My new film The Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by dankbaar »

Andries, Your post is kind of cryptic, and I am not sure what your point is. Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

Andries, it costs tremendous amounts of money to produce a documentary such as Grassy Knoll.actually that is the gift for without that there would be nothing produced.if you make things FREE then there is no appreciationmy wife had a small surgery that took about 1/2 hour and it cost 40,000 buckswe could not expect the doctor or hospital to provide their services for free.We are fortunate to have a DVD of this calibre to help get into peoples hands.if you want to give it as a gift then purchase it and make the donation on you own.that way we are all doing our part.Socialism is taking things that belong to someone else and giving it to another person.I guess that is what our government does though.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by jfkanon »

How do people think James Cameron was able to spend $300 million producing Avatar? By giving away his earlier films? Honestly, I think that some people believe that everything they watch and listen to just magically appears before them. And they must think that the people whose names appear in the credits feed their families with fame and glory. Everything costs money to produce, market, duplicate and distribute. Without funding, your favorite musician wouldn't exist because he'd be too busy serving french fries to practice his instrument. Without funding, your favorite film would be a stick figure scrawled by a homeless guy. I think some people need to stop living in an economic fantasy land.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by andries »

Wim, Joe By that i mean : dispite that i am aware off the fact of that putting a film together is not for free off course. In my opinion people are more intend to believe a person who,s atempting to tell the thruth ratherthan a person who,s atempting to sell the thruthAnd as i said it,s a good opportunity to get more goodwill and to silence those none conspiracy b......sthat,s it,s not all money what it,s all about
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

Yes I understand AndriesHaving delt with people all my life I have found that in general people do not put value on things that are freeIt is pretty simple but seems complicated i guess.I do not give anyone a free DVD figuring they are going to watch it.If they pay for it they are much more likely to watch it and place a little value on it.It is just human nature.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by jfkanon »

I see what Andries is saying: Making no profit may add to perceived credibility. But that's just one small factor to credibility. The quality of the evidence is what matters. And even if you gave a film away for free, the people who are determined to disbelieve the evidence probably won't believe that you made no profit.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by andries »

In some cases you might be right joebut i think expecially in sutch sensitive matters as this people rather don,t want to be confrontated with an invoice bill it will put you on same long list allongside with so many others who have tried to invent and sell a new wonderi think this whole matter doesn,t deserve to be on sutch a listBy doing for free you create a very solid base to reject half off all thecritism before one word is ever spoken
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

I tend to agree somewhat but if you are talking about the Grassy KnollIt was not free and the producer needs to recoup some investment costs.Nothing wrong with that.The people who make your car also needs to be paid or there will not be another car.JFK Lancer and the 6th floor museum is funded by someone, it is not free.If you want to give something free print some cards with JFKMURDERSOLVED.COMon them and give them away and those interested will come look.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by dankbaar »

Joe, JFKanon, thanks. A lot of people appreciate Oliver Stone's JFK or Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. Try posting them on youtube. The fact that those films made a lot of money, is the reason why everybody's knows them. Wim
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

The good news through all of this is that I assume that RBittikofer had to purchase the film in order to post it. In addition, the people that were able to see it while it was "free" on You Tube, were hopefully impressed by it and will refer it to friends and associates that will now have to purchase it. Bottom line, the film is truly a remarkable piece of work that adds tons of credibility to the Jimmy Files story. Unlike any production done recently that had Larry "The Fable Guy" Dunkel (Gary Mack) in it.