Why was JFK Murdered?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why was JFK Murdered?

Post by Bob »

That part about how they took down Nixon was very interesting.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Why was JFK Murdered?

Post by Chad Duncan »

Great stuff from Tom as always. Suprises me though that another version of why Watergate happened. I dont know what to believe on it anymore but this is as detailed as anything I have seen. Very good!
tom jeffers
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Re: Why was JFK Murdered?

Post by tom jeffers »

some of these conversations don't have much meat in them but they add to the flavor of the mind behind the conversations.Date: Monday, February 10, 1997 Commenced: 11:02 AM CST Concluded: 11:35 AM CST GD: Good morning, Robert. What’s going on back there on a nice cold Monday? RTC: Not very much, Gregory, and after a lifetime of excitement, I rather like it that way. GD: Are you still in touch over there? RTC: Sometimes, Gregory, sometimes. A casual conversation here, a visit there. You know how it is. Gone and soon forgotten. GD: And no memoirs, either. RTC: No, the code of omerta is with all of us retirees. GD: But never having worked for your people, I have no such caveat, do I? RTC: No, you do not. GD: But Corson never worked for you, did he?RTC: No, not actually. He wanted to but he never did. He has been involved in various things but only on the periphery. GD: People love to dream and eventually, they begin to fantasize and after those take hold, begin to lie in public and later, in print. RTC: Cruel, Gregory, but close to the truth. GD: Do you know what really disturbs me, Robert? I mean the CIA people who do not like me, writing that the head of the Gestapo worked for them. What I find bad is their utter stupidity. I can appreciate intelligence, even if it is directed towards or against me, but when your people drag up dismal failures like Wolfe who calls himself Doctor when he isn’t and Landreth who calls himself a television producer when he isn’t. And all the pathetic and utterly predictable kindergarten games they play, trying to lure me into some kind of a trap or to find out what documents I have from a man they claim did not exist….pathetic, Robert, really pathetic. Wolfe is a second-level librarian with delusions of literary grandeur and Landreth claims to run a television company and actually runs a wino soup kitchen in Los Angeles. Can’t Langley find someone with an IQ higher than their belt size? RTC: Now, Gregory, you are getting loquacious again. I don’t think it’s because these people are stupid but that you are too intelligent for your own good. Certainly for theirs. You annoy Kimmel whose middle-class morality is offended by your callous treatment of his station in life and Bill is terrified of you. I don’t mean he thinks you are going to lure him outside on garbage can night and split his skull with an axe but Bill is like so many other creative liars; he’s afraid someone like you will come on the scene and expose him. GD” I don’t do this on purpose, you know. RTC: Oh, I think there is some malice in what you do, Gregory. I don’t find you either stupid or unkind but you have a very active streak of destruction in your nature. Why, Gregory, bother to shoot butterflies with a rifle? GD: Point, but then I don’t put up with these morons gladly. Now, an intelligent and creative approach might get some positive reaction from me but all of this transparent bleating just annoys me. And after I have dispatched one with withering words or, better, making a fool out of them, why here comes another one down the path, wearing the top half of a clown suit and waving a fan. Jesus wept. You know, their reaction time is marvelous, Robert. I did the first Mueller book in ’95 and just now they are starting to leak negative stories about me. Do they sleep in refrigerators at night? Slow on the draw, Robert. In the Old West of blessed fiction, they would be full of holes. I wonder what sort of attack they will try next? There never was a Heinrich Mueller? I am really a practicing vampire? I misspelled a name once so I can’t be right about anything? Do you think some broken-down academic who teaches animal husbandry at an Arkansas community college will come forward and produce a book showing that Mueller was eaten by Stalin? They did a story like that once about Mueller living in Panama but it turned out to be a huge joke. Then some senile Czech intelligence person’s son claimed his father said Mueller was shot in Moscow. Of course, when the press tried to talk to the father, he was too far gone to do anything but wet himself. RTC: I don’t think a book, Gregory. And after what you did to that Hungarian Jewess in London, I doubt if any reporter will dare to attack you again. GD: Fear is a wonderful deterrent, Robert. Pick the loudest of the pack, stick a knife in them and gut them in front of everybody and the rest of the piebald apes run back to the security of the deep forest. RTC: Well, you don’t fit the mold, Gregory. You were supposed to turn all of Mueller’s highly incriminating material over to that jerk from Time magazine and then they would be done with you. I don’t think the boobery understands that hiring General Mueller, bringing him over here and putting him to work was a very, very sensitive business. After all, FDR’s propaganda machine depicted Mueller’s Gestapo as pure evil… GD: Which they were not… RTC: No, just professionals. But necessary targets. And in light of the propaganda, how could we dare to hire the man who personally shoved millions of Jews into the enormous gas chambers that could have been seen from the moon? No, a very private matter indeed. That’s why Jim Critchfield is terrified of you and wants to kill you. If it ever got into the Jewish and far left community….. GD: The same thing… RTC: Yes, and if it did, Jim would be toast. Therefore, you lie like a rug and no one should ever listen to you. Of course, given your volatile and creative personality, such jabber only gets you angrier and that results in more very ugly mischief. Not to be impudent, Gregory, but how much money have you skinned these people out of? GD: About a hundred and ten thousand, give or take a few cents. Book advance fees, television rights, outright bribes and so on. RTC: And what did they ever get for all the taxpayer’s money? GD: A number ten shoe in their scrotum, Robert. RTC: It seems that way. Well, I don’t know what their next move will be but I have seen this all before. The usual method of dealing with people like you, aside from the convenient heart attack or car accident, is to hire worthless but hungry scribblers to submit articles to obedient newspapers, marginalizing you, misspelling your name and in general, treating you like someone on ticket of leave from a nut house. And then on to other, more important, matters. You know, we have an entire department that invents news stories to feed to our toadies in the press in order to disguise something very bad we just pulled off. We kill the head of the UN and then start a story going about the Yeti being seen in downtown Detroit. GD: That’s a familiar pattern. How controlled is it? RTC: Gregory, the US government owns the press, the newspapers, the magazines and the television. They print what we tell them to and they ignore that which we wish them to ignore. We wanted to get rid of Nixon, who was becoming a loose cannon, so the press obliged by daily attacks. We kill Kennedy and suddenly, legions of conspiracy nuts emerge from under their damp rocks with tens of thousands of books filled with more shit than a Christmas turkey. GD: Are they on the payrolls? RTC: God no, Gregory. Most of these slime merchants are on their own and we would never dare to pay them…at least not directly. But what we do accomplish is to get their cloaking nuttiness published and distributed through our friends in the media. You know, big New York publishing house does a book that Kennedy was only shot by Oswald, number one on the New York Times book list even though they only sold three copies, talk show babbling on friendly TV networks and on and on. And the more the literary nut fringe sees and hears others braying like donkeys in public and, very important here, getting attention, they go at it again by proving some Secret Service agent was hiding in the trunk of Kennedy’s car and shot him through the trunk lid. GD” (Laughter) RTC: No, don’t laugh. There armies of the ignorant out there who believe such crap. You know that. GD: Yes, I do. And since we’re on the topic, how much of all this insanity is planned?RTC: Oh, we start it, that’s for certain, but there are many who carry on the good work quite for free. Actually for free. Most of them are pathetic losers and they lust after attention…for recognition…for something other than their bleak and unrewarding existence. They become keepers of great secrets, Gregory, and smug in their inner knowledge. GD: They delude themselves. RTC: Yes, but they also delude the public which is often very important. GD: Why must the CIA, or the Pentagon, or the White House, use such garbage to advance their evil ends? RTC: I never said we didn’t need rubber gloves and Lysol, dealing with our sources, Gregory. But these twits have produced so much silly garbage about the Kennedy business that our worries are over. GD: I recall a cartoon in Playboy. A bunch of ancient Hebrews were standing around at the base of a mountain and down the path came a man with a long beard and a little bottle in his hand. One of those below had his head turned to his neighbor and the caption said, as I recall it, ‘Our headaches are over. Here comes Moses with the tablets!’ It said Aspirin on the little bottle. RTC: (Laughter) Naughty boy, Gregory. GD: Here, I never did the cartoon. I’m just commenting on it. All of this reminds me of a scenario. A small child sees a stallion mounting a mare in a pasture and points to it. ‘Mommy, what’s the big horsy doing to the little one?’ ‘Oh,’ said the shocked mother, ‘just look over there, Jimmy! See the nice donkey?’ ‘Why,’ said the entranced child, ‘what’s the donkey doing to cousin Muriel?’ Ah well, Robert, in seeking to avoid Scylla, we fall upon Charybdis. RTC: Pardon? GD: A classical Greek nautical problem, Robert. Concluded at 11:35 AM CST
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Re: Why was JFK Murdered?

Post by Bob »

Interesting story about Watergate and Jimmy Files. Bruce told me once that Jimmy was on a second team that also tried to burglarize the DNC. His team succeeded, while the other team got busted. I'll try and find the note he posted about that scenario.
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Re: Why was JFK Murdered?

Post by Bob »

Here is the post I mentioned...Dear Bob, Kudos to you for two (2) more outstanding posts. Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams. Team A got caught. Team B got away with what they came for. And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files. And Barry Seal was killed to take a set of copies of what was taken from The Watergate Hotel. When I had a phone conversation 2 - 3 years ago with Bob Woodward, he wanted my notes and sources. I refused, and I never heard from him again. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

04.04.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.19.2008 - Bob Fox Posted this powerful, to the point Headline.The discussion that followed by some of the Best JFK Members covered heavilyfacts, information, and theories that every serious JFK Researcher is very well served reviewing.And for me, this all leads to today.WHO HAS THE POWER TO COVER-UP THE JFK, MLK, AND RFK ASSASSINATIONS TODAY ?WHY ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Why was JFK Murdered ?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

02.09.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.19.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox, our Long Time Premiere JFKMS Forum Moderator and Member, originally Posted This Focused Headline and Supporting Material.JAMES RIDDLE HOFFA is mentioned importantly.For those of you who are interested, this should appeal to you. (02.09.2018, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.