fully expected to lose her beloved house in New York City. Kilgallen was a staff member of Journal American. Any article about the Jack Ruby interview in her newspaper would not have helped her serious financial situation. Therefore she decided to include what she knew about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Murder One. She fully expected that this book would earn her a fortune. This is why she refused to tell anyone, including Mark Lane, about what Ruby told her in the interview arranged by Tonahill. In October, 1965, told Lane that she had a new important informant in New Orleans. Kilgallen began to tell friends that she was close to discovering who assassinated Kennedy. According to David Welsh of Ramparts Magazine Kilgallen "vowed she would 'crack this case.' And another New York show biz friend said Dorothy told him in the last days of her life: "In five more days I'm going to bust this case wide open." Aware of what had happened to Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe, Kilgallen handed a draft copy of her chapter on the assassination to her friend, Florence Smith. On 8th November, 1965, Kilgallen, was found dead in her New York apartment. She was fully dressed and sitting upright in her bed. The police reported that she had died from taking a cocktail of alcohol and barbiturates. The notes for the chapter she was writing on the case had disappeared. Her friend, Florence Smith, died two days later. The copy of Kilgallen's article were never found. Some of her friends believed Kilgallen had been murdered. Marc Sinclaire was Kilgallen's personal hairdresser. He often woke Kilgallen in the morning. Kilgallen was usually out to the early hours of the morning and like her husband always slept late. When he found her body he immediately concluded she had been murdered. (1) Kilgallen was not sleeping in her normal bedroom. Instead she was in the master bedroom, a room she had not occupied for several years.(2) Kilgallen was wearing false eyelashes. According to Sinclaire she always took her eyelashes off before she went to bed.(3) She was found sitting up with the book, The Honey Badger, by Robert Ruark, on her lap. Sinclaire claims that she had finished reading the book several weeks earlier (she had discussed the book with Sinclaire at the time). (4) Kilgallen had poor eyesight and could only read with the aid of glasses. Her glasses were not found in the bedroom where she died.(5) Kilgallen was found wearing a bolero-type blouse over a nightgown. Sinclaire claimed that this was the kind of thing "she would never wear to go to bed".Mark Lane also believed that Kilgallen had been murdered. He said that "I would bet you a thousand-to-one that the CIA surrounded her (Kilgallen) as soon as she started writing those stories." The only new person who became close to Kilgallen during the last few months was her new secret lover. In her book, Kilgallen, Lee Israel calls him the "Out-of-Towner". According to Israel she met him in Carrara in June, 1964, during a press junket for journalists working in the film industry. The trip was paid for by Twentieth Century-Fox who used it to publicize three of its films: The Sound of Music, The Agony and the Ecstasy and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. Israel claims that the "Out-of-Towner" went up to Kilgallen and asked her if she was Clare Booth Luce. This is in itself an interesting introduction. Kilgallen and Luce did not look like each other. Luce and her husband (Henry Luce) however were to play an important role in the events surrounding the assassination. Luce owned Life Magazine and arranged to buy up the Zapruder Film . Clare Booth Luce had also funded covert operations against Fidel Castro (1961-63). It has been suggested by John Simkin that Kilgallen suspected that "Out-of-Towner" was a CIA spy. She therefore told her friends this is what he said so that if anything happened to her, a future investigator would realize that he was a CIA agent with links to Clare Booth Luce. Lee Israel has always refused to identify the "Out-of-Towner". In 1993 the investigative reporter, David Herschel, discovered that his real name was Ron Pataky. In 1965 he had been a journalist working for the Columbus Citizen-Journal. He admitted that he was the "Out-of-Towner" and that he worked on articles about the assassination of John F. Kennedy with Kilgallen. Pataky also confessed to meeting Kilgallen several times in the Regency Hotel. However, he denied Lee Israel's claim that he was with her on the night of her death.In December, 2005, Lee Israel admitted that the "Out-of-Towner" was Ron Pataky and that "he had something to do with it (the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen)".This case has been crossing my mind recently...This case has been crossing my mind recently...I never believed the tabloidish trashy theories that MM had an affair with both JFK and RFK and especially the latter who had 8 kids and no other stories of such ......She DID date Sam Giancana in '62 and here is my hypothesis...he was shooting off his mouth to her and she started logging his verbosities in a secret journal on political affairs (which she had reportedly kept)..she might have turned the journal over to Dorothy as they wereacquaintances sam giancana somehow found out about the diaryand went looking for it and this could have been the catalyst that caused the demise of both Marilyn and Dorothy It has also been written that she had contacted both JFK and RFK by phone befored she died . .. I can surmise possibly to warn them of what she had come acrosss