Hey Guys, give me some help here:

JFK Assassination
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More BS From Boggs....

Post by Pennyworth »

JFK Murder SolvedDiscussions shedding light on true causes of the JFK assassination Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Bothun #4 Replies: 20 Views: 3415 Jump to post Wim did you expect anything less? I posted some info on a local TV stations message board. Not only my post was deleted, my account, and the whole board LOL LOL They took the whole board down to keep the truth from comming out. You got to love mannaged media LOLby Billy Boggs on Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:49 am Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: In Kennedys own words. Replies: 20 Views: 2046 Jump to post Tom Jeffers, Im sorry to hear about your "Religious Choice". Since your religion ask's you to make a "blood oath to the death" to your temple brothers, and not your God, or to mankind in general, I have no more respect for you and your ilk than I would a group of pedifile priest...by Billy Boggs on Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:35 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: confused Replies: 31 Views: 4097 Jump to post Here is a little more Copy And Past "Crap" "I think there should be a limit on the amount of space for a posting and it should directly relate to the JFK assassination. If I was interested in all this other stuff, I would find an appropriate forum that delt with those issues. I thi...by Billy Boggs on Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:12 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: In Kennedys own words. Replies: 20 Views: 2046 Jump to post Confused. In order for you to understand the whole picture you must be exposed to all the aspects of the assination. Its like a spiders web that intersects at key locations. If you dont see the connections you will never understand what forces were really behind the very public execution. this i...by Billy Boggs on Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:43 am Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: confused Replies: 31 Views: 4 [PP: Here's another clue; On the directly above post, Bogg's spells 'assination' the same way as errr.... another suspect member...there's a whole website spelled this way....the webmaster has the grossest spelling skills its a creepy joke I'm searching for the site, and I did have it posted on the board, but in the meantime I've found this.... the video is pointing a finger at the ss....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHadiUQ2wds
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Shades Of Dan?

Post by Pennyworth »

Shades Of Dan??......you be the judge....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote by Billy Boggs on Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:39 pm You dont need Rescue, you need to open your eyes, and wake up. Your a pawn, a dupt, a patsy. If your theory is correct then we shouldnt associate Catholic priests with pedaphelia. Come on, it says something about the organization because the Catholic Church ordered its cardinals to keep it quite, WHY? To remain in power, thats why! I was a Catholic, I know! God plays no favorites! NONE! I WILL NOT DEFEND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! I also know many, many masons, and they are willing to talk, off the record. X Masons dont write books if they want to live, ask Capt Morgan. Please dont waite for a book, its not coming. They are the ones who told me about the Satanists, and Luciferians. They also enlightened me about what really goes on in the De Molay. They have much in common with the catholic priests! Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Could all these things go on right under your master mason nose and you knew nothing about it? Hell Yes it could! 90% of americans dont know the Federal reserve is a private money making enterprize that is enslaving all who use federal reserve notes (IOUs). So im sure a little goat riding gone wild has happen more than a few times without you knowing it. My experiance with Masonry is extensive. Ask me no secrets, and I tell you no lies! Dont defend an organization you know nothing about. Go back to your faithful brothers and ask them in a covert way, Im sure they are more that willing to clear their conscience. No, its obvious that the scum that have infiltraited masonry do there dirty work without killing the golden cow (masonry). Once they are accepted in a higher level they dont want to involve masonry because its where they get their pawn power. If I were you I wouldnt feel too bad about being hoodwinked by Freemasonry. They have coerced and tricked some of the best and brightest the world has ever conceived, I must admit. This isnt about attacking you, its about attacking an oath, that came straight from hell!
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:A few on this board have brought up Ron Paul in the past few months of this Presidential campaign, and he made a LOT of sense with what he was campaigning about. I liked Dr. Paul as well, although I did have some different opinions on certain subject matters. But Paul was the ONLY Republican candidate that thought the war in Iraq was insane and stupid for instance. Billy is a big Ron Paul backer, just look at his signature. Dan, on the other hand, thought the war in Iraq was justified and well worth the over 4,100 dead, over 30,000 wounded, the over 1,000,000 Iraqi dead and the almost TRILLION dollar cost. And ALL of the lies that made the war a reality made no difference to Dan. Billy has never shown any admiration for the Bu$h family, while Dan certainly has shown a lot. So I don't see many connections between the two of them.Welcome to the Dan Show...Dan is a master of many disguises ..he gets bored and paranoid, so he invents personas so he can debate even himself after everyone flees the board...he is not exactly stupid or illiterate or poor...he Has time, ways and means...Why he even gets confused and contradicts himself.....IMHO..Boggs v.s. Dan....by Dan on Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:36 am Billy Boggs wrote:Thank you Dan. Because of your misguaded intentions we now know a little more about the game.Who do I work for? Well, first off, I wont answer a question with a question, which is diversionary in nature. Your answer will follow....Billy - please don't be offended, but you say answering a question with a question is diversionary - perhaps - but what about answering a different question than the one asked? I asked who do you work for - you answered with what you work for - is that diversionary or deceptive?Dan Posts: 313Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:28 am Private messageWebsiteDan On Bush:Bush 41 may very well be a criminal lying secretive piece of powerful rich shit - but there is no smoking gun to connect him with the assassination of JFK. Tosh Plumlee was CIA and was in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 yet you hold him out to not be involved - or at least involved as an abort agent w...by Dan on Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:11 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Disinformation Question Replies: 27 Views: 1198
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More On Dan's Multiple Names....

Post by Pennyworth »

And you are a STALKER!!!!!!!!Not to mention a fraud.Never trust a man who doesn't like dogs, & never EVER trust anyone your dog doesn't like.bob franklin Posts: 63Joined: Mon May 01, 2006 4:16 pm Private message Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote by bob franklin on Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:35 am Before you even ask, here it is: 1) You post under one-word user names (as I recall, full names are required per membership terms) 2) You have employed more than one user name, or falsely admitted having done so, making a liar of yourself either way. 3) You falsely accuse others behavior consistently exhibited in your own posts. All I've seen you do since I joined this forum is to steer others away from pertinent information, and to pour a load of bile steeped pro - Bush gobbledygook upon it and its members. The very nature of this forum makes evasiveness & nondisclosure intolerable. Four decades & change of fraud are the subject of study here. trying to peddle still more of it here will likely not prevail here (at least not with the over-thirty-set). Perhaps you could find/start a different forum, one more in tune with your world view?Never trust a man who doesn't like dogs, & never EVER trust anyone your dog doesn't like.bob franklin Posts: 63Joined: Mon May 01, 2006 4:16 pm Private message Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report this postReply with quote WTF Againby Dan on Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:45 am Your bias shows through and distorts your reality. Bob posts under a three letter name - that is why 4 years ago now that I asked Wim to change my name to a three letter name. I have never employed another user name in the past 4 years - check the IP address. (more false allegations from a liberal biased kook) No false accusations here - I can back up every assertion I make - can you back up your accusations - like the one where you claim I use multiple user names - no, you can't - just another one of your false accusations? Where is the bile steeped pro-Bush gobbledygook? Please provide a date and an example?Last edited by Dan on Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:07 am, edited 2 times in total
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Posts: 2931
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Paul Pennyworth"]or...maybe Dan used this.....http://www.hide-real-ip.com/a.php
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Okay, I have to step in here. Paul, you are an excellent member of this forum. You and I have taken our fair share of abuse from one member that we all know, and some others as well, but we can't categorize everyone in this same genre. Call me naive, but I think the people you have listed in this thread are on the level. Just my humble opinion.Dan TOLD bob franklin to check his IP addresss when bob complained he was using multiple names.Dan covered himself IMO....by Dan on Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:45 am ........I have never employed another user name in the past 4 years - check the IP address. (more false allegations from a liberal biased kook) No false accusations here - I can back up every assertion I make - can you back up your accusations - like the one where you claim I use multiple user names - no, you can't - just another one of your false accusations? http://www.hide-real-ip.com/a.php
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Paul, although I think at times we have had "members" post under different identities, I don't believe that some of the people you have mentioned are in that genre. I certainly don't think Billy is, that's for sure. Some of the others you have mentioned like Brian White and Ricky Clow don't fall in that category either in my opinion. I wouldn't put it past some to do this, but I don't think that's the case for most of us. To me, although I differ from time to time with Billy about certain subject matters, Billy has been one of the best posters on this board. But if you have evidence that I am wrong, and Wim can back you up (it is his site), than the disinformation machine really is bigger than even I thought.Dan's M.O.....http://www.hide-real-ip.com/a.php
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:A few on this board have brought up Ron Paul in the past few months of this Presidential campaign, and he made a LOT of sense with what he was campaigning about. I liked Dr. Paul as well, although I did have some different opinions on certain subject matters. But Paul was the ONLY Republican candidate that thought the war in Iraq was insane and stupid for instance. Billy is a big Ron Paul backer, just look at his signature. Dan, on the other hand, thought the war in Iraq was justified and well worth the over 4,100 dead, over 30,000 wounded, the over 1,000,000 Iraqi dead and the almost TRILLION dollar cost. And ALL of the lies that made the war a reality made no difference to Dan. Billy has never shown any admiration for the Bu$h family, while Dan certainly has shown a lot. So I don't see many connections between the two of them.Dan On Bush:Bush 41 may very well be a criminal lying secretive piece of powerful rich shit - but there is no smoking gun to connect him with the assassination of JFK. Tosh Plumlee was CIA and was in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 yet you hold him out to not be involved - or at least involved as an abort agent w...by Dan on Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:11 pm Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: Disinformation Question Replies: 27 Views: 1198
bob franklin
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Re: Hey Guys, give me some help here:

Post by bob franklin »

Paul, I'm right with you on various outings of dan. Here are some names from a few youtube channels which I also believe to be him:dan shaw, dannyplaya7, & cdddraftsman. there several others, but I'm having some trouble finding them just now. heres something on the cdddraftsman persona:watch?v=urNbQVFPUzUThis guy is like - everywhere.