DalTex shooter whitness ?

JFK Assassination
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Re: DalTex shooter whitness ?

Post by ChristophMessner »

James Files says in his 2003-confession, that Nicoletti and Roselli have been sitting in the car already, at the time James arrived from his walk from the fence to the parking line close to DalTex. That means, that it took Nicoletti only a minute to get from shooters position out of DalTex right into the car. Here a picture from Robin Unger from educationforum: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... ic=2908Don Roberdeau is quoting there somebody, who watched a DALTEX sniper's nest reenactment! It looks to me pretty far from there to JFK's head, so Nicoletti must have used a tripod to go sure and somebody else must have stored it away afterwards. How come that nobody else witnessed cars driving away to north from DalTex and TSBD soon after, when there had been so many people on Houston?
bob franklin
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Re: DalTex shooter whitness ?

Post by bob franklin »

Simple. Everyone was distracted by what had just happened, trying to wrap their heads around it. A couple of cars moving away in an orderly fashion wouldn't draw a lot of attention, I think. Regarding the tripod stowage question, consider the Dal-TEX (as in textiles - remember LBJ's cotton allotment scandal) building itself. This building would've likely been under the control of the same group who handled things at the tsbd. I'm starting to think that the whole plaza was and still is literally a " Military-Industrial-Complex". It might behoove the research community to trace titles & connections to Powers-That-Be on all buildings within a ten or twelve block radius of the plaza.http://www.theblackvault.com/modules.ph ... id=6369Not exactly what I wanted, but it does mention the allotment scandal.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: DalTex shooter whitness ?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.24.2008 - Mr. Peter Bastin Posted this provocative Headline.An interesting discussion, complete with facts, information, andopinions followed.This is certainly a very important subject matter relative to TheJFK Event of 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas.As we approach the 50 year Anniversary of The Event, so much remainsunanswered. Often discussions focus on the minutiae in my opinion.02.09.2013 - What more recent analysis, investigation, reading, research,and study can we add to this Specific Subject Matter today ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: DalTex shooter whitness ?

Post by RobertP »

If a shooter in the Dal-Tex Building, or that vicinity, was shooting a rifle equipped with a suppressor and that rifle's muzzle velocity was supersonic (greater than the speed of sound), the muzzle blast would be effectively suppressed (silenced) but there would be a noticeable "crack" as the bullet broke through the sound barrier. This would not hide the fact that a rifle was being shot but it would make it almost impossible to pinpoint the origin of the shot.Almost all of the witnesses described the first shot as a "firecracker" sound that was distinctly different from and not as loud as the other shots they heard. They may very well not have heard a shot but, rather, the sound of the bullet breaking the sound barrier.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-keuXw5xfRs