JFK's throat wound

JFK Assassination
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

Everyone seems to believe Humes report from the autopsy that the wound in the back was only a shallow wound that did not penetrate. Humes' "proof" of this is he attempted to probe this wound with his little finger and was unable to insert it.A 6.5mm bullet is slightly over 1/4 inch in diameter. I measured my little finger at the first knuckle, and found it to be just under 3/4 inch wide. Unless Humes had fingers like a little girl, did he really expect to get a gloved finger very far into the wound?Next, I do not believe the bullet that entered JFK's back was tumbling, as it made a very small entrance wound. If it was not tumbling, but flying straight and true, could someone explain to me how a 162 grain FMJ bullet with a muzzle velocity over 2000 fps and travelling maybe 50 yards at the most, failed to penetrate JFK's chest and exit the front of his chest?
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by Dealey Joe »

I want to make a comment that might be a little off track here but it has always amazed me how easily we were led around by the official story about the entire matter? Like Robert says about the hole in the back has controlled our thinking all this time,Another one is Oswald took the Bus then a cab to his apartment? Why do we just buy into these suggestions?I wont go into more but I am to the place, and have been for a long time, "I don't believe any of it." I use common sense and my knowledge of people and their actions and figure out what happened for myself.Like Robert says the shallow hole in the back, How the Hell can you make a shallow hole? and the supposed throat wound, If even there was one?OH I also say when JFK's arms came up it was when he was hit in the back.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

Amen, Joe.And God bless you for your independent thinking, something sadly lacking in the JFK assassination research world. If my post was responsible for even a tiny smidgeon of that thinking, I believe I have had a good day today.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

RobertP wrote:Everyone seems to believe Humes report from the autopsy that the wound in the back was only a shallow wound that did not penetrate. Humes' "proof" of this is he attempted to probe this wound with his little finger and was unable to insert it.A 6.5mm bullet is slightly over 1/4 inch in diameter. I measured my little finger at the first knuckle, and found it to be just under 3/4 inch wide. Unless Humes had fingers like a little girl, did he really expect to get a gloved finger very far into the wound?Next, I do not believe the bullet that entered JFK's back was tumbling, as it made a very small entrance wound. If it was not tumbling, but flying straight and true, could someone explain to me how a 162 grain FMJ bullet with a muzzle velocity over 2000 fps and travelling maybe 50 yards at the most, failed to penetrate JFK's chest and exit the front of his chest?Still waiting for someone to offer an explanation.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by Bob »

The explanation might be the bulky back brace JFK wore that day.By the way, I also have back problems. I have five herniated discs in my back and had to have one of them replaced. When I am poked in the back accidentally, I have the same movement that JFK had. My arms fly up to the chest area and my fists are usually clinched.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

Bob wrote:The explanation might be the bulky back brace JFK wore that day.By the way, I also have back problems. I have five herniated discs in my back and had to have one of them replaced. When I am poked in the back accidentally, I have the same movement that JFK had. My arms fly up to the chest area and my fists are usually clinched.The back brace was on JFK's lower back. The only thing between the bullet and JFK's back was a thin shirt and a suit coat.JFK was likely choking, but not from the throat wound. Look at this diagram of the pulmonary arteries of the lungs:https://room114.wikispaces.com/file/vie ... JPGImagine, if you will, a frangible bullet disintegrating in the top of JFK's right lung after penetrating from the back 2-3 inches. Not only would all of the blood vessels in that part of the lung rupture and instantly begin filling the lung with blood, the right lung would also have a large tear in it and would collapse before the next breath he took. Immediate inability to breathe and, hence, the sensation of choking and the hands up by the throat.And no exit wound; only an open pneumothorax that quickly developed into a tension pneumothorax.Dr. Marion T. Jenkins: "....obvious signs of pneumothorax....."
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.23.2007 - Kevin Fisher Posted this Important Headline that has had an interesting, and varieddiscussion by some of the Best JFKMS Forum Members both Past and Present.Recapping a few of my beliefs here, before jumping forward to Robert P's most recent Posts under thisHeadline.1. I emphatically believe that there is NO THROUGH AND THROUGH BULLET HOLE IN THE FRONTWINDSHIELD OF JFK's LIMO. I don't care who wrote what about any alleged eyewitness. Eyewitnessesare historically the most incorrect people questioned. Ten (10) eyewitnesses routinely NEVER AGREEON ANYTHING, AND ROUTINELY PROVIDE TEN (10) DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE TRUTH. Please study Criminalistic's Journals On Interrogation Of Eyewitnesses.New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison was able to use a portion of the Live Video made when JFK's Dead, Lifeless, Limp Body and Limo arrived at Parkland Hospital with the Caveat that JFK's clearly Dead, Lifeless, Limp Body Not Be Shown or used in the Clay Shaw/Bertrand Trial.A Blow-up clearly shows that there WAS NO THROUGH AND THROUGH BULLET HOLE. THIS HAS BEENSUCCESSFULLY REPRODUCED AND RE-SHOWN HERE ON THE JFKMS FORUM AND ELSEWHERE.In addition this can be clearly seen in Jim Garrison's Research Videos.All other photo's that I have seen never show an accurate, clear, close-up depiction in an effort to misrepresent The Truth to present alternate Theories and Views.2. I emphatically believe that there was NO ENTRY WOUND TO JFK's THROAT. That has been proven tobe an exit wound tracked out of JFK's Head Wound. In addition, JFK's Face had to be filled with clay andwax, covered by make-up to cover-up Exiting Shrapnel Wounds from JFK's Head Wound.Wim Dankbaar has provided Clear and Convincing Proof here on the JFKMS Forum.I emphatically believe that JFK's Throat Wound Exit and Face Exit Schrapnel Wounds were caused by James Earl Sutton - Files Mercury Filled Hollow Point fired from his Remington Fireball XP - 100.JFK was instantly dead. There was NO VALIANT EFFORT TO REVIVE OR SAVE HIM WHATSOEVER. The CoverUp was Fully In Progress by the time JFK's dead, lifeless, limp body arrived at Parkland Hospital.3. I have a Theory about JFK's back wound that made shallow penetration. Rather than repeat that here,please review the Headline:JFK INJURES HIS BACK WITH GIRLFRIEND BEFORE DEATH originally Posted by me on 04.14.2006.Robert P this is a Theory I advanced for discussion and review. I have found it to be as good, or betterthan, any other Speculative Theory that I considered. Frankly, I lost all interest as it was a Discussion, orTheory that was useless and worthless for my research and study. It accomplishes nothing for me. It goesnowhere for me. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

If JFK had been wearing a shoulder to groin back brace, wouldn't one of the medical personnel at Parkland Hospital have mentioned this fact? I have read through every single medical report from the surgeons present in Trauma Room One, and there is nothing in them about such a back brace.
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Re: JFK's throat wound

Post by RobertP »

Also, bullet proof vests are designed to stop pistol bullets, and are not at all impervious to high velocity rifle bullets.If Kevlar cannot stop a rifle bullet, do you really think a tiny layer of rubber, canvas and vinyl will slow a rifle bullet down?