James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by John Beckham »

and, it could be that the man in the bum pic is not Lansdale...
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by Bob »

Good catch there Pasquale. I saw that too, but because the pictures are black and white, I know that sometimes happens because of camera lighting and the elements. I have a book about a football game in that very same time period (1962) and almost all the pictures are in black and white, and in some pictures the uniforms appear to be darker. Or, maybe Lansdale pulled a Files, and turned his jacket inside out.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:and, it could be that the man in the bum pic is not Lansdale...That certainly could be the case. I think the guy in three-tramps picture is Lansdale based on the Prouty information. I realize the "Lansdale" in the three-tramps picture is walking away from the camera, but the analysis on the Prouty page is pretty convincing to me. Is there a way we can clean up the other picture to look at the man with the lighter suit behind the wall?
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by ChristophMessner »

The black-suit man in the 3-tramp-pic is really very suspicially walking into this group of "criminals"! Wouldn't any normal spectator make a left bow around them and the policemen? I think, Fletcher Prouty said the truth, this was Lansdale! But on the other photo, the men behind the wall are just too far away, to make any bulletproof judgement, so I guess we may never know for sure. Another idea about Lansdale: If he really checked with Files behind the picket fence some minutes before the fatal shot, that means, that Lansdale did NOT drive on a lone-assassin-Oswald-with-bullets-only-from-behind-strategy ! And that means that the last-minute-backup-shooter-quest-for-Files could not only have grown out of the Nicoletti-Giancana-corner! Also the three tramps have been backup-patsies for if something would go wrong with the shooter+spotter behind the fence. No this "backup"-shooting was part of the original plan. So whether Nicoletti knew about that or not, it is very improbable that a backup shooter with behind-fence-position was only decided by him. And it looks like the original plan was not, to have one patsy Oswald only.
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by Bob »

Chris, you make some good points, but I think that Lansdale was just making sure that ALL possibilities were covered. JFK had to die that day...no matter what, and no matter how. Again, remember the explosives on the rail car. The explosives would have been used someway somehow if needed, plus it would help blame another possible patsy if needed...Chauncey Holt. Imagine, if Greer was wounded or killed for instance during the shooting, but JFK was not. The car would have crashed most likely, and then another plan would have been necessary. I still think the shot from Files was only wanted if JFK had survived at the point he was passing by Files. I think both Nicoletti AND Lansdale told Files the same thing...DON'T shoot unless you have to. Files did not know at the point he fired that Nicoletti had basically simultaneusly fired at the same time. Remember how pissed Nicoletti was at Files when they met up to drive away from the scene. Nicoletti knew that the framing Oswald for the muder was definitely compromised. Still, the Warren Commission, led by Prescott Bu$h puppet Gerald Ford, and Prescott Bu$h good friend Allen Dulles, and the man JFK fired as head of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, try to sell Oswald lie to the American public. It STILL is the OFFICIAL version of the U.S. government about the murder. Then after excellent work by people like Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Robert Groden, Jim Marrs, Oliver Stone and Wim Dankbaar, the heat got a little hot in the kitchen for the conspirators, and we have seen people like Gerald Posner and Vicent Bugliosi write their bullshit disinformation books, and then have people like Gary Mack basically change their story (sorry John).
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Chris, you make some good points, but I think that Lansdale was just making sure that ALL possibilities were covered. JFK had to die that day...no matter what, and no matter how. Again, remember the explosives on the rail car. The explosives would have been used someway somehow if needed, plus it would help blame another possible patsy if needed...Chauncey Holt. Imagine, if Greer was wounded or killed for instance during the shooting, but JFK was not. The car would have crashed most likely, and then another plan would have been necessary. I still think the shot from Files was only wanted if JFK had survived at the point he was passing by Files. I think both Nicoletti AND Lansdale told Files the same thing...DON'T shoot unless you have to. Files did not know at the point he fired that Nicoletti had basically simultaneusly fired at the same time. Remember how pissed Nicoletti was at Files when they met up to drive away from the scene. Nicoletti knew that the framing Oswald for the muder was definitely compromised. Still, the Warren Commission, led by Prescott Bu$h puppet Gerald Ford, and Prescott Bu$h good friend Allen Dulles, and the man JFK fired as head of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, try to sell Oswald lie to the American public. It STILL is the OFFICIAL version of the U.S. government about the murder. Then after excellent work by people like Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Robert Groden, Jim Marrs, Oliver Stone and Wim Dankbaar, the heat got a little hot in the kitchen for the conspirators, and we have seen people like Gerald Posner and Vicent Bugliosi write their bullshit disinformation books, and then have people like Gary Mack basically change their story (sorry John).Excellent summary!!!The only thing I have to ad is that there is still cooperation from the mainstream media as they seem to have no interest in showing documentaries like Wim's...which is excellent. They'll show all sorts of stuff on the Loch Ness monster, UFOs, and bigfoot, but they won't show a documentary like Wim's with actual facts and information. They are NOT journalists or responsible media anymore. They are mainly mouth pieces...told what to say basically unless it's unimportant...like some idiot woman who had eight babies through artificial insemination that I heard about the other day. Like that Styx song that I do so love..."Grand Illusion!" I won that record off of a radio station many moons ago when I was barely a teenager! Still have it too!
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:I think that Lansdale was just making sure that ALL possibilities were covered. JFK had to die that day...no matter what, and no matter how. Well, yes, but it is obvious that they did not just plant explosives in the car and blew all six people up, instead they aimed at one person only and especially on his head. They wanted to do it in a way of hidden power demonstration, of gangland revenge style and of being able to blame anyof the participants if needed. Bob wrote: Again, remember the explosives on the rail car. In which one of the 3 rail cars, by the way? Is the existence of explosives there proved beyond doubt? Bob wrote:The explosives would have been used someway somehow if needed, plus it would help blame another possible patsy if needed...Chauncey Holt. If the explosives remained stored in that railroad car, it was certainly not possible to bring or throw them on the limo in 1 second after reckognizing that the snipers missed. So they served another purpose. Bob wrote: Imagine, if Greer was wounded or killed for instance during the shooting, but JFK was not. The car would have crashed most likely, and then another plan would have been necessary. For this case, a railroad car explosion would have served the purpose to distract police and ss-men from searching the real assassins, I guess. Bob wrote: I still think the shot from Files was only wanted if JFK had survived at the point he was passing by Files. I think both Nicoletti AND Lansdale told Files the same thing...DON'T shoot unless you have to. I think so, too. Bob wrote:Files did not know at the point he fired that Nicoletti had basically simultaneusly fired at the same time. Remember how pissed Nicoletti was at Files when they met up to drive away from the scene. Well, let's say, Nicoletti just said to Files, whether he wouldn't have overreacted and that means he said unoutspokenly to Files: "Couldn't you have waited just a second longer, boy, you knew, I won't miss!?"- Files probably would have said or thought: No, I couldn't!" then. Bob wrote: Nicoletti knew that the framing Oswald for the muder was definitely compromised. Didn't Nicoletti ask Files: "Who is Oswald?"? Well, in the beginning he asked and then Files explained and Nicoletti knew. But Files' connection to Oswald was also a danger to Nicoletti. Well, after all, if Lansdale really placed a backup shooter at the fence, he did not calculate to frame only a patsy who will be blamed for all shots, which all came from behind. My guess is, he had the job to guarantee for a sure success in the killing, the safe getaway for Giancana's hitmen and controlling them at the same time, that nobody would talk afterwards. All the rest he left to the Dallas Police Departement. He himself had to care, that nobody would hang him on that later, too. So he was prepared to deliver a patsy-tramp to the police, if a shooter from grassy knoll would have been regarded as true in the press and in public opinion.If one of the mob-guys would have been blown up by the CIA, the mob probably would have taken revenge by blowing up an involved CIA-guy.
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by Bob »

Styx was great.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW8TlrYhBxkThe MSM are in bed with their masters...the power elite. Again, remember that Prescott Bu$h was one of the founders of CBS. Remember Operation Mockingbird also. Also who beat the Iraq war drum the loudest in the MSM just before the war? Fox News? They were one of them, but it was two so-called liberal rags...the New York Times and the Washington Post that had story after story about why we needed to go to war.
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale, don't divide us from the journalists, just remember it's a grand illusionand deep inside we're all the same. ChrisP.S.: ok, please discern us from those disinfo journalists ...
John Beckham
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Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Post by John Beckham »

i don't think it so hard to think that people switched clothes, or turned them inside out, flashed badges. after zooming up on the two men the detectives are interested in, i never said it was Landsdale, or Files. i let someone like Bob say it. because to me, it looks like him. Bob's opinion means alot. so, i'm gonna keep on playing with that picture. i'm not a pesonal believer in Files, but, i don't close my mind. i may question unpopular people, but, i'm looking for the answer too!