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Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:22 pm
Bruce my question is this on your above analogy. you say, "keep in mind the JFK removal was compartmentalized and on a need to know basis. Then why is it that all these different people from different affiliations knew the hit was going down? I understand the mob guys Gianacana, Roselli, Sutton, etc, the CIA connection which is Phillips, Dulles, Lansdale, Cabell, etc., Big Oil Murchison, Hunt, Byrd, etc., FBI Hoover, Tolson, etc., but what about Joseph Milteer, William Case Naegell, Ruby, Oswald, Ferrie, Shaw, Rose Cheramine, Sturgis, Howard Hunt, Holt, Plumlee, and the list goes on and on?? I'll bet the list is at lease 100-200 people. That's not to compartmentalized. I guess what I'm getting at is with all those people in the know something is going to leak and it did, but doesn't that sound awful risky?? I guess if you control the media it doesn't matter how many people knew? The weirdest name on the list is Oswald though! He was warned in advance and still walked into the trap! I agree with you on that one he was not to bright!


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:10 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.30.2007 - Willem Dankbaar Originally Posted this Headline about the book, TIGER IN THE RAIN,that I think is of crucial value along with RIDING THE TIGER'S BACK. My Long Held Opinion.RCB, J, and B are long time confidential, personal friends. I spent almost ten (10) hours this weekconferring and reviewing with both RCB and J their actions, contacts with, inter-ralationships with,along with other relatiohips with LHO, knowledge, and opinions of overall, ALL ABOUT LHO.I THINK THAT MORE ABOUT LHO HAS BEEN BURIED AND IGNORED THAN MEETS MOST PEOPLE'S EYES,OR THEY UNDERSTAND. My Opinion.I THINK THAT LHO LONG KNEW WHAT WAS DEVELOPING, MADE NO EFFORT TO STOP IT, MAY OR MAYNOT HAVE ACTUALLY FIRED A SHOT, BUT KNEW, OR WAS DUMB AS DIRT. My Opinion.LHO's brother, Robert Oswald, stated that LHO fantasized about the T.V. Show I LED THREE LIVES.Many argue about the chronology of this, and LHO's young age when this was on T.V. But this was actually based upon a book I WAS A COMMUNIST FOR THE FBI, that receives very little, tono attention and study.I attempted to Post as much relevant material on this Subject Matter overall as I believed might helpencourage additional reading, research, and study. Thus far nobody has contributed stating that they actually read and studied the complete works, either # 1, RIDING THE TIGER'S BACK, OR # 2, TIGER INTHE RAIN.I almost always strongly recommend that each person read, research, and study material completely on their own, never relying on "Cliff Notes" versions. I try to point out my opinions honestly, and tryto stimulate academic discussion and opinions completely and fully to the best of my ability.12.07.2015 - Tommy Wilkens Posted an Outstanding Response, that is honest, revealing, and sincere. I totally agree with, and understand TW. Further I greatly admire all of TW's efforts and works. No JFKMS Member here can probably understand TW's frustrations more than BB while working on production and circulation of: Audio, articles, books, DVD"s, presentations, seminars, and videos here in the U.S. I remain an even stronger supporter of TW, and still plan on ordering at least two (2) copies of TW's book. Trial by Compurgation and Trial by Fire for TW and BB are bad enough. TW and BB also endure Trial of Lack of Freedom of Speech, and Freedom to Fight the Main Stream Media, and in the end, TRIAL BY PUBLIC OPINION. THE TRUTH, WHAT'S THAT ?12.07.2015 - Joe Hall, my friend, you must first read RIDING THE TIGER'S BACK, begun in 1988 and published in 1992 by Phillip Hemenway. Then read TIGER IN THE RAIN. Joe I know that it lacks the sexual stimulation that you so enjoyed in JVB's Me and lee. Fantasize.12.07.2015 - JDB4JFK Posted Intelligent, strong points. JDB4JFK is also a great JFKMS Forum Member, along with Tommy Wilkens and Joe Hall. So my comments are not meant to be received as negatively critical to his very well raised points.PLEASE THINK ALONG WITH ME:12.07.1942 - Pearl Harbor was bombed. Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt and thousands of others "knew with almost certainty" that the Japanese were going to attack the U.S. after the U.S. Embargo's of Japan. That "secret" was kept. TODAY WE STILL HONOR THAT DAY OF INFAMY.The A-Bomb was made in Chicago, Illinois and that "secret" was kept. Yet thousands knew. Even testing in the desert was "kept secret."The A-Bomb wiring was designed and produced in Orland Park, Illinois near where Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" and BB both lived. That was kept "secret." Neither of us knew that until several years ago when I actually took over Contract Security and Investigations for that Entire Property decadesago until it was completely demolished only a few years ago.06.06.1944 - D-Day was kept "secret." Yet thousands knew.The dropping of both A-Bombs both at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were kept "secret." Yet thousands knew.The Break-Up of the Soviet Union was allegedly secret, even from the CIA. Yet thousands knew.JFK and RFK were disliked and hated by many, for a varitey of reasons. "People" in various aspects of both government and organized crime wanted JFK and RFK removed.I have heard likewise for years that Obama would be removed.I hear now that Trump will be removed.To a degree I think that people are like Hororscope Advisors, Psychics, and Las Vegas Gambling Experts.To me they all claim that they are always correct overall.IN THE END, LIKE PEARL HARBOR, THE A-BOMB, D-Day, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Break-Up of the Soviet Union, AND THE REMOVAL OF JFK, MLK, AND RFK WERE ALL KEPT "SECRET" ENOUGH TO - SUCCEED. YET MANY KNEW.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:15 am
Great response Bruce, I get what your saying, but this Kennedy thing is a bit different than Pearl Harbor or dropping the A bomb isn't it?? I mean all the American people back than just believed what they were told so we went with it. The majority of the American public wanted us to get into the war, and than after we got in they were for the dropping of the A bomb, but I don't believe the majority of the American people wanted Kennedy killed. He was loved by the general public but hatted by the elites. Roosevelt could just play dumb about the attacks and get away with it. Truman did what most people wanted him to do even though the war was really already over. But killing Kennedy "The President" in broad daylight with several dozen cameras and hundreds of witnesses is pretty risky. If they would have killed him in his sleep we would probably just believed it and moved on, like Roosevelt. Some people believe he was poisoned. How much money do you think it has cost them to cover this 52 year old scam? If he was having all these affairs why not just expose him and be done. They removed Nixon without assassination, so there has to be more to it than we know. I really enjoy your wisdom and thoughts! Thanks!

Re: Tiger in the Rain

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:09 am
by Slav
They had no choice to get rid of Kennedy they wanted to get rid of Bobby at the same time, so what did they do they got rid of Bobby years later and JFK Jr. As well, imagine they still had the power to get rid of JFK Jr. Years later. If Bobby won it would of been over for the Bush family and the secret Cia contractors the Bush Family Controlled, they had to neutralized JFK Jr before he would of entered politics and won and put everyone behind bars. Much different than Nixons situation, they know they could of controlled Nixon after they ruined him Politically he had too many skeletons in his closet


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:06 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.06.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.30.2007 - Mr. Willem Dankbaar originally Posted this Headline.An interesting discussion followed.Robert Clayton Buick wrote 8 books after one was written about him.Recently I have received many Emails over the last several weeks about RCB.I have Re-Posted RCB's books in order.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.