Bruce Patrick Brychek

JFK Assassination
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Post by Pennyworth »

This used to be a hot topic, but faded...

I read that Sam Giancana, Anthony Spilotro, & Marilyn's psychiatrist were in on it...with the doctor adminstering the deadly poison .. the maid was also there and has kept an omerta on the subject. I can't remember her name...Go to DOROTHY thread, and there is info ...
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Re: The Ledger

Post by Bob »

Dan wrote:I think the Chicago Outfit snuffed Heath Ledger. He just wouldn't endorse Hitlery Clinton - so the message was sent to Hollywood and other demonrats - back her or else!Notice the slimy PA governor Ed Rendell quickly jumped on the Hitlery bandwagon less than 24 hours after Heath Ledger was bumped off his mortal coil.

Dan, sometimes you have a lot to say, but this take was not one of them. It sounded like a take from John Gibson from Fox noise. Ledger, by the way, was from Australia. I am no fan of Hillary as you know, but there other ways to get that point across.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I agree with you bob, i tend not to think the hit came from the kennedys. if joe hadn't had the stroke, i would have thought that he ordered it. joe was as dirty as they get. i think cold blooded murder is a little out of bobby and jacks league.
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Re: The Ledger

Post by Dan »

Bob wrote:Dan wrote:I think the Chicago Outfit snuffed Heath Ledger. He just wouldn't endorse Hitlery Clinton - so the message was sent to Hollywood and other demonrats - back her or else!Notice the slimy PA governor Ed Rendell quickly jumped on the Hitlery bandwagon less than 24 hours after Heath Ledger was bumped off his mortal coil.Dan, sometimes you have a lot to say, but this take was not one of them. It sounded like a take from John Gibson from Fox noise. Ledger, by the way, was from Australia. I am no fan of Hillary as you know, but there other ways to get that point across.

The point I was trying to get across is that some of the crack pot theories about George Bush posted on this forum are so absurd that the Heath Ledger theory looked reasonable!
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »


I understood your tongue in cheek humor. While I too believe that some of these "theories" are a little way off, I think if we closely examine history, we can see that the preposterous has many times been found to be true. One thing I learned a long time ago is that you cannot argue faith nor religeon. There are no winners. I personally do not like bush or his politics even though I voted for him in 2000 and his daddy in 88 as well as reagon in 80 and 84. I have a history of voting conservative but I believe the party has been taken over by fascists. If you want to know where his interests lie, look at gas prices and exxon mobil's profits. the iraq reconstruction was to be paid for by oil exports, yet production is below the war figures. If you are looking for compassion for bush, I don't think you will find it on this website.


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Post by Dan »

I seek no compassion for President Bush - I only like to point out the hypocrisy of the Clinton lovers!

Fascist! WTF! : a political philosophy, movement, or regime that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

That definition describes the Clinton administration and the demonrats to a T!

Exxon Mobile profits - please tie that one to George Bush!

Gas Prices! The USA is the lowest, but I have a theory on the manipulation of gas prices that may involve the President - let's see how you tie it in though.
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Post by Bob »

Dumbya Bu$h and Exxon profits? I'll take a shot at this one. Bu$h comes from an oil background. He created Arbusto, a failed oil company that was invested in by the Bin Laden family. That is a FACT, not a theory by the way. Also, when Bu$h was with Harkin Oil, the SEC was considering him as a target for insider trading violations, but as his Poppy was President, the issue seemed to be swept under the carpet. Anyway, Bu$h has this oil background. In 2001, we were paying about $1.47 per gallon in gas. We now pay over $3.00 per gallon. Also in 2001, Cheney held his secret energy meetings, and this was BEFORE 9/11 mind you, and it was discoverd through testimony that all the heads of BIG Oil were present at these meetings. Also there was Ken Lay of Enron fame. Lay was also the biggest campaign contributor to Bu$h/Cheney in 2000. Anyway, at these meetings, the group was looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields. Again, this was BEFORE 9/11. Now look at this recent story that the MSM won't report for some reason... ... _0107.html

Four articles based on a draft of an Iraqi law " crafted with help from the US government " which was leaked to the paper, detail "How the West will make a killing on Iraqi oil riches.""Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament within days," Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb report in the cover story.According to the paper, the law "would give big oil companies such as BP, Shell and Exxon 30-year contracts to extract Iraqi crude and allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil interests in the country since the industry was nationalised in 1972.""Supporters say the provision allowing oil companies to take up to 75 per cent of the profits will last until they have recouped initial drilling costs," the article continues. "After that, they would collect about 20 per cent of all profits, according to industry sources in Iraq. But that is twice the industry average for such deals."

Now you know why we are building Super bases there. Dumbya and Darth Cheney want us to be there a LONG, LONG time. Even after they leave office, they will profit from this war more than ever before. A military conflict with Iran will aid the time needed to maximize the profits in that area.

Plus you had Exxon having a recent profit of $40 BILLION dollars in one QUARTER. And the cash registers also keep ringing in Iraq for Halliburton, Blackwater, the Carlyle Group, Bechtel, General Dynamics, Raytheon and others. Bu$h, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the other criminals are connected to these war profiteering companies as well.

Bottom line, Exxon and the boys have more than doubled it's price at the pump since their buddy Dumbya has been in office. Their profits have NEVER been larger. Now, because of a war that Bu$h and Cheney got us into because of lies, Exxon and others will get 75% of the Iraqi oil, the THIRD largest oil reserves in the world. But I'm sure you will say all of this is a coincidence.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

one of the reasons for this huge profit is the fact that when opec raised oil to almost $100 per barrel, then the pump prices immediately more than doubled. Why? The oil that was on hand was purchased at $25 per barrel so the oil guys were allowed to price gouge the american consumer instead of having the prices gradually increase as the remaining supply dwindled and was replaced by the higher priced oil. This was allowed to happen with the oil companies friends in the white house.
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Ken Lay

Post by Dan »

Ken Lay was Bill Clinton's and Robert Rubn's boy! Look at how much they took in from Enron - and look what they provided in return - Clinton and Rubin permitted their friend Lay to commit the fraud in the first place through lax and special regulatory treatment of their good donor Enron.

You have shown nothing to tie Exxon profits to the president - just more blah blah blah - secret meetings - secret societies - but we all know about them - get real. The price of oil increased in the entire world - not just the US!

Now if you really want to investigate the US cost of oil and put a smoking turd out there- you have to look into the US strategic oil reserve. When the strategic oil reserve is increased - the price of US gasoline jumps up. The strategic oil reserve has been increased enormously under President Bush - why? Is it a fear of a shortage and manipulation by the Arabs or is it a means to pump up the price - I don't know - but it is suspicious and it has caused an increase!

The DOE has some great info on the strategic oil reserve and the price of gasoline.
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Post by Bob »

Dan, Lay was much MORE Bu$h's boy than Clinton's. His campaign contributions PROVED that. But as I've said in earlier posts, there is a connection between Slick Willie and Poppy that goes back to the CIA drug running days out of Mena, Arkansas. The so called SECRET energy meetings were exposed through testimony by BIG Oil executives. The war in Iraq was based on lies and intelligence cherry picking by Bu$h and Cheney to make sure the registers were ringing for the war profiteers and BIG Oil. They still are. It's that simple.