My scenario of the shooting

JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »


And I bet he had something to do with 9/11. Am I right?
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Post by Bob »

Let's put it this way, the neocons of the early 60's which included Prescott Bu$h, Poppy Bu$h and some of the heads of the military/CIA, gave us Operation Northwoods. Compare Operation Northwoods to the attacks of 9/11 and you tell me.
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Giovanni wrote:No frames were removed ON PURPOSE. But frames got damaged by Life magazine. Frames got spliced, but not removed. Do your own homework Giovanni wrote:Don't tell me Life magazine is involved in the conspiracy. Let's see... who's involved in JFK's murder? The FBI, The CIA, The Mafia, Cubans, Oil Men, LBJ, Nixon, The Bush Family, The Dallas Police, The Warren Commission, Castro... WHERE DOES THIS END?!!

How you figure that Cubans from the Bay of Pigs, trying to kill Castro, end up on Castro's payroll to kill Kennedy. As well as MOB,FBI, CIA, NSA, NASA, CSI, , OAS, DPD, ONI as well as NAVY ARMY AF....... according to you "the whole world".... what a bull

Well ......... That makes Time/Life a real obstacle........ Duuuuuh .... blonde????? LMAO

What a drama..... "Where does it end????"..... try a drama class...

Where are Wim's "adresses to alterations"

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Post by dankbaar »

I am with Groden on this:

Except for the splice in the beginning of the Zapruder film (frames removed probably to conceal the first shot) , the Zapruder film was NOT altered in any way.

Below is an excerpt from an email exchange in 2002 with Groden:

Groden: I agree with you that Files is probably guilty as charged. Fetzer, as usual, is way off base.
Wim: Since Fetzer attracts a lot of recent attention, I have exchanged some emails on wether the limousine came to a stop. I think it did not,
Groden: You are correct. The car did not stop.

Wim: He is convinced it did, and the Zapruder film has been tampered to conceal that fact.

Groden: He's totally wrong there as well.

I remain by my viewpoint because the only person to stop the car was Greer and I find it hard to imagine he was part of the plot. So I asked him
if the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes films have also been worked on, since I
don't see the car stopping there either. He has yet to answer that question, but he did say that if I do not understand that Greer was setup by the Secret Service, I understand very little to make these observations,
and he advised me to read his 2 books first before continuing the communication. I agreed to that in the eagerness to find out if that will be a 'total waste of time' (to quote Bob)

Anyway, I'm kind of glad with your answer. I have found a lot of JFK 'researchers' are blinded by their own theories and want nothing to hear that might disprove it.

Groden: That has been the problem, particularly with lunatics such as Lifton and Livingstone.
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Post by Bob »

As far as the Zapruder film goes, I don't know whether it was altered or not. There is evidence both ways, especially if it is compared to other films like Nix's. However, I do not believe the limo stopped. I do believe that it slowed down. Greer made a fatal mistake in his handling of the shooting as a driver. Fatal to JFK that is. Also, in terms of Groden, as I believe his take on Lifton is wrong. I think Lifton is certainly not a lunatic. I give Lifton a lot of credit in helping research this case, especially with the altering of JFK's wounds and the switching of caskets from Dallas to Bethesda.
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Post by Giovanni »

Maarten, if you don't like what I have to say, then don't bother responding to my posts.I won't take anymore of your crap.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Bob Fox:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.18.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Bob Fox I really enjoyed all of your recent posts, especially the one about Operation Northwoods.Giovanni, one of Bush's sons ran security for the Twin Towers while they were closed down, for allegedly rewiring, before 09.11.2001.Giovanni, we never went to the moon.If we did, why can't we go back ?Other members aren't saying that the whole U.S. Government is corrupt, just mere corrupt mortal men who fill those posts.Unless you study the lessons of history, you are bound to repeat them.Also, there was no need to attack Maarten Coumans like you did.Maarten Coumans you are a better person for not responding to vulgarity.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by Giovanni »

My God, all of of you are nuts I thought I was talking to people that were sane. It turns out everyone here is crazy.

Bye everyone. And for your info Bob, I've done my homework. You guys haven't. All of you are a bunch of conspiracy kooks that probably believe in aliens, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy. I do not.

I thought my history teacher was crazy. It turns out 80 % of American citizens are crazy. Must be something in the air. I don't know.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Jim Garrison messed up history. And he also screwed up this country. He was not a hero like Stone's crappy film "JFK". Turns out Garrison was a freak.

I'm off to the bookstore now to grab a copy of Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History".

All of you need help. Seriously.

Can't say I haven't done my homework. I've read the Warren Commission's report, Case Closed, read conspiracy and lone gunman stuff. Watched hundreds of documenteries.

It must feel good making money off of a dead president. And defending a murderer by saying he's innocent. The "JFK Conpiracy" thing must be good business when it comes to making money.

What happened to the truth? Other Americans don't want to know the truth. They'd rather want to believe in conspiracy because they can't believe one little creep killed the most powerful man in the country. The president of the United States.

Well, it can be done. One person can change the world and put their name in the history book. Anyone remember Virginia Tech? Things don't need to happen for a reason.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I'm sane (or at least I think I am) I'm Canadian and I keep my mind open, and sence you live in The USA its a free country or at least thats what your Goverment says so you can think what you want to if you want to. If you want to think it was Oswald go ahead I won't stop you.
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Post by Bob »

By the way, I NEVER said "do your homework". You better check the transcripts. But at least, we know where you are coming from in terms of your thoughts with Garrison etc. Also, isn't the Warren Report and "Case Closed" by Posner in the fictional area in anybody's local library? Soon to come to that fictional area is Bugliosi's new book, "Reclaiming History".