Picture taken by Oswald

JFK Assassination
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

Certainly a disguise may have been used by one of the many shooters in Dealey Plaza that day, or perhaps it was just a disguise (police uniform or an actual Dallas policeman) that was used to get people away from the grassy knoll area, much like the fake Secret Service folks that were near the knoll. Here is some more information on Files and how he was able to be the grassy knoll shooter and get away as well from the contents section of this site...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/figure.h ... struth.htm
John Beckham
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by John Beckham »

http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/figure.htmok, could this also be Gordon Arnold? i watched his interview again, and that's the direction he said he headed. and Ralph Yarborough claims he saw a man in military clothes react in a trained way to the shots. Hoffman also saw behind the fence. i see alot of people disclaiming stories because it took them too long to come forward (intimidated or scared?) or the timing of the release of the story was suspicious. i figure you'd see just as many pictures of Files as you would Gordon, or even badge man because of location. any opinions? thoughts? Johnalso, Dealey Plaza has a huge protest going on today against Israel's recent attacks. it's nice to see that spot become a gathering for political protest.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

Not sure about Arnold, because I do think that was Files, but check out the guy on the left sitting on the curb.http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/figure.htm A lot of people think that is Orlando Bosch.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlando_BoschBosch was supposedly there in Dealey Plaza along with Luis Posada Carriles...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/posada.htmPlus, please read the connections that Bosch, Posada and others had to Poppy Bu$h...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/bush.htm
John Beckham
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by John Beckham »

seems like there is a missing part of the Chauncey, Charles, Charles story. Chauncey witnessed radios in vehicles used by people he thought he knew. he, also has a radio in a bag as a "tramp". synchronized teams did the shooting? may this explain the fatal head shot having a double echo effect? was Jimmy not involved since he was a backup shooter? same bat time, same bat channel.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by tpfleming »

The actions of Bosch (or whoever it was) and the man (umbrella man...Gordon Novel?) sitting next to him on the curb were very suspicious. In the Zapruder film, Bosch clearly raises his arm in a gesture which would indicate he is trying to get JFK's attention as the lim passes, while umbrella man quickly raises and lowers his umbrella. The umbrella is pointed right at the president as he is hit in the throat. I know this sounds crazy, but I think there is good reason to believe the umbrella fired a flechette into the president's throat to paralyze him, leaving him upright for the kill shot. The CIA did possess such a weapon at the time. The guy (I forget his name) who came forward to testify at the HSCA hearings to say he was umbrella man was an imposter.Tim Flemingwww.eloquentbooks.com/MurderOfAnAmericanNazi.htmlhttp://leftlooking.blogspot.com
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by ChristophMessner »

I cannot believe that the "umbrella man", held the umbrella upright, defolded it, aimed at a moving target, fired a dart into JFK's neck, unfoldet it again, held it upright and then gave the signal up and down and all this in 5 seconds! Rather discuss to which hitmen the umbrella should be a visible signal. The fat, black "green man" behaved suspicious, too, waving his hand like throwing something back and moving decisively against the stream of grassy-knoll-runners afterwards! Also the "black dog man" can clearly be indicated as an accidental bunch of tree brunches at a certain angle, when you compare all Willis photos carefully.
John Beckham
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by John Beckham »

throughout the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the CIA promised an "umbrella" air protection of the invaders. Kennedy refused to authorize this military support. Therefore, the man with the open umbrella may have symbolized the promise of an air-support "umbrella" while the dark-complected man may have been an anti-Castro Cuban. Umbrella Man was identified in Dallas. An anonymous caller told researcher Penn Jones Jr. that the wanted man was the former Dallas insurance salesman Louis Steven Witt. Jones contacted some local newsmen and together they confronted Witt. Although Witt refused to talk to a newsman, he confirmed that he was in Dealey Plaza when Kennedy was killed. Jones wrote "I felt the man had been coached. He would answer no questions and pointedly invited us to leave. His only positive statement, which seemed to come very quickly, was that he was willing to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in Washington." Witt told the Commission that he had the umbrella to heckle Kennedy. He claimed that someone told him that an open umbrella would rile Jack. Some Committee members theorized that the umbrella somehow referred to Kennedy's father who was serving as U.S. ambassador to Britain prior to World War II. The umbrella may have symbolized the policies of Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain who always carried an umbrella. "I think I went sort of maybe halfway up the grassy area (on the north side of Elm Street), somewhere in that vicinity. I am pretty sure I sat down....(When the motorcade approached) I think I got up and started fiddling with that umbrella trying to get it open, and at the same time I was walking forward, walking toward the street....Whereas other people I understand saw the President shot and his movements; I did not see this because of this thing (the umbrella) in front of me....My view of the car during that length of time was blocked by the umbrella's being open." None of Witt s statements were accurate. Umbrella man stood waiting for the motorcade with his umbrella in the usual position over his head. Then he pumped it up in the air as Kennedy passed. Despite Witt's bizarre story, totally incompatible with the actions of the man in the photographs.Robert Cutler claimed that the umbrella may have been a dart-firing weapon. This is supported by the testimony of a CIA weapons developer in 1975. He told the Senate's Intelligence Committee that such an umbrella was in use in 1963. He described the weapon as looking like an umbrella. He explained the dart gun was silently operating and fired through the webbing when the umbrella was opened. He also said that the CIA ordered about 50 of such guns and that they were operational in 1963. Furthermore, Cutler theorized that Kennedy's throat wound could have been a wound caused by such a dart, but that it was altered during the Bethesda autopsy. This would also explain Kennedy's lack of motion during the shooting sequence. Many researchers think that since such a weapon existed and its operation is consistent with the actions of Umbrella man, this theory can not be ignored completely. with all the photographers swarming the area, the location the umbrella and darker man sat, you'd think there would be some closer pictures of these two. synchronized? i'm starting to believe the shooting was. i've found the Umbrella Man as an assassin hard to believe myself. i think it was a political statement, not a signal though, or dart. perhaps, since it was raining earlier that morning, he just happened to have it, or he couldn't tolerate the sun? as far as hit goes, i think he's there to see the fireworks, along with his friend. they seem very casual about what they just saw. these two are "somebodys" John
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff, thanks alot for all the information! I knew about CIA's real usage of dart umbrellas already, James Files talked in his confession about it, but the umbrella-as-political-statement-to-JFK-theses was new to me. I personally believe that Orlando Bosch and "Umbrella"-Witt were just there, to make JFK look into their direction ( and not lean to Jackie or bend down), so that he can be hit more easily for the hitmen. I don't think JFK would have got the "political symbolic message" in just some seconds driving by with shots in the head and I don't think Witt fired a dart, because JFK was still to far away when he reacted to his back (+throat?) wound, so far, that Witt could have missed and hit Jackie or Connally, and when JFK came closer, the umbrella was not in shooting position and the dart would have gone into JFK's right neck part and not into the front adam's apple. Also consider that Witt would have undergone great personal risk to be cought while being on film and photo darting a president and they could have made him the patsy as well. Would you have the courage to do so? No I think he was there to make JFK look to the right at that moment and to signal to the hitmen whether he was hit. BR, Chris
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:i can't find this picture talked about here. have not heard much about Gary Marlow. any info? PLEASE!Pardon my ignorance. I haven't logged on in weeks! Someone posted a picture of two men who look like they're at a wedding. They look like Files and and Tippit assassin. Are they? Did we finally get the Tippit shooter's name? Is it Gary Marlow?